Graduates of schools are faced with serious questions and difficulties: what subjects to take at the Unified State Examination (USE), OGE (main state exam), how to organize your time in order to maintain physical and moral tone, and, finally, what specialty to choose. Indeed, today the diversity of existing professions can be perplexing, especially if external circumstances continue to put pressure, and there is less time left. To help adolescents in a difficult situation, this article was created in which the most relevant material was collected.
Tips for girls
What specialty should a girl choose? In the modern world, virtually all doors are open to the fair sex. So, the most selectable areas of activity are jurisprudence, medicine, economics and management. However, it often turns out that a decision based only on an indicator of public authority turns girls sideways.
According to statistics, about 90% of women in adulthood do not like their work and sadly greet the new Monday. Therefore, all graduates who are wondering which specialty is best to choose are recommended to listen not only to the voice of a rational mind, but also to the aspiration of the heart, especially if there is a gift, talent, inclination, and ability to a particular field. It should be borne in mind that the most promising today are professions with a technical bias.
The list of specialties most suitable for modern girls is as follows:
- tourism manager;
- communications engineer;
- accountant;
- nanotechnology engineer;
- hair stylist;
- designer.
All these professions are in demand in the labor market. In addition, they are associated with completely different areas of human activity, which means they can suit girls with different interests and preferences.
Recommendations for young people
Now it's time to talk about what specialty guys should choose after graduation. Young people who did not have problems with mathematics, physics, and similar exact sciences in schools can consider the current field of IT programming, engineering, as well as the nanotechnologies already mentioned in the section above. If there is no particular interest in this, promising areas today are also:
- financial sphere (specialties “banking” or “finance and credit”);
- marketing and advertising;
- the medicine.
Now let us dwell on some specific specialties in order to explain why this is a good choice and in most cases the key to a successful future.
Medical path
Young people racking their brains over what specialty to choose often underestimate their own skills and dispositions - and in vain! So, guys who are friends with biology and partially chemistry should believe in themselves, their strengths and go to conquer the horizons of a medical university. Why?
Today, medical workers in Russia really do not live very prestigiously, and you can’t especially live on ranking yourself as an intelligentsia. And the attitude of the population towards doctors, to put it mildly, is not the best. However, according to the statistics of forecasters and experts dealing with career issues, after 10 years, physicians will be appreciated.Given that studying at a medical college or university lasts longer than in other areas, this period does not seem so significant. Doctors will enter the top 7 most highly paid specialists of the country! Of course, for this it will be necessary to belong to the category of high-class professionals and it is desirable to live in a large city with rapidly developing implementation of technological achievements.
What doctor's specialty? There are several professions, stopping your decision on which, you can be sure - the demand for them in a few years will still be tangible and significant. These include:
- neurosurgeons;
- rehabilitologists;
- Dentists
- surgeons
- cosmetic surgeons.
In addition, new specialties will gradually emerge, for example, flash surgeons who are expanding the capabilities of the brain through surgical intervention, as well as nanomedics, who will work together with nanorobots. According to experts, this can be observed in 20 years.
Military specialties
What specialty to choose if the soul calls to serve the homeland? The answer to this question is also found, given how quickly you can begin your journey through the career ladder in a selected area. In addition, in society, military directions carry weight and are considered honorable. A graduate can enter a military school or university.
What military specialty should a recent schoolboy choose? Progressive directions are those that teach flight and provide the opportunity to receive the profession of a pilot. The specialties of the border guard, marine, customs officer are relevant. However, it should be borne in mind that strict selection is carried out in such educational institutions, therefore, a potential candidate must have an impressive list of personal achievements and well-passed exams (regardless of whether it is about the USE after 9th grade or the USE after 11th grade) . In addition, applicants must have iron health and good initial military training, so you will have to think about these points in advance.
Programming and IT
What specialty should a born genius of computer science and information technology choose? Of course, the fact that today a large number of young people and girls choose the field of programming is no longer a secret. According to statistics for 2017, the most competitive in the future will be employees who have studied in the following specialties:
- HTML layout;
- web designer;
- Content manager;
- web-programmer;
- software tester;
- 1C programmer;
- System Administrator.
Moreover, a reservation is made on the fact that these areas are known and in maximum demand only today. This area is developing rapidly, which means that in the future young people can expect the emergence of new unique professions related to the IT field.
Work directions
What specialty to choose after grade 9? The employers are in great demand by specialists who graduate only from colleges or schools, but are true experts in their field. In the country, there is a lack of precisely working hands, because an increasing part of the population prefers a comfortable office to the machine. In fact, it turns out that the office is not always the guarantor of a large salary or successful self-realization. Today, the labor market needs:
- forwarding driver;
- driver;
- repairman;
- plumber;
- electric gas welder;
- installer;
- a carpenter;
- fittingsman;
- plasterer;
- concrete worker;
- mason.
Experienced professionals in these specialties are offered high wages, and for the lack of jobs they may not worry - this is not expected in the near future.
Humanitarian directions
What specialty to choose after the 11th class for lovers of art, philosophy, literature, history? The news here will be disappointing: currently, in terms of prospects and relevance, philology, linguistics, psychology and other humanitarian spheres cannot boast of significant indicators. However, this does not mean at all that the choice that has already been made, or even the intended one, needs to be radically changed, going headlong into technical sciences, because the main thing is not a diploma of education, not a place to receive it, but a professional himself, his personal qualities and ability to apply knowledge on practice. Therefore, specialists of even not too remarkable and not so highly paid areas, of course, with the right approach, can get a good job in life.
What will help to decide?
In order not to miscalculate and not bite your elbows after the time allotted for the decision to pass, it is recommended to follow the steps below to make a balanced, mature conclusion regarding your own future life, namely:
- Make a list of preferred professions.
- Create a list of requirements for the chosen specialty. These are the provisions on how the profession is related and: future occupation, life values and goals, current hot problems of the choosing person, the possibility of real employment by profession, real inclinations and abilities, conditions and nature of work.
- Establish the importance of each requirement and make a gradation of what is of paramount importance and what can be omitted, forgotten, removed.
- To analyze and evaluate each other and the compliance with the requirements of each of the selected professions.
- Count the results, draw conclusions.
- Check the results (talk with parents, comrades, teachers, a psychologist, a professional consultant on this topic).
- Stop your decision on something concrete and determine a plan of practical actions to achieve the goal, that is, choose a higher educational institution, build a vector for the development of existing abilities and knowledge, take care of the beginning of obtaining primary experience.
Following these recommendations, there is no doubt that the very first choice of a profession will turn out to be correct and will not entail panic throws either to one or the other option.