
Who is filling the water meters in the apartment: features, rules and requirements

Sealing meters - what, where, when? There are many questions, and rightly so! Meters for consumption of water, as well as gas and electricity can save significant amounts on a monthly basis. Especially in cases where in one apartment there are many people who spend these resources economically. However, it must be remembered that all meters must be installed legally. The main confirmation of legality is a seal, which gives a guarantee that the devices work correctly and arbitrarily change their readings for deception to succeed. In addition, all necessary documents must have seals and signatures from utility organizations that control this issue. The article will talk about who seals the water meters in the apartment after they are installed, what documents are required for this and what are the deadlines for the work. It will also give useful tips on how to choose water meters and what errors should be avoided when installing and registering them.

Primary requirements

Seal for a water meter

To carry out the sealing procedure for water meters, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:

  • The seal on these devices must be fixed without fail after the initial installation, verification of their operation in accordance with the standards for the timing, as well as after any repair work that requires the dismantling of meters.
  • Before that, you need to buy water meters yourself and install them. After that, in the near future to declare this to the representatives of the HOA, providing a receipt confirming the purchase. If the installation was carried out by representatives of other organizations, then provide the appropriate document, which indicates the date of work.

Who has the right to seal water meters?

Who has the right to seal the water meter

It is necessary to turn on this issue to the management company to which a specific residential building belongs. It is she who is responsible for determining consumption standards and monitoring water meters. Often, private companies that carry out the installation of devices do not miss the chance to put their own seals, but it is better not to agree to this. The reason is simple: they will take extra money for this, but they are not accepted by the representatives of the Housing Office, the Criminal Code or the HOA, because they do not comply with state standards. As a result, the seals will have to be changed. Of all organizations that seal water meters, only the management company legally performs this procedure. It is necessary to remember this.

How much is water meter filling?

After the devices are installed, it is necessary to submit documents and an application for this final stage of registration within a few days. A seal is placed free of charge if the devices are installed for the first time, as well as in the case of conducting their scheduled inspection and repair in accordance with the law on the operation of meters. If its failure occurred due to the fault of the owner of the meter without repair, then in this case, the reinstallation is paid. The cost of the service should be obtained from the representative of the management company who is filling the water meters in the apartment. On average, it is 200 rubles.

In what cases is it necessary to reseal the counters?

Re-sealing the counter
  1. When carrying out any repair work of the water supply system, when all the meters must be dismantled.
  2. If the control check of the metering device by the representatives of the HOA revealed the incorrectness of its work, as a result of which there is a need for its dismantling for referral for examination.
  3. If new water flow control devices are installed.

Duration of registration of water meters and installation of seals

The rules and requirements for sealing water meters make it possible within 30 days from the date of installation to submit documents to the management company and agree on the date of installation of the seals. However, it is better to do this as soon as possible in order to avoid unforeseen problems associated with calculating the monthly payment and the need for adjustments to the amount of water spent. Citizens who seal water meters in an apartment later than 30 days may be faced with sanctions.

Failure to install the seal

In fact, everything is not as scary as it seems, because in this case, the owner of the apartment creates sanctions and fines. Those who fill the water meters in the apartment after a 30-day period will have to pay for the entire time interval from the moment of installation at a fixed rate, which includes a certain number of cubes of hot and cold water for each apartment tenant. If there is a delay in checking an already installed meter, which must be carried out 4-6 years after the installation of the device, then the readings of the water meters will be considered invalid from the end date. Recalculation is possible only if, as a result of testing the meters, they are recognized as serviceable.

Only illegally registered private offices, firms and other social facilities should be wary of problems with the law. For them, games with water meters can end with more serious consequences. In this case, they will have to pay the entire water consumption for the period when the meters worked without seals or were faulty, multiplied several times. Malicious offenders may receive more serious punishments.

