
How to make money on the "Gazelle"? Cargo transportation on a personal "Gazelle"

There are many ways to get money honestly these days. One option is to transport goods by car. This is a simple but very profitable way to make money in the face of a lack of jobs and problems in the economy.

how to make money on gazelles

In an economic downturn, Russians are forced to pay attention to an existing car as a means of obtaining additional money or even basic work. And do not try to engage in the illegal transportation of passengers. There is always the opportunity to do business in the field of light freight transport - transportation to the Gazelle. You can buy an old truck and start a small company.

Cargo transportation is a fairly demanded form of work in Russia. In 2017, the number of heavy loads transported in various directions is increasing. And among cars, the most widely known and mass vehicle of this class is the Gazelle.

Earning scheme

How to make money on the Gazelle? The activity plan is essentially simple:

  1. Gain fame in the circles of potential customers.
  2. Develop a travel system.
  3. Earn the image of a disciplined employee.

how to make money on a gazelle thermal booth

Of course, in practice everything will be much more complicated, but these three stages are the cornerstones of the pedestal of well-being and stable income.


Once it is decided to make money on a personal Gazelle, the problem of finding customers becomes one of the most important. Profit at the Gazelle in all respects depends on the number of customers. To be able to find them, create a positive image of their company - this is the main task of the young businessman. You need to understand that if there is no information about you as a carrier, there is no work, and therefore there is no money. Therefore, one does not need to be passive.

gazelle transportation

How to make money on the Gazelle? Options for advertising services for the transport of goods and passengers may be as follows:

  1. The traditional way. It is necessary to paste ads around the city, submit information to newspapers, hand out business cards and flyers to their potential customers.
  2. The innovative way, i.e., advertising over the Internet. The Russian-language Internet has special cargo transportation sites where potential customers write about orders for the transport of goods, and entrepreneurs themselves can have data on free trucks. You can place advertisements about transportation on the Gazelle on local sites, on social networks (local ad groups, city publics are suitable) and on forums.
  3. Possible customers can be sought through special organizations. There will be more customers, but the profit from each order will decrease. Firstly, such organizations have their own tariff structure, so that payment in the end may be less than market. And secondly, it will be necessary to transfer part of the funds to dispatchers. In order not to go broke, you will need to respond to all (even not very suitable) proposals.
  4. Another option is to search for customers in the city through word of mouth. For this method, the time will come later, when the first satisfied (and even better regular) customers appear.

In reality, there are much more ways to show oneself; it all depends on the activity and ingenuity of a novice entrepreneur. In any case, you can’t regret this time and money.

Earning opportunities

Choosing the option of how to make money on Gazelles, you should carefully consider the intricacies of the work so that the questions and wishes of customers are not further perplexed, and the trips themselves take place in the shortest possible time and as cheaply as possible.

how to make money on trucking gazelle

The change of housing and office is an important project for commerce in the framework of the concept of how to make money on Gazelles in 2017.However, it should be borne in mind that in such an area the offer includes mainly complex services, where the driver becomes both a forwarder and a loader. Equally successfully mastering all the "specialties" on their own is unlikely, so you have to hire assistants.

Such commerce requires a group of like-minded people who are able to easily work with things and goods of customers. The type of car and the level of housing also determine the nature of the load (chairs, cabinets, products, high-volume cargo). For example, how to make money on freight ("Gazelle") in the village? In rural areas, a “Gazelle Farmer” is required, upgraded to move cows, horses, etc. In a city environment, a typical van with a door and a lock is more suitable (this will ensure better cargo safety).

Transportation cost

You should immediately think about pricing, as the question of how much you can earn from the Gazelle is the key. The minimum price is determined by the cost (gasoline, depreciation of the material, labor of the driver). To decide how much you can get per Gazelle per month, it’s worth looking at the estimated cost of maintaining and servicing it in rubles:

  1. Gasoline - 17,100.
  2. Maintenance - 1 000.
  3. Guarded parking - 3 000.
  4. Transport tax + CTP - 600.
  5. Maintenance, washing, fuel and lubricants - 1,500.

