
Excess - what is it? Meaning, synonyms and examples

Excess is not a disadvantage. Excess pleases people, gives pleasure to others. Wealth is a good thing. Today we analyze the meaning of the word "excess", we give synonyms and examples.


excess is

The explanatory dictionary will handle this word without difficulty and say that it has two meanings:

  1. Same as surplus.
  2. A lot (colloquial).

I had to multiply entities. Now we need to explain what excess is. Imagine that Petya eats 5 apples a day - a voracious boy. But his parents give him not 5, but 7 fruits. Therefore, he has two apples left. It is these apples that are called excess or excess.

The spoken meaning is not so difficult to illustrate. True, we will have to resort to dialogue, we hope the reader will forgive us this liberty.

- Vladimir Evgenievich, give you cigarettes?

- Why, Pyotr Fedorovich? My wife bought a block yesterday, now I have them in abundance. Maybe you want to treat yourself?

- Ah, leave it to me unnecessarily.

Refined gentlemen also do not disdain the hero of our conversation today. We remind you that we deal with excess. We move on to the word-replacements.


Excess is a pretty simple word. But the reader should still have a choice of definitions just in case. Overlook replacement:

  • abundance;
  • abundance;
  • bust;
  • excess;
  • superfluous;
  • the remainder.

In this case, you can’t walk around too much, but there is still something to choose from. No special stylistic recommendations are needed; they are redundant. All words of the same order are approximately.

Better deficiency or excess?

the meaning of the word excess

This question is not simple, but tricky. Because it all depends on what exactly a person has in abundance. For example, if he lacks food, and he suddenly clogs the refrigerator to the eyeballs - that's good. And if he has too much money, then this is bad. Because as Seneca said: "It is not the one who has a lot who is rich, but the one who has enough." Cash surplus is a rather dangerous phenomenon: on the one hand, material wealth is a feeling of security and confidence in the future, and on the other hand, it is a result of phantom needs, immodesty in relation to oneself and others, moral decay. But, of course, it all depends on the person. Money alone does not have any ethical pole. Only the owner gives them a certain moral strength.

Someone believes that poverty raises, and the rich are not capable of a noble deed. Is it so? Not always. But if a famous and wealthy person suddenly does something for the sake of others, then the press admires him. The poor are heroic in silence.

To summarize, let’s say: the meaning of the word “excess” is also morally and ethically indifferent, so let the reader remember this and, if countless wealth falls on him, does not suffer from conscience.

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