How to profitably sell a car? Yes, this is not an easy task. After all, most buyers are trying to reduce the price.
To do this, they pay attention to everything, even to the smallest little things.
Categories of drivers
All car owners can be divided into three groups. The first of them includes buyers who choose an iron friend "for life". As a rule, they drive at a low speed, operate the car with care, and bring it to complete physical deterioration. Such owners do not sell their vehicle. It either dies in a fairly serious accident, or disassembled for parts.
The second group of car owners includes those who buy a vehicle in the cabin, and ride on it until the end of the warranty period. This allows you to take full advantage of free maintenance. Of course, a few warranty years with virtually no complaints serve any car, which subsequently, as a rule, is sold through the salon on the principle of trade-in. In this case, the owner of the car rarely makes an independent sale. If a person takes such a step, the question of price here does not vary. It is determined based on mileage and operating time. Bargaining becomes appropriate only in cases where the car has got into a serious or not very accident.
The third group of owners buys cars for a period of 6-10 years. At this time, the resource of the basic elements of the machine is calculated. Of course, after making a minor restoration repair, the vehicle again becomes suitable for further operation and is able to please its owner for at least the same number of years. This moment, as well as the relatively low price, makes such vehicles the most popular in the secondary market.
Of course, this criterion applies to cars in the middle and low price category. These are the so-called workhorses. Selling a representative or premium car is much more difficult. This requires a completely different approach and assessment of the technical condition of authorized maintenance stations.
When to start pre-sale preparation?
Of course, most buyers are eager to buy a “workhorse” at an adequate cost. And before those who decide to change their vehicle, the question always arises: "How is it profitable to sell a used car?" For this, it is necessary to remember the possibility of selling the machine from the first day of its operation. And this is easily explained. The fact is that the price of a used car directly depends on its technical condition. In order to maintain the vehicle in good condition, in the new car you need to properly break in the engine. In this mode, you will need to ride for the first 2-3 thousand kilometers. Some motorists believe that running-in is not necessary for modern engines. This is partly true. However, adhering to the break-in regime is still desirable. After all, if the car will leave behind a train of smoke, then it will be difficult to sell it. Repairing the engine before the sale is completely unprofitable.
Good technical condition can also boast of machines that have been carefully operated during the entire run. If the driver constantly drove through bumps at high speed, sharply braked, leaving traces of burnt rubber behind him, then you should not even think about the high price of such a car.
How to sell a used car profitably? The advice of experienced people in this matter also relates to the condition of the cabin. If the owner of the machine is a heavy smoker, then this will be understood by every potential buyer. No dry cleaning can destroy the smell of tobacco. It will be possible to sell such a car only to that buyer who also constantly smokes at the wheel.
Pre-sale preparation
How to profitably sell a car? To do this, you need to spend some time and some money to “submit the goods by person”.
First of all, it is worth considering the issue of mileage. After all, the transaction price will depend on it. Current buyers are knowledgeable people. They are well aware of all the details that indicate a high mileage of the car, regardless of the readings on the speedometer. How to sell a used car profitably? In this case, sellers also have secrets.
So, rubber pedals, steering wheel condition, as well as handles shifting gears can tell about the true mileage of the vehicle. However, all these parts, with the exception of the steering wheel, are quite inexpensive. That is why they should be replaced with new ones. But to do this is necessary not when the car is already sold. Replacement of parts is desirable after several years of operation. Then you can put on the steering wheel braid. After all, completely new details look extremely suspicious and immediately indicate a substitution. Before the sale, everything will need to be removed and installed again “native” gum and pens.
Not earlier than two weeks before the demonstration of the car, buyers are recommended to carry out dry cleaning of the passenger compartment. Then you will need to wash the engine compartment. In a couple of weeks, the smell of chemicals will disappear, and the engine will look clean, but at the same time not freshly washed. Anyone who asks the question “How is it profitable to sell a car?” Should eliminate minor oil leakage, for example, from under the valve cover. Such work will cost inexpensively, but it will significantly improve the appearance of the contents of the engine compartment.
How to sell a profitable car? Pre-sale tips also apply to external parts. So, it is advisable to replace the lights and headlights if there are cracks on them. If possible, it is recommended to eliminate scratches that damage the appearance of the body. Much attention should be paid to the interior. It should not have ugly protruding wires, and all levers and buttons are brought to normal working condition. Important in the sale and appearance of the panel. It should not have any quick fix defects. Not every buyer will like the many small parts that are not provided for in the design of the car. These are various kinds of flavors, icons, key chains, etc. Salon should be as similar as possible to its factory version. The only exceptions are improvements such as the navigator, a good audio system, etc.
For those who do not plan to sell additional equipment with the car, it is worth immediately warning the potential buyer about this. After all, when you remove the DVR from the windshield, there will only be a trace from the suction cup, but the acoustics removed from the cabin leave ugly holes in the door trim.
Bargaining with resellers
How to profitably sell a car? To get the maximum possible amount for his car, the seller must work out a certain strategy. And it will directly depend on who the buyer is - an individual or a reseller. It’s better not to mess with the latter at all. They will certainly buy a car five to ten percent lower than its average cost prevailing in the market. Otherwise, they simply will not make sense to conclude a deal.
Dealers have their secrets. For example, after inspecting the engine compartment, they certainly declare that the car was already in an accident, since the paint on the radiator frame is clearly not factory.Only the first owner of the car can say with confidence that this is not so. However, here, some craftsmen are able to tell tales that in salons they often sell restored cars. Well, if the seller is not the first owner, then he immediately takes everything on faith.
