
How to choose a niche for an online store in crisis: step-by-step instructions

Knowing how to choose a niche for an online store of things, you can successfully start your own business in the virtual world and quickly get your first profit. However, having the desire to try your hand at entrepreneurship, but not having this information, do not doubt yourself. Just check out the thematic materials to help you decide which direction to work best.

how to choose a niche for an online store of things

Be careful!

Recently, a widespread misconception is spreading that it is only then that a thing will burn out when the idea is unique. Try to avoid this way of thinking whenever possible. Far from always successful will be the sale of goods that were previously not presented in your city, country.

Why? It's simple: at first there will be little demand for a unique product, because people simply do not know about its existence, as well as about what they need. Of course, if you are the first to bring to the market a product that will immediately gain immense popularity, you will, as they say, hit the jackpot. But how often does this happen? In our society, people are quite critical of the new, buyers are careful and know how to count money. But if, for example, you were already able to open a successful and visited online store, then you can take a chance with the second project, using the first as a platform for promoting an unusual product previously unknown to customers.

how to choose a niche for an online store in Moscow

How to proceed?

In this case, how to choose a niche for an online store in Moscow? Analyze what products are in demand in the market, how big is the volume of supply and whether there is much competition. That is, does the supply satisfy the demand or have some groups of buyers remained unreached? Perhaps they will become your gold mine.

To check whether your product is in demand, use the Wordstat service. Set the search to the phrase “your product” (here you enter the name of the positions you would like to work with), select your region and see the results - how many users are interested in this product.

If the results showed a high frequency of the request, you can safely start work. With small numbers, it's better to look for something else.

what niche to choose for an online store

Competition is the way to success

It’s easier to figure out how to choose a niche for an online store in a crisis by evaluating the competition in the markets that interest you. If it is strong, this should not be scary, as it indicates that earlier firms that entered the market have already invested a lot of money in advertising and you can reap the benefits.

Niches already promoted as an Internet business:

  • childen's goods;
  • goods 18+;
  • car parts;
  • Coffee and tea;
  • presents;
  • clothes;
  • flowers
  • Apple technique.

And what in practice?

To understand whether the choice was successful, it is worth trying the real sale process in order to “feel at ease” how successful the decision is. This will help determine exactly which niche to choose for the online store. Perhaps the results will show that it is worth looking for more.

how to open an online store and choose a niche

The procedure is as follows: place an ad on a popular resource (a special board, on a social network, on a one-page website) and see how visitors react. It is worth running a contextual advertising program so that the sample is indicative.

How to open an online store and choose a niche for it? You look at the results of your advertising company and if you see that in a short time there are at least 15 people ready to buy the goods, then contact the supplier and make a trial order. You can rest assured that success will be yours. Next, you:

  • register an enterprise;
  • make out a decent site;
  • as the company grows, you recruit additional staff.

We focus on the most interesting

How to choose a niche for an online store? Practical tip: start with yourself! Assess your own interests, imagine what you need, analyze what it will be convenient for you to work with. Of course, in a crisis, the idea may not burn out if you build a business on a rare hobby or hobby, but much depends on the realities of the market in the context of your sphere.

Remember, controlling a virtual store is not easy, it will drag you in. This will become your work, and at first, perhaps, the working day will not be limited to the usual eight hours. If you are personally interested in a product, it will be easier for you to concentrate on the process and punch the business, as they say, “with burning eyes”.

Then how to open an online store and choose a niche, given your own hobbies? First, make a list of what you like and are familiar with:

  • movies, games, series;
  • professional areas familiar from study;
  • significant parts of your daily life.

The latter includes a variety of hobbies: sports, cooking, travel.

how to open an online store and choose a niche for

Why is it useful?

Understanding how to choose a niche for an online store, you can’t understand what is the real benefit of creating such a project in an industry that is familiar and not indifferent? Here are the main points:

  • You already have fairly deep knowledge in the chosen field;
  • You are familiar with the market, competitors, you can assess what the situation is in sales, what customers lack;
  • You have a general idea of ​​how it is more profitable to present the goods to the buyer.

