In the article, we consider what types of medical examinations are. These are preventive therapeutic measures that are carried out to determine violations of the health status of employees and medical contraindications to their activities. They are also necessary to protect public health, in order to avoid the occurrence and further spread of diseases.
The types of medical examinations that are initiated by employers vary depending on the purpose of the examinations. In the article they will be described in detail.
Types of medical examinations
The following types of medical examinations of employees are mandatory:
- periodic;
- preliminary.
For certain categories of workers, the following can be distinguished among the types of medical examinations:
- extraordinary;
- Shift (daily).
Preliminary medical examination
The employer appoints a preliminary type of physical examination when a new employee is admitted to the team. This medical examination is carried out once for certain categories of workers. In the course of the preliminary examination, all the necessary documentation is drawn up for the prospective employee: health passport, outpatient card. This type of medical examination has no periodicity, because the employer conducts it only once to determine the suitability of the candidate for a particular type of activity for health reasons. Based on the final act on the basis of the medical examination, they decide on the refusal of a position or hiring an employee.
Periodic Inspections
This type of medical examination is regularly carried out throughout the entire labor activity of workers employed in a particular field. The purpose of periodic medical examinations is that the health of the employee is monitored in the prescribed manner - dynamics, in order to limit the spread of parasitic and infectious diseases, and to prevent occupational pathologies. The frequency of employee inspections is established by law, it depends on the position of the person, dangerous and harmful factors with which he has to deal. The frequency of medical examinations is determined by Order No. 302n, is indicated in the List of Works and the List of Factors.
What other types of mandatory medical examinations are there?
Pre-shift and pre-trip medical examinations
Such examinations are included in the number of ongoing examinations; the frequency of medical examinations of this type is very high. This is due to the peculiarity of professions whose representatives undergo pre-shift and pre-trip medical examinations. This is an activity requiring, as a rule, significant physical and emotional costs and, therefore, continuous monitoring of the employee’s health. Assessing the employee's ability to work for the current shift (flight, working day) is very important for professions that are associated with dangers.
Consider what types of medical examinations of drivers are.
Pre-trip (pre-shift) and post-trip (post-shift) mandatory inspections must be carried out by all employees who are drivers of vehicles, including those carrying dangerous goods and passengers, excluding people working on emergency calls of different services.
Medical examinations unscheduled and extraordinary
The frequency of inspections is not established during an unscheduled conduct. They are carried out one-time on the recommendation of a medical organization, the requests of employees after a periodic examination (for example, to diagnose occupational diseases), on the basis of a decision of the Rospotrebnadzor authorities in a difficult epidemiological or sanitary situation.
Prophylactic type of physical examination
Such types of examinations, namely preceding immunoprophylaxis, are carried out in relation to employees engaged in certain activities associated with an increased likelihood of infection. In accordance with the List of work, the implementation of which is due to high risk, these include the following activities:
- carried out in territories unfavorable for the condition of animals and humans (agricultural, which are associated with moving / excavation, disinsection, construction, geological / survey, irrigation, deratization, procurement, expeditionary, fishing);
- associated with the storage, procurement, processing of raw materials and products that are obtained from farms that are dysfunctional due to the infectious background;
- labor activity, which involves contact with blood and human biomaterial, living cultures of pathogens;
- slaughter of sick cattle;
- trapping stray animals;
- care for sick people;
- caring for animals in dysfunctional farms for infections;
- maintenance of sewerage networks;
- general educational activities.
The frequency of medical examinations
There is a different frequency of conducting, depending on the type and purpose of the physical examination, the type of work performed, environmental factors and the age of the employee. So, workers who have not reached the age of majority undergo medical examinations every year. Also, employees who have not reached the age of 21 if they are connected with activities with dangerous conditions or work with vehicles undergo a medical examination annually.
For certain types of activities, a psychiatric examination is carried out every five years. At the beginning and at the end of the shift, the doctor examines the workers whose activities are related to transport management.
Employees who work in an environment that is harmful to health or life-threatening should undergo a medical examination periodically, which depends on the type of work and the level of harmfulness of the conditions that surround them (biological, physical, chemical and other factors) Frequency - annually or once every two years in accordance with the List of works requiring mandatory periodic and preliminary medical examinations, and the List of harmful factors.
This type of physical examination, as a preventive one, is carried out before vaccination is carried out in accordance with the established plan.
There are different types of medical examinations carried out at regular intervals depending on the type of activity, working conditions and other circumstances. The main purpose of a medical examination is to determine whether a person’s health will allow him to perform the specific work entrusted to him.
Inspections of employees of enterprises: implementation procedure
The organization’s management is responsible for organizing any types of medical examinations of employees, but it pays for this event. The organization of inspection of workers of a particular enterprise in brief is as follows:
- A list of the contingent of employees who need to be sent for inspection is being formed. Within ten days, the list is sent to the territorial department of Rospotrebnadzor of a particular administrative district.
- An agreement is concluded for a medical examination of employees with a specific medical center, and its terms are also agreed.
- An order is signed on the frequency of inspection, the order of its implementation. Employees should be familiarized with this document at least ten days before the start of the procedure.
- Directions for physical examination are issued to each employee. These documents are drawn up at the enterprise in an arbitrary form.
- Collection of stamped and signed conclusions with the results of a medical examination. The paper is signed in duplicate - the employee is given one of them, the other is left at the institution that conducts the inspection.
Next, a final act is drawn up by the medical center. This may take time, usually up to thirty days.The certified act signed by the organization and the medical institution is sent to the territorial department of Rospotrebnadzor in the administrative district for approval. Employees must come to the medical institution with which the contract is concluded, exactly at the time indicated in the direction. You need to have your own direction and passport with you.
During the periodic examination, employees usually visit several doctors and undergo various laboratory and instrumental studies. Their specific list is determined by harmful factors of production and types of work. The commission is formed by a medical center with which an agreement has been concluded to conduct an examination. It necessarily includes a professional pathologist and other specialists.
In some cases, a routine examination may be carried out not at a medical organization, but at the enterprise itself - a team of medical workers then goes there.
All expenses related to the organization of the planned mandatory inspection are borne by the employer: such is the requirement of Articles 212 and 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The price of a medical examination of one employee varies from one and a half to five thousand rubles, which depends on the composition of the medical commission, the types and number of instrumental and laboratory studies. The lower the cost, the more employees, as many institutions give discounts to large enterprises. Part of the cost of conducting medical examinations is compensated by the state through the Social Insurance Fund.
The consequences of a failed physical examination
The Labor Code defines both the frequency and specifics of employees passing medical examinations, as well as measures for employers and employees if they have not passed the required commission.
The article examined all existing types of medical examinations. The applicant often does not agree to undergo a preliminary medical examination. The employer in such circumstances is not entitled to conclude an employment contract with the employee. At the same time, the employer signs a written refusal to accept a job even when the health of the candidate does not meet the expected obligations, that is, he is not allowed to do this type of activity.