
Intelligent investments: definition, features and types

The investment market is quite extensive and multifaceted. It consists of several parts, among which intellectual goods and services occupy a special place. They are the result of human mental activity, and are highly valued among entrepreneurs. It is on the development of these objects that intellectual investments are oriented.

The essence of this investment

Such investments represent a cash contribution aimed at developing new, previously non-existent intangible assets. In other words, investments in the mental activity of people.

intellectual investment

Most often, intellectual investments are made by contributing to the training of employees, raising their qualifications, and organizing seminars and trainings. This is very important, because only a professional is able to develop a completely new product.

Innovations are currently gaining momentum and are a priority branch of development for both an individual company and the state as a whole. Training and development of employees of the organization is the most important article of intellectual investments. Any enterprise that will invest money in this does not fail and will reach a new level.

Intellectual property

A product created as a result of the mental activity of one or more people is expressed in commodity form. In this regard, intellectual property can be individual or collective. The following types of it are distinguished:

  • Exceptional, which is distinguished by copyright protection;
  • Informational. This property is determined by the acquired knowledge, skills, and is implemented in the form of a contract through educational services or publication;
  • Licensed, expressed in the acquisition by the investor of the rights of ownership or use.

There is another type of intellectual property that is not protected by copyright, as it was the product of several people or groups. This type of ownership most often turns into legal acts or various provisions where all authorship is lost. To protect their rights, authors use special registration forms.

intellectual property investment

Investing in intellectual property today is especially relevant, as someone's idea or thought can bring a huge amount of money. You just need to select the attachment object correctly.


The object of intellectual investment can be advanced equipment that meets all the latest requirements. With it, an innovative idea is developed. Also, the subject of investments may be the level of knowledge and qualifications of employees.

But that is far from all. The fact is that there are no restrictions in this regard. That is, any innovation or know-how in all areas of activity automatically becomes the object of intellectual investment. Equally, we can talk about artistic innovations, technological developments and mental products.

object of intellectual investment

The first can include any design decision for a trademark or brand. A technical innovation is the creation of previously non-existent equipment or new mechanisms for using the old. A new approach to software relates to mental activity. Investments in intellectual property are quite popular, because a new invention can “blow up” the market.

Why invest in intelligence?

Recently, a lot of attention has been paid to these investments.This is due to the fact that many reputable experts expressed the opinion that such investments are able in a short time to completely change the economic structure of both the enterprise and the state.

intellectual capital investment

This statement is not unfounded, because Russia, according to Prime Minister D. Medvedev, is on the path of innovation. At the moment, in our country there is a commodity economy, which significantly slows down its development. Only investments in intellectual capital can bring the country's economy to a new level.

These investments have a number of strengths, one of which is the minimum amount of costs. Before creating a new product, it is necessary to complete a number of tasks: find qualified workers, provide them with modern equipment, and also create a previously non-existent technology.

Realization of intellectual investments

The type of ownership determines the further "fate" of mental goods and services. Most often, they turn into investment objects, however, they can also be implemented in consumer markets. The investor acquires mental products for the purpose of their application in entrepreneurial activity, and, accordingly, future profit. Intelligent investments are investments in this type of property.

ita intellectual investment laboratory reviews

They are carried out in the form of:

  • acquisition of patents, copyrights and licenses;
  • purchase of information services;
  • the acquisition of intellectual products in the form of tangible goods, information is contained in any medium: from printed matter to the hard drive;
  • investments in labor (education, advanced training, etc.).

Currently, new centers are being created to promote mental investments. One such institution is the ITA Laboratory for Intelligent Investments. Feedback on the company's activities is only positive. Such centers can help people and bring intellectual investments to a new level.

Sources of financing

All investments are financed from somewhere, and any competent investor should understand this. No one will invest in a project that does not have a source of funds. Since the state considers this area to be quite important, it acts as the first source of funding. Intelligent investments are supported from budgets of various levels.

The second source is a group of large companies that are no less than the state interested in creating new ideas and products. Innovation will help them further increase their income, so corporations are financing.

investment in intellectual property

The third source seems the most insignificant. Various non-profit organizations existing at the expense of state support are engaged in financing in search of innovative solutions.


The intellectual investment market is under development. Drawing a conclusion, it can be noted that this type of investment significantly stands out among others. Intellectual property plays a large role in the formation of any organization: whether it is a plant or a consulting company. Everywhere it is necessary to come up with the optimal technology of work in order to get the maximum profit at the least time. Intelligent investments in employees are growing every year, thereby developing both an individual employee and the company as a whole.

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