What is the permissible rate of alcohol in the blood? We will deal with this in this article. Alcoholic effects on the human body reduce the reaction, and, as a result, there is a loss of control over oneself. It should be remembered that in a state of extreme intoxication, the driver may lose consciousness and can not cope with the management of the vehicle. Therefore, the legislation approved the permissible norm of alcohol in the blood when driving.
RF law
The President of the Russian Federation signed the law of July 24, 2013, which cancels the order on the content of traces of alcohol in the blood, close to zero. The norm allowed today is zero point sixteen hundredths per thousand. How is this understood and calculated?
How are ppm calculated?
Calculations show that 0.16 ppm of blood alcohol consists of 0.16 milligrams of pure alcohol in 1 liter of air that a person exhales. These data change to the maximum, taking into account the clinical blood test and can rise to 0.4 ppm. The permissible rate of alcohol in the blood should be taken into account in the calculations.
These changes in the law were adopted in order to remove the error of the breathalyzer, as well as due to false data that can be caused by soft drinks such as kvass and kefir. Data inaccuracy can also be obtained in the presence of natural alcohol in the human body. A similar phenomenon can be observed in a person with diabetes.
That is, from what has been said, it can be assumed that one glass of beer allegedly is not a violation of the norm established by the Law of the Russian Federation. But this is a profound error. One glass of beer is twice the permissible rate of alcohol in the blood.
There is also a certain list of products that do not seem to contain alcohol, but actually show ppm on a special device.
So, the device will show a certain amount of ppm:
- in non-alcoholic beer;
- in chocolates;
- kvass;
- some medicines;
- kefir and other lactic acid products;
- warm juices;
- oranges;
- cigarettes;
- sandwiches with sausage and brown bread;
- mouth freshener;
- overripe bananas.
What was the permissible rate of alcohol while driving in ppm in 2015, we will describe further.
Since many products contain a certain amount of alcohol that can disappear after a while, the cancellation of the requirement for its zero content in the blood was introduced. So, when drinking a glass of kvass or kefir, the driver showed some mille, which could lead not only to penalties, but also to deprivation of rights for up to 2 years. There were many contradictions on this fact, so on July 23, 2013 a new law was adopted.
What does this threaten?
But most people are interested in the question of what fines threaten if there is alcohol in the driver’s blood. Deputy V. Lysakov, Head of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, said that since 2015 administrative and criminal penalties for driving under the influence of alcohol have been introduced.
Those drivers who are not the first time in a state of intoxication or have repeatedly refused to undergo a medical examination are prosecuted. In this case, the stage of intoxication is not taken into account in any way. And the punishment for drunk driving since 2015 was forced and corrective labor or even imprisonment.Therefore, the permissible rate of alcohol while driving is of interest to many.
Types of Punishment for Drunk Driving
To date, the administrative penalty for drunk driving is as follows:
- For the first violation, a person will be fined a fixed thirty thousand rubles. In addition to the fine, the driver is deprived of his rights, and he cannot drive the car for 2 years.
- In case of repeated violation, the driver will be fined fifty thousand rubles, the deprivation of rights in this case will be extended for up to 3 years.
- If a driver who has already been stripped of his rights has been stopped for any violation on the road, then he can be arrested for up to 15 days.
- The permissible blood alcohol rate in Russia often changes, but if the offender refuses medical examination, the fine will be thirty thousand rubles plus deprivation of the right to drive a car for 2 years. If the driver was previously deprived of his rights, then he can be arrested for 10-15 days.
Leading position in the ranking
The data of the WHO (World Health Organization) demonstrate that, for example, in 2014 Russia was in fourth place in the world ranking in terms of alcohol consumption, and only a couple of years ago it occupied 18-22nd places.
It is important to remember that driving while intoxicated leads to disastrous results. The content in the body of alcohol greatly affects the reaction of a person who loses vigilance and fear. Being behind the wheel in this case carries a danger both for the driver and for other road users.
Allowed blood alcohol norm in 2017
Since 2013, as already mentioned, a note was drawn up to the above article, which indicates the permissible rate of alcohol while driving. This note continues to apply in our time. Therefore, the permissible rate of alcohol while driving in ppm in 2015 and in 2017 is the same.
And if previously the punishment followed the indication of the device at 0.01 ppm, now before the trip a person can freely drink such drinks as kvass or kefir due to the fact that the permissible alcohol rate is now 0.16 ppm in the air and 0.35 in blood.
Many people wonder how many ppm contains non-alcoholic beer. The amount is small. After drinking one bottle, it turns out only 0.2 ppm. Normal indicators will be in the morning for men with an approximate weight of about 80 kg when consumed:
- 250 ml of light beer;
- 50 ml dessert wine;
- 25 ml of vodka.
Women with the same weight can drink:
- 210 ml of light beer;
- 45 ml of dry or semi-dry wine;
- 25 ml of vodka.
Every driver needs to know that modern breathalyzers cannot be fooled, that is, exhaling too little or breathing in does not work, so you should not even try. It’s much easier not to take alcohol before the upcoming morning trip than to pay fines later. In addition, with a non-alcoholic lifestyle, its duration increases and health remains. There is no need to endanger yourself and other people.
Alcoholism today represents a global problem in most countries and kills all the value orientations of our society. From the excessive use of alcohol, a person literally dies: his psychoneurological state is destroyed, dangerous diseases develop in the body that can lead to death. Due to addiction, the level of crime and unemployment in society is rising - all these factors indicate that drinking is a threat to the development of the country.
Therefore, after finding out what is the permissible rate of alcohol in the blood while driving, it is better to completely abandon the "degrees".