In Ivanovo, there are quite a lot of secondary specialized educational institutions. Among them are both private and public colleges. One of the educational organizations is the Ivanovo College of Law (IIJK). This is a non-governmental educational institution. This form of ownership discourages applicants. Such colleges and universities have a negative reputation. They are referred to as inefficient educational institutions. Does the IIJ fall under this characteristic? To find the answer to this question, let's look at what is Ivanovo Law College, find out the advantages and disadvantages of an educational institution.
Opening of a secondary school and further renaming
College of Law is a relatively young educational institution. It was opened in 1991, when life in the country changed dramatically, new opportunities appeared. However, the name of the institution was completely different. No one realizes that in the 90s the college was a legal center. The essence of his educational activity was to prepare people for work in courts, prosecutors, etc.
The modern name, which is now familiar to all students and teachers, the educational organization has been since 1996. The renaming decision was made at a meeting of the founders of the Legal Center.
Achievements in the modern period
The form of ownership did not prevent the Ivanovo College of Law from taking a significant place in the educational sphere. Today, secondary vocational education is the leading specialized legal educational institution of secondary vocational education not only in the city, but in the entire Ivanovo region.
A positive reputation at the college is formed thanks to the work of the leadership and the teaching staff, the activities of students. Colleges boast many student achievements over the past few years. For example, in the 2014–2015 academic year, one of the students won the poster contest dedicated to victory in the Great Patriotic War. In 2015–2016, one of the students took part in the All-Russian Literature Olympiad. According to the results, the girl received a diploma of I degree.
It is impossible to enumerate all the achievements, but a conclusion can already be drawn from the aforementioned events: active and goal-oriented individuals are studying at Ivanovo Law College, who try to make their student life more vibrant, full of positive and interesting events.
Desired Future
The Law College in Ivanovo has certain goals, which the colleges are not going to refuse to fulfill. The educational institution wants to achieve significant heights in its activities. It plans to enter the list of leading colleges of the Central region involved in the training of legal personnel.
College also has another goal. It is less massive. The college decided in the future to become in the Ivanovo region a unique innovative educational structure. This goal is quite achievable, because now this educational institution implements a model of innovative education. The college is actively using new technologies in the field of training and education of qualified personnel.
More on innovative education
Now almost all educational institutions use non-standard teaching methods in their activities. Modern technologies are not introduced because they are fashionable.They greatly simplify teaching and student life, demonstrate their effectiveness. In order to introduce modern technologies into the educational process, Ivanovo College of Law acquired projectors and interactive whiteboards.
Fully equipped computer room. It has the necessary equipment, training programs are installed, there is Internet access. In the computer class, classes are held on computer science, information technology in law enforcement. From time to time, students attend a computer class in forensics lessons when they need to use certain software products.
Specially equipped audiences
Graduates of modern colleges after graduating from schools face various problems. For example, some people cannot find a suitable job, others find a job, but at the same time experience difficulties in adapting, cannot apply their existing knowledge in practice. At the Ivanovo Law College in Ivanovo, the leadership tried to ensure that graduates of secondary vocational schools did not encounter these problems. For this, several classrooms were equipped. They tried to recreate such an atmosphere that may be characteristic of future work.
One such audience is the courtroom. It is used in classes in disciplines such as civil procedure and criminal procedure. In the courtroom, students learn to consider cases. Some of the students play the role of a judge, someone becomes a lawyer, and someone decides to feel like a prosecutor. There is a computer in the audience, a multimedia system has been installed to present video and audio recordings as evidence. Other specially equipped classrooms include a laser shooting range for fire training classes and a forensic audience.
Library availability
A very important unit of Ivanovo College of Law is a library with a reading room. This is a storehouse of scientific and educational information for students. The walls of the library store hundreds of textbooks, encyclopedias, reference books. In addition, printed publications are written that can help students master educational programs.
College students are offered not only to visit the regular library, but also to use the electronic library. Ssuz concluded an agreement with Yurait publishing house on providing access to a huge number of digital books and magazines. Thanks to this, students can use the latest teaching materials, the latest and relevant regulatory acts.
Questions of concern to applicants
People who have chosen Ivanovo Law College in Ivanovo are interested in a huge number of questions:
- Does the secondary school have documents that give him the right to engage in educational activities? Yes, the college has a license. There is also a certificate of state accreditation, thanks to which the institution issues state-issued diplomas, provides young men with a deferment from the army.
- In what areas does the college teach? Educational services are provided in 3 specialties related to jurisprudence. These are “Law and the organization of social security”, “Law enforcement activity” and “Law and judicial administration”.
- Are there budget places? Ssuz is a non-governmental educational institution. He does not receive financial support from the state, so there are no budget places.
- How can freshmen learn about the start of classes at the Ivanovo College of Law, schedule? This information can be clarified in advance in the loan or look at the official website. There is a section that publishes a schedule for students.
Reviews on educational work
Many modern applicants want not only to study at the chosen educational institution, but to develop a personality in themselves, to improve themselves. Judging by the reviews, this is possible at the Ivanovo Law College, because special attention is paid to educational work. Students note that their life is filled with various events. From time to time, the university offers to participate in various creative and sports competitions held at the level of the city, region or the whole country.
There are several volunteer movements organized in the college itself:
- "Contemporary". Its purpose is to hold meetings with veterans, to assist them, to carry out improvements to the college, to participate in tree planting.
- "No Drugs!". This volunteer movement is aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle, physical education and sports.
- "Society for the Protection of Animals of the IJK." The purpose of this association is to create a responsible attitude towards animals in people.
Reviews on education and tuition fees
Graduates of the educational institution express different opinions about the lender. Someone is dissatisfied with their education, someone is happy with everything. Those people who are grateful to the college say “thank you” to all the teachers for the transferred theoretical knowledge and practical skills.
Students also have different points of view about college. In positive reviews, they note that colleges periodically organize various excursions for students. For example, in January 2018, sophomores visited ONE MO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia “Ivanovsky”. The head of the juvenile affairs department, O. N. Korotaeva, talked with students and answered questions of interest. Thanks to the tour, students learned about how the police work with minors and what preventive measures are being taken against them.
Negative reviews often complain about the lack of budget places and rather expensive training. As is known from general information, students at the Ivanovo Law College pay more than 40 thousand rubles for 1 year of study. At the same time, the cost of educational services is growing every year.