Sales Representative - A profession that is currently popular. It allows you to make good money. Not every specialist is able to succeed in this area. Higher education is not always required for employment, so any person can apply for this position. One of the conditions is the presence of your own car. The main quality is the ability to sell. Who is a sales representative?
Carier start
From the moment he enters the job, the head of the sales department appoints a specialist who will teach the beginner the basic skills of the profession. If the sales representative has experience in such activities, then he is informed on what territory he will work. There is a certain amount of sales that needs to be done monthly.
The size of the bonus also depends on how much the plan is exceeded. The ability to receive cash compensation is the main motivation in this profession. Compensation for labor makes the work of a sales representative more efficient. Its size is completely dependent on overfulfillment of the plan.
Sales Representative
In order for a person to understand whether he is suitable for this activity, he needs to get an idea of the professional regulation:
- A sales representative promotes the sale of company products in a specific area.
- Improves the position of the company by creating a positive impression of products in the served area and in business circles.
- Carries out activities that are aimed at advertising the goods sold.
- Fights with competing firms for the priority placement of its products.
- Conducts market research for his company.
- It is engaged in the search for new partners and sales sources for the products of its company.
- Informs the director of the company about the wishes of partners and end consumers.
- Concludes contractual obligations for the supply of products.
- In some cases, collects money for the goods provided to prevent the formation of debt to his company.
- Acts as a liaison between the product delivery service and customers.
- The sales representative’s visits to his point should be carried out on precisely established days.
- If necessary, establishes personal contacts between consumer representatives and company management.
The rights of a sales representative include:
- The specialist has the right to familiarize himself with management decisions that directly relate to his activities (reports, plans and other information). Can study documents in which his rights and obligations are indicated. As well as the principles by which his work will be rewarded.
- Make your own suggestions for improving the work process.
- Ask for help from employees who are involved in the sale of products or services.
- Request special documentation necessary to carry out your duties.
- Inform the head of the enterprise about the occurrence of deficiencies in the work and eliminate them.
- Demand assistance from your boss in completing assigned tasks when the specialist is not able to complete them yourself.
Knowing your rights and obligations allows the sales representative to effectively carry out their functions.
Requirements for the applicant for the position of sales representative
When applying for a job, a person needs to have the following qualities:
- A sales representative refers to specialists who make a profit for the company. Therefore, preference is given to a candidate who has a higher education.
- A person should have such personal qualities as sociability and remembering new information.
- Your sales representative must have a personal car. If the company is large, then it’s only right, because the employer provides the vehicle with it.
- The applicant for the position has knowledge of maintaining primary documentation and reporting. Therefore, an economic or legal education is best suited.
- Excellent PC knowledge.
- Sometimes the presence of a customer base is put forward as requirements. If the company is large, then the necessary number of customers is already available, only the presence of a sales representative with sales experience is required.
Many companies, as experience shows, take on people who do not have higher education. After all, this does not affect the sales experience at all.
Sales Representative Summary
When a candidate previously worked in this position, he must indicate this in his resume. After all, the company as a result will benefit if it hires such a specialist.
After the full name, date of birth, place of residence and marital status, the sales representative needs to talk about their experience. The following are the functions described in detail at the previous place of work:
- Conclusion of contracts for the supply of products.
- Work with the customer base and search for new ones.
- Maintaining the leading position of products on the trading floor.
- Interaction with retail and wholesale buyers.
- Installation of advertising and equipment, according to the concept of the company.
- Maintaining the necessary documentation and reporting.
In the resume, a person applying for the position of sales representative must indicate such achievements:
- increase in the number of customers;
- increased sales at points with small turnover;
- obtaining the title of "sales representative" of the month;
- expanding the range of goods in retail outlets;
- elimination of receivables among customers.
In the resume, you can specify additional skills:
- The presence of a driver’s license.
- Knowledge of the programms.
- PC knowledge level.
- Knowledge of the city, which is especially true for sales representatives in Moscow and the region.
- Personal qualities (lack of bad habits, sports, desire to learn and develop).
If the candidate for the position has his own car, then this plays a decisive role in getting a job.
If there is no work experience
In some cases, employers hire a person who is completely lacking experience in this activity. In this case, you need to create a resume, where to focus on the qualities that are especially appreciated by employees.
Who is a sales representative? After all, the main thing in the profession is the ability to sell. Therefore, it is necessary to read educational articles, watch a video on this topic.
At the interview, the applicant for the position of sales representative is offered to conditionally sell something. Knowing the theory, it will be very easy to do this.
Before submitting a resume, you need to find out information about the company: how many years on the market, the list of products sold, strengths and weaknesses.
What products are best to sell?
When choosing the profession of a sales representative of a company, it is necessary to precisely determine the company in which you have to work:
- Sale of dairy products. This is one of the main areas of activity of the sales representative. Indeed, a person cannot do without dairy products for a long time, therefore, demand will always be present. High income is provided by stable sales. The disadvantages include the fact that the products are perishable, so the specialist will have to deal with delays.
- When selling household chemicals, there is a definite plus in the form of a long shelf life of products. Individual brands are quite easy to sell, because they are very popular.
- A sales representative in an area and a city that sells electronics must have knowledge not only in sales, but also have deep knowledge in such technology.
- Alcohol - products that are in constant demand in the country. In companies involved in its implementation, salaries will always be high.
- Selling tobacco products allows the company to have a high income. Currently, the constant promotion of a healthy lifestyle leads to a decrease in income in this area of the market.
Therefore, what types of products to sell, the sales representative must determine, taking into account the realities of the market and their own abilities.
Positive aspects of work
Who is a sales representative? The main advantages of his activities include:
- An opportunity not to sit all day in the office, but to be free in one’s actions.
- Earnings are completely dependent on the abilities and perseverance of the employee. After all, the main income depends on sales. The percentage of remuneration depends on the contracts concluded and the products sold.
- For sociable people who know how to make connections, work will bring only positive emotions. As a result, a person will be able to improve in communication and get useful acquaintances, as well as convince anyone of anything.
Despite the positive aspects in the work of the sales representative, there are some disadvantages.
Work inconvenience
Who is a sales representative? Despite his enormous prospects, he has certain disadvantages:
- The main income of a specialist consists in concluded contracts and the amount of sales. Sometimes it happens that clients go to another agent, but it is not possible to establish new contacts. As a result, wages will be at zero.
- The sales representative must be assembled and in motion. To improve in the profession, he needs to attend various training courses.
- The specialist must be stress resistant.
- The sales representative has mostly irregular working hours. Moreover, no one will pay for the processed number of hours. He receives a reward only for the final result.
Therefore, not all people can realize themselves in this profession.
Not every sales representative responds only positively to work. There are people who are not comfortable with work schedules or small incomes.
However, if a specialist has the ability to sell, then he will be able to receive high salaries.