
How to get a grant to study abroad - step by step instructions and recommendations

Studying abroad ... It would seem that only a dream. However, today this dream is quite possible to make a reality. One option is to receive a grant.

Getting a grant to study abroad

Modern youth is often interested in the question: how to get a grant for studying abroad? And this is no coincidence. Studying abroad has huge advantages. Which ones? To start with, let's talk about them.

How to get a grant to study abroad? The benefits of studying abroad

Firstly, studying abroad has a high level of education. This is primarily determined by high innovations, the level of knowledge and features of student and teaching activities in foreign countries. Perhaps this is most attractive to modern youth.

Study abroad

Secondly, the importance of the diploma plays an important role. Compared to Russian education, a foreign diploma is valued higher both in Russia and in other countries. Thirdly, studying abroad will help to perfectly master a foreign language. No wonder they say that in order to learn a foreign language well, you need to constantly communicate with foreigners. Fourthly, people from various countries study in large foreign universities. Thus, you can gain invaluable experience and get international contacts. In addition, it is also an opportunity to find new friends, which is important. Fifth, studying abroad is a reliable way to get a good job. In foreign universities, as a rule, there are special centers that help students with work, and an internship will help you to establish yourself in a particular profession in advance. By the way, the rate of employment abroad among students is almost one hundred percent. If you love traveling, then studying abroad will not scare you with the upcoming difficulties. So, let's move on to the question: how to win a grant for studying abroad?

Admission to a foreign university. The first steps

The first thing to be decided upon is, in fact, a specific country, a specific university and the program of this educational institution. Here you should think about your own interests and the future. What are you most interested in? What do you want to study? The program includes a number of disciplines being studied so as not to miscalculate your expectations.

Win a study abroad grant

However, it is not enough to choose a specific university and program. If you have already done this, then it's time to start the most difficult. Not all students can receive a grant to study abroad. If the motivation is really strong, then everything will work out.

Several ways to increase your chances

Students with excellent academic performance, excellent knowledge of a foreign language, and preferably not one, and engaged in scientific activities that have the prospect of implementation abroad have much higher chances. If a student fits into this category and has a desire to study, then it's time to think about grants for studies, scholarships and competitions.

Education abroad

As a rule, foreign universities provide foreigners with financial support. This information can most often be found on the university’s website or on government websites. So, how to get a grant to study abroad?

Admission to a foreign university. What documents will be needed?

In addition to the grants provided on the site, you can find information on admission to this university, as well as various forms that must be filled in upon admission. So, what papers will be needed to receive a grant for studies in Europe? It will take a lot of time and effort to enter a foreign university.First, you need a photocopy of a higher education diploma or a document from an educational institution. Absolutely all documents must be certified in advance and translated into other languages. Do not neglect this, otherwise problems may arise later.

Drawing up a resume. What to write about?

Secondly, it is necessary to correctly compose a resume. It’s not at all what is filled when applying for a job. To receive a grant, you must write an academic resume. It should work very well. The resume indicates work, internships, achievements, your work in science, scholarships, work on projects, participation in volunteering: in general, everything that will present your candidacy at the highest level. Properly executed documents are the main guarantee of success, which is why it is still necessary to double-check several times. This is what concerns the receipt itself. In order to receive a grant for studying abroad, you should indicate the full name on the model of a foreign passport, phone number, citizenship and email. Do not include too much information in the resume. Some may be superfluous. In the resume, it is important to provide only the information that will give you a fairly complete picture and talk about the merits. The next step after filling out a resume is writing an essay.

Letter to the commission as a recommendation of their own candidacy

The essay is a short letter. A special commission is allocated to study its contents. The first part is the introduction: an appeal to the commission and the presentation of their own candidacy. From the main part, members of the commission should learn about why you want to study in this particular university, what you would like to study, how you will pay for the grant and how to use the knowledge gained in the future. The most important thing is not to retell the resume. The ability to reason and explain correctly is especially appreciated here. You should not rewrite ready-made letters, say, from the Internet. Professionals will immediately recognize a lie, and the chances of receiving a grant to study abroad will drop sharply to zero. To enter a foreign university it is not enough to submit documents.

