In this article we will consider that this is a corruption component. Here, definitions of the very concept of corruption will be touched upon and questions on the need for verification, detection of illegal actions, etc. will be studied.
Before answering the question: “Corruption component - what is it?”, It is necessary to actualize the importance of this topic, as people often underestimate its weight. Currently, many citizens of the country do not have a full vision of the essence of this picture, since violators now use various ways to circumvent the law of giving a bribe in a variety of ways. The consequence is the implementation of any personally justified actions that may go against the law. Most often, law enforcement officers are called bribe takers and corrupt officials, but many forget to pay attention to the entities that give bribes. Indeed, in fact, the root cause of the problem lies in the fact that a person generally offered illegal money.
Entering the process of understanding the problem of corruption, it is important to consider it in a broad sense, without limiting yourself to the scope of the parameters applicable to the evaluation definition of evil and good. The lack of the most objective assessment leads to an incorrect perception of information and use in the future. Speaking about the proximity to objectivity, it will be important to mention that government officials do not consider themselves thieves, as they use the set of benefits that were provided to them. Having an emotional approach beyond the perception of corruption will allow you to choose a good angle for a detailed examination of this phenomenon and the issues associated with it.
Concept of corruption
First of all, before answering the question that this is a corruption component, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the very concept of corruption. This term defines the exploitation by a person holding a power position of his powers and these rights in order to derive his own benefit by fraud. This problem is constantly associated with the presence of official authority in a certain area of human activity. Its use is contrary to the law and moral standards.
In European languages, as a rule, this term has a broader semantic meaning. Corruption is also bribery, by asking for an official to accept a bribe. The lower the level of state development, as well as moral and ethical standards, the greater the likelihood that such a phenomenon will be monitored on the territory of the country.
Corruption component is an integral part of any society, however, the percentage of the frequency of repetition of such cases depends on the cultural level of society and measures of law in which it is impossible to find a double bottom for circumvention. A sign that characterizes corruption is the presence of a conflict between the actions of an official and the interests pursued by the employer. Another example is the difference in needs between an elected person and the public interest.
Discretionary authority
Corruption can be attributed to any official with discretionary authority in the distribution of a resource that does not belong to him, but in accordance with his discretion. This can be a judge, a representative of deputies, an official, an employee of law enforcement bodies, administrators, etc.Most often, the incentive to commit such a human violation is the opportunity to obtain an economic type of profit by exploiting something that did not belong to him. The role of a deterrent is played by the likelihood of exposure and possible punishment.
The systematic characterization of corruption manifests itself in a coercive form for people who work in government. organization. It covers various levels of the sovereign structure, starting with the lower ranks, which in turn give part to the higher, in order to maintain their own position. The corruption component is a powerful element of a macroeconomic and political economy nature, causing significant damage to the structure of the state and inhibiting the overall development and economic growth of society.
Crime features
From the definition of the term, the signs of a corruption component may be as follows:
- Tracking direct harm to the authority of public and some non-public services. From an indirect point of view, this form of damage can be caused by any crime.
- It monitors the increase in various benefits of a particular person, for example, state. or a public servant, without objective grounds and reasons.
- The exploitation of the culprit of his official powers, which run counter to the interests of the service.
- Tracking for a particular person signs that are indicated in the notes to articles 285 and 201 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
The concept of the corruption component as a structural element of the economic system has many different criteria for determination. This is due to the presence of a large number of areas of activity in which it can be applied. Crimes related to corruption are divided into violation of the law through bribery and other types of crimes. There are also offenses that are directly related to corruption.
Look at the problem
Around the world, December 9th is considered Anti-Corruption Day. In 2012, the leaders of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation published the opinion that a minimum level of corruption was observed in the country. Rumors claiming the opposite are spread by entities that do not support power. There are signs of corruption, and getting rid of this problem is extremely difficult, but they are greatly exaggerated and are excessively negative.
The Ministry is trying to assure citizens that a lot of means and actions are being used to combat bribery. For example, transparency in the sphere of privatization of state property and procurement begins to be ensured. All processes proceed under careful study in order to identify possible fraud.
Survey and Analysis
However, regardless of all these statements, an analysis of the system of business organizations makes it clear to us that the picture is completely opposite. Corruption has become an integral part of the business environment in many countries, including the Russian Federation.
Reliance of Russia, a public association, has done work on collecting data from a survey of about six thousand respondents. Based on the data obtained, it becomes clear that approximately 60% of respondents are inclined to believe that in the vastness of the Russian Federation it is extremely difficult to start your own business. On the issue of improving the business, 65% of people responded negatively, namely, they say that the state of personal affairs is practically unchanged.
