When not in a crisis to open your own business? This risky event more often than many think becomes successful. The main thing is to think over all the moments of your own future business in advance and decide whether to start at all. And if it’s worth it, then you must, without departing from the intended path, fight for your goal (for many who want to open their own business, this is financial viability and confidence in the future).
Today there are a lot of business ideas - from the simplest, even not requiring rental premises, to complex, multi-level plans involving third-party investments. The business of refueling cartridges may also become their own business. This type of work is suitable for beginning entrepreneurs and does not require a significant starting capital. But do not rush to buy equipment! First you need to conduct a market analysis and think through everything.
Cartridge refill market
Cartridge refueling business is not the most common type of activity, so there is a chance to occupy a free niche in the market. Agree, the idea of opening a store or cafe comes to novice businessmen much more often, while catering is really a difficult area for a beginner.
The target audience of the cartridge refueling business (where to start - read below) are everyone who has a printer at home or in the office. The main customers will be offices, private entrepreneurs and various government agencies (schools, housing offices, hospitals). Before you rent a room and purchase equipment, you need to analyze the presence of potential customers and competition.
Particular attention should be paid to companies that offer photocopy and printing services. Due to the specifics of their activities, the ink in the printer runs out very quickly, so that they can become regular customers. It is advisable to conclude a permanent contract with such customers of services - this will ensure stability for the cartridge refueling business. The feedback from entrepreneurs confirms that you need to “hold on” to regular customers, possibly offering discounts or special offers of a different kind.
Business summary
The market is relatively free, and you can start work, hoping for success and stable profits? Great, just how do you open a cartridge refueling business? In general terms, the scheme is as follows:
- It is necessary to go through the state registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC, select a taxation system and resolve all legal issues.
- You need to find a suitable room and rent, equip a convenient workshop there.
- Conduct an advertising campaign that will allow serving the first few customers on the opening day.
- Think about creating a source of passive income from the business of refilling cartridges, expanding the network of workshops.
Legal issues
Such a business can be opened by registering an IP or LLC. The first option is easier for many, because you can register an IP yourself, without the help of a lawyer or an accountant. Before starting the activity, it will also be necessary to choose a tax system.
Workshop rental
To get started, you need to rent a small office (workshop) in a large business center, next to it, in the city center. A fairly small area, so this step will not be too expensive. The only requirement for the room is a constant supply of water - this is necessary for refueling inkjet printers.
Of course, at first you can organize a small workshop at home.This is a very budget option for business. Confidence in entrepreneurs who work in a separate workshop is usually higher than those who decide to start a home business. Especially the latter applies to large firms - it may be quite difficult to conclude a contract with a regular customer.
Equipment purchase
The business plan for refueling cartridges includes the cost of acquiring equipment necessary for the full functioning of the business. It is necessary to buy devices and technical means that will allow refueling laser and inkjet printers, equipment for the restoration of cartridges. After the third refueling, the cartridge begins to deteriorate, crumble or leak. The resource is reduced not only the cartridge itself, but also the technology with which it is used. Therefore, from time to time it is necessary to carry out technical restoration work.
It will require not only equipment for the business of refueling cartridges, but also furniture in the workshop. At a minimum, you need chairs and a table, a rack. You will also need various supplies: color and black ink, toner. The cartridge refill master also needs some tools, such as a soldering iron, thermo gun, pliers, screwdrivers and so on. Expenditures on consumables are constant, so they need to be taken into account when calculating the budget.
Also, you will definitely need a laptop and a phone, you need to connect the Internet.
Workshop staff
First you can work on your own. In general, the cartridge refueling business involves the following stages of service provision:
- Reception of the application from the client.
- Check out the courier to pick up the cartridge at the specified address.
- Directly refill the cartridge.
- Delivery of equipment back to the customer.
- Receive payment.
It turns out that if you are ready to be both a master and a courier, you can do it yourself. Naturally, this is just the beginning. When the business gains momentum, it will be necessary to hire a separate courier or two, a craftsman, a seller, and so on - it all depends on what kind of development this business will receive.
So, you can work independently, or you can immediately hire one or two couriers. If you are just a beginner entrepreneur and / or do not understand the intricacies of accounting, you will also need an accountant. Accounting can be outsourced - it is usually cheaper.
Additional services
When the business begins to gain momentum, you can think about providing additional services. You can enter them immediately, in which case there will be more chances for the successful launch of your own business. Additional services include, for example:
- office equipment repair;
- sale of toners;
- sale of spare parts for printers and so on.
Advertising campaign
A successful business is having customers. Regular customers are especially valuable, but immediately after launching and attracting first customers can be a problematic issue. For this reason, you definitely need to think about advertising. All possible advertising resources are important - from creating your own website to posting information about your services in newspapers or putting up paper ads near entrances. The more sources from which potential customers can find out information about you, the better.
Start-up capital
For the cartridge refueling business, you do not need such a significant starting capital, as, for example, to organize your own cafeteria or grocery store. It will take about five thousand rubles a month to rent a room, furniture will cost twelve thousand, about a hundred thousand will have to be laid out for equipment. Consumables (it is better to buy with a margin, and wholesale customers are usually given good discounts) - about twenty thousand. The advertising budget may even be zero - there are many opportunities to advertise for free. A business will pay for itself in about a year.