Management values people who love to work. But if their industriousness develops into pathology, then workaholism arises. It should be remembered that the human body is not stone and will not be able to work forever and smoothly, it should be given respite and leave. The main problem of such people is that they do not know how to balance these two areas of life, such as work and leisure.
Workaholics give all their time to work. If not, stress and depression occur. They leave no time for sleep, food, or family. And even on vacation, if you have not found an active lesson that will fill both the body and head, they will make plans, come up with projects ...
Who is a workaholic?
Workaholics are people who do not know how to enjoy life. Often they live not for themselves, but in this case for work. They are modest, allow themselves little, and this does not depend on the fact that they are poor, but on the fact that they do not need it. Workaholics simply sacrifice themselves. According to psychologists and experts, these are people who are not appreciated either in the family or in ordinary life, and therefore they begin to drive themselves into work in order to achieve any results there.
Workaholics never complain, but this does not mean that they have no cause for concern. Such people cannot learn to show their emotions and pour out feelings to others. And as a result, there are mental illnesses that are difficult to overcome on your own. How to become a workaholic and not spoil your physical and mental health? More on this later.
Is it good to be a workaholic?
Favorite work from a workaholic takes all his free time - at seven in the morning he is already at work, at lunch he completes unnecessary tasks, and after work, instead of spending time with loved ones, he sits at a laptop and completes projects. It seems that the bosses should be satisfied if they have such an employee. But is it really so? Management divides these people into different types.
- Real and imaginary workaholics.
Here again, it is worth establishing the meaning of the concept of “workaholic”. This is a person who is dependent on the love of his work, without which he loses the meaning of life. He is not afraid of the large volume and load of work - on the contrary, he begins to enjoy life. At the same time, for the workaholic, both the result and the process are important.
There are so-called imaginary workaholics. Often these are people who have low productivity, laziness or insufficient knowledge for this profession. They remain in the office pre-identified, take on many tasks, although they cannot complete them. And this is all in order to create the appearance of work.
How to become a workaholic? The main thing is to evenly distribute all the interests in your life.
- A workaholic is the engine of the system.
Such an employee pulls the entire department on himself, because he sits and performs his work every day, does not go on vacation or on the weekend. He is enthusiastic, and others do not really like him for this - all the praise of the leadership goes to him.
- Workaholic tired and inaccurate.
Today, large companies prefer not to mess with workaholics, since the physiological characteristics of a person do not allow him to work smoothly, even if he is attracted to his favorite job. It is necessary to find time for sleep and rest, to expand the circle of one’s interests.
- Workaholic emotionally burned out.
This type of workaholism arises from the previous one.How to become a workaholic and not have a burnout syndrome? You need to charge yourself only with positive emotions and give the body time to recover.
The reasons why workaholism occurs
The concept of “workaholic” was included in special literature in 1971, and it signified a passion for work, a constant desire to do something.
Why do people become workaholics? There are a couple of reasons.
- Addiction.
Workaholism in this sense is considered as an effect on a person and his behavior of external and internal chemical processes. For example, if a workaholic works hard, then an adrenaline rush occurs in the body, which leads to the addiction to work.
- Learning
This reason lies in the fact that if a person sees that someone in his environment works hard, then he himself will begin to do the same. The positive side: if this happens in a team, then employees will be equal to the best.
- Traits.
Workaholism can be a character trait and form even in preschool age. The main thing here is to ensure that it does not turn into an excellent student syndrome, which can negatively affect mental health.
- Sociocultural reasons.
Spending a lot of time in the office, people consider this a good reason to justify their non-participation in other activities. Psychologists believe that the main problem of workaholics is the lack of ability or desire to have close contacts with others.
How can you become a workaholic?
Everyone who wants to become a workaholic has a specific goal. For some, this is self-realization, for others it is a way to make money. How to become a workaholic and remain healthy and adequate? It is possible! How? Read below.
How to become a workaholic: tips and stages of working on yourself
- Working overtime is the fastest and easiest way to show your attitude to work. But you should be prepared for the fact that such work is not always paid.
- Take part in new projects. And even if the authorities do not ask to take an additional task, then you need to independently nominate your candidacy for a particular job.
- Active participation in the life of the company. As in the previous paragraph, you need to constantly nominate yourself. But only now it concerns not only working moments, but also relations with colleagues outside work.
- Perform your work quickly and efficiently. At first, it is worth undertaking difficult work, because much more time is spent on its implementation than on small duties.
- To do more than necessary. Management loves people who are hardworking, ambitious and creative. And the best way is to show that you can "jump above your head."
- Take tasks home. And even if they can be done at the office, sometimes it is worth creating the appearance of working at home.
How to make management notice?
The "workaholic woman" is less common than the man. Management is more likely to notice a female person. So what should a man do?
- Wear good business clothes.
- Build behavior so that people understand the importance of your work.
- Have your own point of view and defend it.
- Take on complex and interesting tasks.
- Attract attention to your work.
- Be friendly, but do not let others "sit on the neck."
We cultivate good qualities
- Do not be distracted from work, whether it is talking, a coffee break or a cigarette, on the Internet.
- Set high goals.
- Break large tasks into small ones.
- Inspire others with your example.