
Description for the director of the enterprise - sample, features and recommendations

The labor market is replete with specialists of different profiles, level of education, directions, with different experience and knowledge. Some have only a university behind them, others have combined education and work, others have managed to find a job without a higher education, and now they have a lot of experience in their posts, and there was no diploma either.

In order to understand whether a candidate is suitable or not, large organizations have a whole personnel department. In small companies, this issue is decided by the director. Some prefer to contact recruitment agencies that conduct various types of testing and interviews with potential candidates.

But still, the most telling indicator when choosing a specialist is a characteristic from a previous job. In some cases, the characteristic is needed not only for specialists changing the company in which they work.

In this article, we will analyze what a characteristic is, why it is needed, the rules of compilation and content. The focus here will be on sample characteristics on executives.

description of the director of the enterprise sample

What is a characteristic for an employee

The characteristic for the director of the enterprise is a sample document, the unified form of which is not fixed and not approved at any of the controlling authorities. In addition, it is absolutely not required in the design. The organization itself has the right to decide whether to give the employee a characteristic or not, what exactly to write in it and how to draw it up.

Nevertheless, if an employee aspires to a high position, it is better to have a characteristic. If it is not formalized in the organization yourself, you can ask the personnel department about it.

The description of the director of the enterprise is a sample document that can greatly simplify further job search. This also applies to other positions in which people are engaged in work with great economic and social responsibility. It describes all the achievements of the employee, his strengths and weaknesses, work experience, projects under his supervision and other information that is important in the field of his employment.

sample characteristics on executives

Why is a characteristic needed?

The characteristic for the director of the enterprise is a sample of a document that can be intended for both internal and external use. It could be:

  • Personal request of the head. It can also be compiled at the personal request of the employee, while he does not have to report why he needs it.
  • Request for company shareholders or founders. Company owners can periodically put on the agenda the issue of the person managing their property. In this case, the characteristic perfectly describes its correspondence to the position.
  • Director search for a new job. When applying for a high-ranking position, there are few resumes, companies require candidates from previous places of work, as well as a description of the director of the enterprise. The form can be either arbitrary or established in the personnel policy of a particular company.
  • Transfer to another position within the holding or corporation. In a large organization, it is not possible to keep all employees in sight 24/7. If the head of one of the units, for example, has moved and wants to transfer to a branch closer to home, he may be required to characterize him.
  • Request from bailiffs, the investigative committee and other authorized persons.There are different situations, for example, a large theft of property, a tax crime, and other unpleasant situations could occur in the organization. The person responsible for the organization is the director. They will ask the first one from him. Including the characteristic.

sample characteristics for the director of the company for the award

Varieties of characteristics

So, the characteristic can be intended for completely different users and in different situations. Based on this, there are several types of this document:

  • Production. This form is often requested at the factory, for example, when it is necessary to undergo a medical examination.
  • Service. It is used in parent organizations of holdings. It is asked when it is necessary to make a decision on the bonus or fine of the employee.
  • Certification. Promotion on a career ladder is connected with continuous training, obtaining new experience and knowledge. This characteristic allows us to understand whether the employee is ready for further growth, and indeed whether it is suitable for this position at all.

Director profile

What the characteristic contains

It is described above that the description of the director of the enterprise is a sample document without a unified form. But there are also blocks in it, the presence of which is structurally and informationally important. These are:

  • job description, position, personal data;
  • a list of merits brought to the logical conclusion of projects, decisions that brought the company to a new level;
  • personal qualities of the employee, his experience, knowledge and abilities;
  • courses, trainings, advanced training, seminars and other events to improve professional knowledge and skills;
  • awards and victories.

In addition to the positive aspects in the work of the director, failure must also be indicated. The description should contain all information about the work of an official for successful modeling of a complete and true picture. So, for example, failed decisions, penalties and other negative aspects should also be included in the characteristics sections.

Director Feature Example

Who draws up the characteristic

Sample characteristics for company department heads can be compiled by a director or general manager, as well as a human resources specialist or human resources officer. May be in the organization and specially authorized person. For example, some managers delegate this responsibility to their secretaries and office managers.

Then how to write a description on the head of the enterprise as a whole? The director should not write about himself. In this case, the characteristic is compiled again by the personnel department, personnel specialist, board of directors or the owners of the organization.

description of the director of the enterprise sample

How to write a testimonial

A sample of a characteristic for the director of an enterprise for rewarding, moving or transferring to another company must be executed according to the rules of business correspondence. There is no unified form of the document, but the structure, important information blocks, the signature of the person in charge and the seal of the organization should be traced in it.

A characteristic is usually drawn up on letterhead indicating the details. Any example of a director’s profile is written from a third party. For ease of reading the document, the following text parameters are used in the editor: font Times New Roman, size 14. Size of the paper for the specification is A4.

Like any outgoing correspondence, a characteristic is drawn up in accordance with the rules of office management and archiving in two copies, indicating the serial number of the document and the outgoing date.

example of a characteristic for the head of an enterprise

Feature Structure

This section provides an example of a characteristic for the head of the enterprise, the structure most often used in office work:

  • Headline. The name of the document is indicated here.
  • Personal Information. Namely: year and place of birth, educational institutions, received the level of education.
  • Labor activity of an employee.Duration of employment, period of work at this enterprise, previous jobs, positions and career steps, achievements, awards, victories, results. Here you can also find information on continuing education.
  • Personal qualities, characterization of the employee as a partner and leader, psychological portrait of a person.
  • Conclusion In this section, the purpose of compiling the document, its final addressee or conclusions about the characteristic as a whole can be indicated.
  • Date and outgoing number are indicated in the upper part of the document, in the corners, under the header with details.

In the lower part, the position, surname, initials and signature of the official who filled out the description are indicated. Immediately put a print of the seal.

how to write a profile on the head of the enterprise

Features of writing a document

The characteristic contains the personal data of a private person. All actions relating to personal data must comply with the requirements of Articles 86-90 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Law on Personal Data and other legal acts relating to this issue (local, regional, federal and so on). It is impossible to transmit information about a person anywhere without his consent.

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