However, regardless of the overall survey indicators, only 11% of the subjects are pessimists, while the rest are more prone to optimism. The fact is that the respondent’s business development is directly related to the corruption component in the actions of officials.The presence of a high percentage, which claims that building your own business is extremely difficult by the observed phenomena of the rise and fall of various enterprises and businessmen, indicates the presence of the problem that we consider in this article.
Opinion Section
There are many opinions regarding corruption as an integral component of the mechanism of the economy of the state and the world. However, summarizing, they can be divided into two main groups:
- Proponents of the first opinion are convinced that any bribes are an extremely important problem and strongly affect the growth and quality of work of the entire system of the country as a whole.
- Others argue that the introduction of a crime with a corruption component does not significantly damage the economy and various spheres of human activity.
However, this is a huge mistake. It should be considered in the long term and from the point of view of a general indicator of the benefits for society.
There are a large number of companies that use money to satisfy illegal desires regarding the development of their enterprise or business. You can clearly trace the crime in the course of gaining access to the state order, benefits, licenses, certificates and trying to connect to the infrastructure.
In order to quickly resolve problems, such companies turn to authorized officials and offer them payments that reach 25% of the revenue. Businessmen have to adapt to the introduction of this phenomenon in the business environment and also resort to the same operation.
Real Estate Market Analysis
Understanding the definition of the corruption component and analyzing the data of various fields of activity allows specialists to come to conclusions about the level of corruption of the system. For example, a study of the real estate market shows that the level of presence of this crime in construction reaches thirty percent. Large developers in Moscow and the regions at the initial stages of work already put in the estimate a clause stipulating the presence of bribes and crimes of the law. The businessmen are trying to justify this by the need to obtain about two hundred permits from different officials only for the construction of one house.
FZ 44
The corruption component and Federal Law 44 (on the contract system in the areas of procurement of goods, work, services to meet state and municipal needs) are closely related today. It entered into force on the first of January 2014.
It is important to consider these research objects side by side, since there is an international anti-corruption community - Transparency International, which calculates the Corruption Perception Index (CPI) for many countries around the world every year. According to its calculations, the assessment result is presented in the form of a ten-point scale, in which 0 is the highest indicator, and 10 is the lowest. The main essence of the index is the reflection of the level of perception by entrepreneurs, analysts and experts of corruption as a permitted action. At the same time, it is important to take into account the multifaceted nature of this concept, since there is a corruption component when concluding contractual relations, purchasing goods, placing an order, etc.
CPI calculated including for the Russian Federation. In 2013, Russia ranked twelfth among 175 countries, and its result was a mark of 2.8 points. By 2014, the place was reduced to 136, despite the introduction of the Contract System, which was called upon to fight corruption. This innovation led, for example, to the appearance of a check for the corruption component. Honesty of the state may be anonymously verified. employees exploiting the corruption element through the use of fake agreements and contracts. There are other types of fraud detection.
However, there are a number of opinions that the calculation was made using subjective methodological judgments and ignored hidden forms to combat this type of crime.
About orders
Another point that should be addressed when studying the concept of bribery will be the consideration of the corruption component in placing orders, which is closely related to public procurement. This is due to the interconnectedness of the measures applied. For example, procurement has now become a fairly transparent process, which also applies to placing orders, which can be created not only for general viewing, but also for the purpose of applying the bribe method.
Another important point in considering the fight against corruption at this level is the way to identify suppliers through the activities of commission members, among whom there are no individuals who may have a personal interest in placing an order. The Federal Law 44 specifies a list of criteria in accordance with which it is necessary to recruit entities in the commission.
The fight against bribes
Speaking about the reduction of the occupied place in accordance with the assessment of the CPI, it is worth paying attention to the actions that the government used before 2014.
In the last months of 2011, the Russian authorities began an active fight against the corruption component of procurement, contracts, documentation, etc. After 270 days of work, the investigating authorities received more than thirty thousand notifications of a crime related to bribery.
There are many criminal investigations involving senior officials. Min Internal Affairs informs citizens that, in addition to increasing the frequency of detection of crimes, the size of the bribe itself is also growing. In especially large sizes, it can reach more than three million.
Representatives of the State Duma argue that the legislative bodies of the Russian Federation are at the level of world standards, and they have a set of measures that will allow a good fight against bribe takers. The country's leadership also disclosed information that such crimes are always fought in an active form, especially at the level of domestic issues, for example, in medical and educational institutions, etc.