Total turns 23,200 rubles.

how to make money on a personal gazelle

The maximum price is determined by market opportunities. The transportation environment, the availability of available funds, and subsequently the reputation of the carrier determine how much you can ask for per hour (another option is a standard trip of 1.5-3 hours).

Shipping cost

In the province, an hour of driver’s work with a car costs 350-400 rubles, and a threshold order is two hours. In Moscow, the cost starts from 400-500 rubles, an advance is often required, the car is ordered for three to four hours. City center? Such a location can add another hour of work. The cost of a car in a province in central Russia ranges from 12-15 rubles per kilometer from a specific destination. Often you can come across your own charging methods. A four-hour trip to the country house and back, with a total length of 100 km, can cost 2,500 rubles.

Gazelle Models

It is very important to determine the technical capabilities of transportation on the Gazelle. Such a car is a light truck with a certain power, gaining weight and volume. Technical specifications must be understood by you and your customers. At present, the following Gazelle models can be found in Russia:

  1. GAZ-33023. This is a classic model with an onboard body and a net weight of up to 1.5 tons.
  2. Farm GAZ-33023. With this version of the car, the net weight dropped to 1 ton, but there is a passenger cabin for 5 people.
  3. Frame, full metal "Gazelle" -2705. This is the average option: payload up to 1.35 tons, passengers - up to 5.
  4. "Gazelle Next". Good onboard car for transportation.

how can you make money on a gazelle freight

Dispatching service

With independent activity, there is a problem with fixing orders. The more successful you work, the more of them, and, therefore, the more difficult it is to work with them. And without a dispatcher, a good level cannot be maintained. A similar employee works full time. His duties include only fixing the next messages about the transportation. The work of the dispatcher is usually paid at a rate of 10% of the order. Often a relative works as a dispatcher. For example, the spouse receives messages, and the spouse works as a driver in his own car.

Individual Entrepreneurship

Another difficulty is registration. To mitigate relations with corporate clients, it is better to formalize individual entrepreneurship on a single tax or patent. Regular customers and corporate orders, which are the key to good earnings, can not be hoped for without registration, and irregular orders will not give a good income. That is why without registering an IP and its press, a successful commercial business cannot be arranged.

Transport company

How can I make money on the Gazelle freight? The easiest way to find a job in a freight company operating in the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States. Such companies, as a rule, are often in search of small trucks and owner-drivers who will be able to move goods from the company's warehouse to the desired point.

Thermal booth

How to make money on the "Gazelle"? If you have a thermal booth at your disposal, another great earning opportunity immediately opens up. The thermal booth is a special van made of sandwich panels. Such vans often provide special refrigeration equipment. Such equipment makes it possible to stabilize the required level of cooling inside the booth. The owners of such machines transport products that easily lose their presentation. There is a demand for goods that need to comply with a certain temperature regime during transportation.

how much can you earn on gazelles

So, there are a lot of options for decent earnings at the Gazelle. To earn money on freight, you only need a desire and a little activity. Well, if after the first orders you can find regular or corporate customers - in this case, a small business will develop at a very fast pace.

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Reason for complaint
during the summer, my husband worked for 250 thousand and during the winter 00,000 why so
Trucking Gazelle died business! And neher garbage to flog .. no one and nothing to carry for 8 months - the tent is worth it. There are no calls, only calls for pairing permissions to enter the center!
Yes, that doesn’t decrease, this is the main thing) I had a case when I seemed to get on my feet, there are clients and channels. I decided to remove the advertisement from Avito. Gradually, orders decreased, or even fell away. I hung the service back. Still, there is some kind of no increase in new people.
I have been working on the principle of private transportation for almost half a year. I am completely satisfied with this type of earnings and I am very glad that I once posted an ad on Avito on time. The schedule is free, sometimes I take daily orders when there are a lot of customers. I am pleased that the customer base does not stand still and, what is equally important, does not decrease.


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