
What is the salary of collectors?

Probably no one needs to tell that the work of the collector is quite dangerous. After all, his main duty is to transport large sums of cash, as well as other valuables. The employer may be banking and other organizations. However, in order to apply for the position of a collector, you need to meet some requirements. Also, the applicant should be satisfied with the level of income.

Who can work as a collector?

Recruiters prefer to hire physically fit men. Because the employee will have to wear body armor and move heavy bags. No less important is the psychological attitude. Not every applicant will agree to take responsibility for large sums of money.

salary of collectors

There are some requirements for personal qualities. For example, a collector should be punctual and attentive. Not happy to be irresponsible candidates.

With regard to education, a diploma of higher education is usually not required. However, the candidate will have to take special courses. Within a month he will receive knowledge in the field of accounting and legislation. You also need to know the rules of first aid.

After graduating from courses, the future collector must pass the test according to the theory studied, as well as physical training. One of the important conditions is the passage of a medical examination. Only by its results can a candidate be issued a permit allowing him to carry weapons.

Often, men previously employed in law enforcement are applying for the position of collector. Such candidates have a chance to interest the employer due to their experience in handling weapons and knowledge of safety procedures.

Salary of collectors

Work associated with risk should be well paid. However, the exact figure cannot be called. According to statistics, the average income is 32,000 rubles. This amount definitely cannot be called high, given the responsible and dangerous work that collectors have to do. Salary in many respects depends on the region and the head. For example, in Kamchatka it can be 50,000 rubles, in Moscow - 40,000 rubles, in St. Petersburg - 34,000.

Where to get settled?

An employer may be:

  • public collection service;
  • private security firms;
  • banking and other financial institutions.
what is the salary of collectors

Income will depend on the option selected. The best conditions and salaries to collectors are offered by banks. Most of the candidates are attracted to well-known organizations - Alfabank, Sberbank, VTB24. It is in these organizations that the salaries of collectors are considered worthy.

Those who plan to work at a state or security company will have to rely on lower incomes.

What vacancy to choose?

The collector's income directly depends on the position held. This is why you need to understand the difference between the options that an employer can offer to a potential job seeker.

  • The cashier-collector is paid an average of 28,000 rubles. monthly. Its task is to accept and transfer funds, as well as fill in the accompanying documents.
  • A collection driver can earn about 29,000 rubles. His task is not just to drive a car, but also to cope with sudden breakdowns. It is also important not to deviate from the route and monitor the environment.
  • The security collector is paid an average of 33,000 rubles. per month. His task is to accompany the car, to ensure safety.
  • The collection technician can count on an income of about 36,000 rubles. It serves payment terminals. Therefore, to perform the work, special knowledge will be required.

Salary of a collector in Sberbank

A network of branches - throughout the country. Income varies depending on the location of the employee. What is the salary of collectors in Moscow? The highest payment is considered to be 70,000 rubles. At the same time, there are regions where collectors are paid much less - 17 thousand rubles.

collector's salary at Sberbank

If you display the average for Russia, the income of these specialists is 53,000 rubles. This is higher than the average salary across the country. However, you need to understand that high income hides a serious responsibility. In addition, a wide spread of salaries suggests that many collectors in Sberbank earn less than the average.

Career prospects

Working as a collector, you can count on career growth. Become a senior specialist, then the head of the site, and then the department manager. Together with the salary, the schedule may also change. However, this will require several years to work on the position of a regular collector.

how much salaries do the collectors have

However, not everyone succeeds. Employers complain about the big staff turnover, and collectors themselves - about excessive amounts of work and a real danger to life. Everyone who occupies this position has to shoulder a tremendous responsibility, which provokes daily stress.

Knowing how much collectors have a salary, each applicant can decide how appropriate it is to apply for this vacancy.

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