Required documents

Documents for registration of a water meter

To register devices you need to have:

  1. Passport counters. They should contain data on the devices, individual numbers, installation date and primary readings that show the correct operation of the device.
  2. An agreement indicating all the warranty periods from the company that carried out the installation of the water meters.
  3. Act confirming the correct installation. It is necessary if the installation work was done independently.
  4. A statement about the need for sealing, which is written in the management company.

Before you put and register a water meter, all of the above documents must be collected.

Checking and replacing water meters

Counter check

The guaranteed service life of these devices is on average 4 years - for devices that control the flow of hot water, 6 years - for water meters installed to measure cold. This is fully justified, high temperatures combined with a large number of harmful impurities accelerate the wear of internal parts. After the deadline, the counters must be submitted for verification. This does not always require dismantling. If, according to the results of a metrological examination, the device does not have defects, then its service life will be extended.

If there are suspicions of incorrect operation of the water meter before the end of the warranty period, it is possible to make an application for an examination to the management company. Most water meter defects can be repaired. However, in some cases, the repair price will be almost identical to that which will have to be paid for the purchase of a new device. Therefore, everything needs to be clarified in detail.

If the decision to replace the water meter is made voluntarily, then in this case it is forbidden to dismantle it yourself until the management company is notified and the last readings of the device are recorded.

How to choose a water meter?

How to choose a water meter

Their range is huge.The stores present devices of both foreign and domestic manufacturers. Despite the fact that they all have the same basis, you cannot take the first counter that comes across. What should you look for when choosing? Consider the following:

  1. According to their purpose, water meters can be designed for cold or hot water. There are universal models that can be used equally successfully for both the first and second options.
  2. The following selection criteria: mechanical or electrical? Many people prefer the devices of the first subgroup. This is quite justified, they have many advantages: ease of installation, small size, reasonable price, long service life, which under ideal conditions can reach almost 15 years. However, electricity meters also have many supporters. They have established themselves as devices characterized by a higher accuracy in measuring data when compared with mechanical counterparts. Problems can only be if there is a power outage. When it is turned off, the counters will not work.
  3. More expensive water meters can additionally be equipped with a sensor that provides information about the temperature of the water. This is true for those places where interruptions with hot water often occur, which means that its temperature may not correspond to those at which it is considered hot (not reach +40 degrees). In this case, it becomes possible to reduce costs for its consumption.
  4. Among foreign-made meters, the most popular are the Zinner or Sensus models. On a par with them are Canadian (Viterra), Polish (Metrol) and Italian (Valtec) models. Among Russian manufacturers can distinguish such as: "Norma", "Betar" and others.
  5. When buying, you should check all documents and passports on them, confirming the compliance of the devices with the requirements of GOST.

Useful Tips

Useful tips on counters

Experts advise:

  • When choosing a water meter, preference is given to simplicity and compactness. Large models with optional accessories have a high price, but they cannot always guarantee reliability and durability.
  • If you cannot install the meters yourself, trust this work should be licensed companies that have already managed to gain a positive reputation.
  • It must be remembered who seals the meters of cold water and hot. Only representatives of the management company or organization that has a contractual relationship with it are entitled to this. In other cases, you should not accept offers from outsiders about the installation of seals.
  • When registering water meters, it is recommended to act promptly, not to postpone the solution of this issue until later. Timely sealing of the meter will help to avoid unforeseen expenses, as well as confusion in the calculation of indications and standards of water consumption, and the managers of enterprises will also avoid criminal liability.


From all of the above, it becomes clear how to seal a water meter, how to register it correctly. That's not difficult. It is enough to observe the terms of checking and registering the device, submit applications for a control inspection on time, carry out their timely replacement, and put seals. No serious effort is needed for this. Numerous plumbing shops, installation companies, free sealing and registration from the management company will allow you to resolve all questions and doubts as quickly and easily as possible. And then it all depends on the citizens. Water meters make it possible to pay for the services provided as correctly and honestly as possible, so you should not miss it.

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