And if you try electronics?

According to statistics, it is virtual electronics and home appliance stores that have recently shown significant growth. However, in this market there is strong competition from the giants, but small organizations can win at the expense of better prices. Looking for a niche for an online store? Analyze, perhaps in your region for you this particular area will become a source of success.

how to choose a niche for an online store in crisis

Please note: all large companies offer a very wide, but superficial range of products. Simply put, they have a huge number of categories, but inside them the buyer often does not find what he needs if his requests are at least slightly beyond the average. To compete with such a company, develop convenient and inexpensive delivery and create a catalog of goods so as to satisfy the needs of everyone.

What to look for?

Having settled on electronics and household appliances, how to choose a niche for an online store in detail, that is, what should I pay attention to first of all?

Recipe for success:

  • products in your store are cheaper than competitors;
  • products in your store that are not sold in other stores;
  • You offer an additional warranty or related services.

Remember this: the news is the path to profit. It is necessary not only to find the answer to the question of how to choose a niche for an online store (suppose you have already settled on technology), but also to understand what will attract a customer. Try to work with the equipment that you just started to produce, so competitors have not yet managed to bring it. It can be anything from DVRs to e-books. It is important that the product is:

  • good brand;
  • known to the customer;
  • a new model that competitors do not have.

Should I work with China?

In the past few years, business with this Asian power has become more voluminous and serious. And no wonder, because it is profitable. China produces anything for every taste and color. The question is quality, and here your task is to choose a supplier of reliable products. Fortunately, there are many.

 how to choose a niche for an online store practical advice

Chinese electronics has attracted the attention of Western buyers for more than a year.Several brands appeared, known not only for their cheapness, but also for reliability. Now there is no need to disguise yourself as a European manufacturer, we can safely say that you deliver goods directly from China from a real Chinese brand, and they will trust you.

What categories of products are popular?

Choosing a niche for yourself, if you settled on electronics, pay attention to the following product classes:

  • navigators;
  • DVRs
  • gadgets
  • analogues of European goods (flash, film, and so on).

What else can you see

As mentioned above, it is advisable to choose a niche for your store in which you understand. If, say, electronics is not in the scope of your interests, but fashion, style, clothing, beauty are things that are familiar deeply and well, feel free to start a business in this area. Clothing stores are growing like mushrooms, but not all of them will succeed. In general, the rule described above works here: the product must be unique, affordable, interesting, and of high quality.

Why is clothing profitable and will always be in demand? There are several answers:

  • This is a basic commodity;
  • it is a product demanded by almost all women;
  • This is a product that is difficult to select according to parameters, to compare.

Statistics can help

Did you know that research on the virtual market has shown that ladies make the most of purchases on the Internet? This suggests that products oriented to the beautiful half of humanity are more likely to bring you success than intended for men. But be careful: souvenirs and gifts for men are in reality goods for women choosing gifts for their loved ones, therefore this area also leads to profit.

how to choose a niche for an online store

Statistics show that women love brands. At the same time, they are ready to overpay, but regularly buy goods from the same manufacturer, whose products can be shown off to friends. This is not about Chanel and Dior, but about those companies that produce relatively inexpensive goods. If this is a rare brand, not previously represented on the market of our country, then you have found a gold mine.

How to succeed with a clothing store?

Do not be afraid to choose this direction when the country is in crisis, because people always need clothes. But remember that in a difficult economic situation, the consumer is trying to find not only the original thing, but also relatively inexpensive. Your path to success will be complicated by the following bricks:

  • narrow specialization;
  • close cooperation with a specific manufacturer;
  • reasonable cost.

how to choose a niche for an online store

To summarize

So how to choose your niche? Here is a step-by-step instruction:

  • articulate your interests;
  • study the market situation;
  • Find a rare supplier.

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