Passing an international exam

To do this, you must pass an international exam. Plus the time it takes to check before you know your result. In addition, it will also take time to send the results. The recommendations of teachers will not be superfluous. You can say they are simply necessary. These papers must be signed by the teacher with an indication of his academic degrees, as well as the coordinates by which he can be contacted. In addition, you must provide confirmation of all your victories in various competitions and a photocopy of your passport. In general, this ends the first stage of entering a university in another country.

Interview - Phase Two

Next is the interview. And if you were invited there, the first stage was successfully completed. What to do next and how to behave in an interview? What needs to be told, and what should not be said? Next, let's talk about this. There is no exact pattern of behavior guaranteeing the successful receipt of a training grant, there are only a few recommendations. Here are some of them.

How to successfully pass an interview

Firstly, you should take good care of your appearance. Here, as nowhere else, the following proverb is better suited: "They are met by clothes, escorted by mind." You should be as polite and friendly as possible. But the main thing is not to overdo it and remain yourself. You must be sure, and this is perhaps the basis of success.

Secondly, copies of documents should always be with you. The interview is to recommend your candidacy. Therefore, it is very important to be prepared to answer any question. Whether it is a question about study or further plans. Thirdly, you have to imagine how your life will change after receiving a grant.Your advantages and benefits - no one knows about them the way you do. And of course, it’s not worth saying that you have no shortcomings. After all, no one is perfect. The main thing here is not to forget about borders. What you say can not only help to successfully pass the interview, but also turn against you.

Well and most importantly - this is your goal. What are you doing all this for? Why do you want to study at a certain university? Why do you need a grant and how will it help you and your professional sphere? Most importantly, you must convince the commission of the seriousness of your candidacy. Why exactly should you win a grant to study abroad? The answer should be as simple and straightforward as possible. That’s the whole answer to the question of how to get a grant for study abroad students. However, grants are different. Many students are far from attracted to European countries. One of the most civilized countries in the world is the United States.

International contact

There are several types of study grants in the USA. Let's talk about the most popular of them. If you are interested in studying abroad, the list of grants for studying in the USA is presented below.

1. Fellowships

This grant is a kind of scholarship for conducting research for the university. It provides not only free tuition, but also food and accommodation.

2. Scholarships

A grant, which you can receive for free to study at a foreign university, and for 5% of the total cost. It depends on the program that the student chooses.

How to get a grant

3. Fulbright

This grant is a government scholarship. The program has great advantages. As for education and accommodation, it is absolutely free. However, there are drawbacks, such as the fact that working in the United States after studying under this program cannot be for three years.

4. Loans

This grant does not provide completely free tuition and accommodation. More precisely, it provides only during the training itself. In other words, the university provides a loan that must be paid within 10 years after training. Some schools do this only with a guarantor. There are also difficulties in the fact that this person must be a resident of the United States for 2 years, no less.

5. Assistantship

This program allows you to study and live in the United States through work. The work may be administrative or teaching. The volume is small, up to 20 hours a week. This often covers the entire cost, but not always. This is not the whole list of grants in the USA, but only the most basic ones. Studying them, many people often ask themselves: why, in fact, do foreign universities provide such a number of grants to foreign students, and is there any catch here? In fact, there is nothing unusual here. Many foreign universities provide grants in order to raise their own ratings. In the USA, as in other countries, the following requirements are imposed on foreign students: high academic performance, successful passing the exam, achievements in various fields, the ability to interest the commission.

And even before choosing a particular university, you should study its website, specialization, and it is also important to read the reviews of students, both currently studying and those who graduated sometime. Since some aspects of studying at a certain institute may not suit you, it is better to immediately make the right choice so that you do not regret it later.

How to get a grant for education abroad? Is it worth a try?

Thus, the answer to the question of how to get a grant for studying abroad is not so complicated compared to the activity that is to be undertaken.

Getting a diploma abroad

Many really talented students are hesitant to apply for a grant. According to the experience of Russian students who have already come this way, studying abroad is quite real. You do not need to be a child prodigy to become a student abroad.

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