Another popular trick of dealers is the alleged “diagnostics” they carried out on the sound of the engine. Of course, some malfunctions can be judged by their characteristic noise. However, only a specialist can do this. The ordinary owner will not dispute the statement that the sound of the pistons is heard, and the engine requires major repairs.
Also, resellers often use such a method of testing shock absorbers as rocking machines. Of course, if such actions are accompanied by a clatter and clang of metal with a worn seal, then no one will have questions. However, in other cases, such a check does not give any result.
Anyone who does not know how to quickly and profitably sell a car on their own, but who is not ready to resist and object to the resellers with reason, just needs to be silent. If the price announced after the inspection, which will reduce all not only real, but also mythical flaws, does not suit the seller, then it is best to refuse the transaction and wait for the next buyer.
After tenders held with resellers, you can evaluate the real market value of the car. She will be ten percent higher. For this price you can offer your car.
Trading with an ordinary buyer
It is quite easy to distinguish an ordinary person from a reseller. He comes to inspect the car, as a rule, with his wife, friend or a car mechanic friend. In this case, the conversation does not sound description of the shortcomings of the vehicle. The average person focuses more on the general impression of the type of machine than on all kinds of technical details.
How profitable to sell a car in this case? It is worthwhile to establish direct contact with an ordinary buyer. He should tell about the car as many details as possible. This may be a brand of oil, a story about what and in what places changed, indications of who serviced the machine and how.
How profitable to sell a broken car? Should I tell the buyer about the shortcomings? This issue is quite controversial and lies on the conscience of the owner. However, it is always worth remembering that if you do not stipulate significant shortcomings of the vehicle during its sale, the transaction may be canceled. Sometimes this happens in court.
How is it profitable to sell a used car if a significantly lower price is persistently called by different buyers? Then you should think about adjusting the cost, otherwise you will have to wait for a happy occasion for months.
Conducting rituals
How to sell a car quickly and profitably? In solving this problem, trading magic can help.
How to sell a car quickly and profitably? Rites in this direction have a number of specific features. In order for the plot to work as efficiently as possible, you must:
- show potential customers a car in daylight;
- pre-sprinkle the car with holy water;
- have confidence in the success of the rite;
- Feel within yourself the strength to influence the world around us.
Speaking a plot, you need to go around the car three times clockwise. During the ritual, no one outside should be near. So it is better to spend it somewhere in the forest or in a quiet grove.
The most important thing for a magical ritual is the positive attitude of its performer. He must believe that the car can be sold quickly and under the most favorable conditions. Even if for some time a suitable buyer does not appear, you should not despair. The deal is bound to take place.
Sales options
Where is it profitable to sell a used car? There are various sales options that you should familiarize yourself with in advance.So, you can sell a machine with a life of more than 6 years in the media or on the Internet.
Where it is more profitable to sell a car, you can find out after comparing the cost of similar vehicles.
Car markets
What are the most popular places of sales for buyers? Of course, car markets. But here the car can fall into the shadow of other models. This will force the seller to lower the price somewhat. However, this does not always lead to the desired result. Indeed, in the car market there are many resellers who sometimes sell broken cars at an attractive price.
The main advantage of the car market is the constant presence of buyers who come not just to gawk, but to purchase the vehicle they need.
Media Sales
You can quickly and profitably find a buyer for your car by posting ads in various magazines, newspapers, as well as on Internet resources. The latter are especially important for those who want to profitably sell a car in Moscow, St. Petersburg or other major cities. After all, Internet resources are able to reach a huge audience of customers, which will accelerate the sales process. In the media you can put a photo of the vehicle, as well as indicate its main characteristics and cost. All this information will allow you to exclude the wasted time necessary to answer the priority questions of potential buyers.
How to quickly and profitably sell your car using online resources? With this method of implementation, it is necessary that the number of ad views is maximum. What to do for this? Place an ad on multiple assets at once. Sites are best found free. Otherwise, you will need to pay an additional fee for the service provided.
But that is not all. Fifty percent of the success of an event will depend on a well-written ad. It should be as detailed and interesting as possible.
Credit car
It is no secret that every year the number of cars in our country is steadily growing. The number of loans issued for their purchase by banking institutions is also increasing. However, when drafting the contract, you should pay attention to one nuance. It concerns the TCP vehicle. This document is taken by the credit institution as collateral.
Sometimes vehicle buyers want to sell the car they bought ahead of schedule. How profitable to sell a credit car, if the TCP is in the bank? This question interests many. Car owners who have taken a bank loan should not worry. A similar operation can be performed without any problems. However, knowledge of some nuances is required here.
The easiest and most affordable way is to contact the bank. The lending institution is likely to have connections with car dealerships that sell used vehicles. However, under such conditions, the price of the car will be set by the bank. Obligations from the borrower will be withdrawn, but he will not receive benefits from this.
For a more profitable sale of a credit car, you can try to find a buyer yourself. In this case, both parties to the transaction will have to come to the bank and reissue the documents for the vehicle. However, in this case, partial repayment of the loan due to funds for the purchase will be required.
Self-sale of a car is also possible through the salon. At the same time, qualified employees will be engaged in the implementation of a machine that does not have a TCP. To carry out such a transaction, the client must write out a power of attorney at the car dealership and contact the bank, where a tripartite agreement will be drawn up. The salon will pay off the remaining debt and will be engaged in the sale of the car. Such a deal has its pros and cons. Its advantage is that a person gets rid of debt obligations. The disadvantage of such a deal is the lower cost of the car.It differs from the market by about fifteen percent.