In 2015, changes were made to the pension system, they touched on the formulas for its calculation, and a new concept appeared for our citizens - “fixed payment for insurance pension”. It is due to every pensioner who is assigned insurance cash security.
What changed?
The concept of “labor pension” ceased to exist. It consisted of the funded part and the insurance. Now, lawmakers have introduced two independent pensions: funded and insurance. Years of labor activity are recalculated into pension points (legal language - individual pension coefficient). These points translate insurance premiums paid by employers to the FIU.
Non-insurance periods appeared to be normal. These included military service in the army, parental leave, the period for caring for older people who were 80 years old, etc. For these periods, points are also awarded that will be taken into account when assigning monetary security for incapacity for work.
The fixed payment is regulated by Federal Law No. 400 “On Insurance Pensions”, which entered into force two days before the new 2013. It cancels the previously existing basic part of the pension, which was guaranteed as the minimum payment for the incapacity for work of each citizen who retired by age. A fixed payment in 2015 replaced the basic part, that is, the state refused to give pension guarantees to citizens who did not earn them.
According to the law, a certain number of points must be earned during labor activity. When calculating the pension, they are converted into rubles at the assigned value. And not always a full-fledged length of service gives the amount of points necessary for pension provision.
Basic amendments
The calculation of insurance coverage has also been amended: the base part is now called a fixed payment for a new insurance pension. That is, a pensioner receives a pension, in legal terms, insurance coverage, part of which is a fixed payment. Both parts represent a certain amount of money, which is paid monthly and guaranteed by the state (in case of a sufficient number of pension points). Here you need to understand that the fixed part of the pension is established by the Government of the Russian Federation, that is, it does not depend on the size of the paid contributions. But it obeys the rules of indexation, the percentage of which is calculated from inflation recorded at the end of last year. As well as the type of pension and category of disability.
The recipient of the pension has the right to transfer part of these points to a management company or choose for this any pension fund owned by non-state structures. They invest invested funds, thereby increasing pension savings.
Old-age insurance benefit
An insurance pension is a certain compensation of wages, the receipt of which is impossible in connection with the loss of ability to work (due to old age or established disability).
A fixed payment for an old-age insurance pension is appointed by the Government and paid in a certain (fixed) amount. Several categories of pensioners are eligible to be legally entitled to increased fixed payments.
It is worth noting that the insurance pension, both for a working pensioner and a non-working one, is assigned on a common basis. But in insurance payments for retirees who continue to work, there are some features.They are associated with:
- indexation provided for working retirees;
- recalculation of pensions to working pensioners;
- recalculation of payments after dismissal.
As a general rule, non-working pensioners have the right to annual fixed payment indexation. As before, in 2017 the amount of a fixed payment to an insurance pension equates to an increase in the consumer price index. Retirees who continue to work do not have this right. Indexation of their payments will occur only after dismissal.
What does a fixed payment for insurance pension mean?
The pension system consists of several levels. One of the important ones is compulsory pension insurance. Therefore, employers must deduct insurance premiums for each employee (insured person). Today, these payments make up 22%, six of which go to the joint part (even in the case of funded pension). It is from this part of the interest that a fixed payment is formed.
Since the policyholder finances these payments, they are only entitled to an insurance pension. That is, three types of surcharges are formed: a fixed payment to a guaranteed insurance pension due to loss of a breadwinner or disability, and the same payment to an old-age insurance pension.
A fixed payment to a social pension, funded or state, is not required.
The formula for calculating insurance payments
A fixed payment is assigned simultaneously with the insurance pension. For this, a citizen needs to apply at the place of residence to a branch of the Pension Fund and submit the necessary documents.
The pension is calculated as follows;
- SP = ƩB x SB + PV.
- Where, PV - a fixed payment.
- SB - the cost (variable value) of the retirement point.
- ƩБ - the amount of earned pension points.
Categories of pensioners
The purpose and calculation of a fixed payment depends on the cause of the incapacity for work. Lawmakers distinguish several categories of pensioners. So who is entitled to a fixed payment of an insurance pension? It is guaranteed to be paid to persons:
- survivors;
- who have 25 years of experience (men) and 20 (women), at least 15 of whom worked in the Far North, or in natural areas equated to them;
- become disabled;
- having orphan status;
- have reached retirement age (for men it is 60, for women - 55 years).
Order of Establishment
The establishment of a fixed payment for an insurance pension, as well as for the pension itself, is carried out by the body that implements the pension provision of citizens who applied for a pension at the place of registration. This provision is regulated by the federal norm of December 15, 2001 FZ-167 “On Compulsory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation”.
A citizen may apply to a pension providing institution or one of the departments of a multifunctional center at a registered place of residence. The MFC will accept documents only in case of an existing agreement between the MFC and the institution that provides pension benefits. The employer also has the right to apply for the purpose of payment with the written consent of the employee.
Application for payment can be made in the form of an email. The procedure for its execution and provision is determined by regulatory acts of the Government of the Russian Federation. This statement is transmitted through the information and telecommunication networks allowed for general use (Internet) to the Unified portal of state and municipal services.
The list of required copies and originals of documents required for calculating a fixed payment and / or its allocation for various reasons is compiled by the Government of the Russian Federation.
Separate category of pensioners
These include civil servants and military personnel. Pension contributions for them are transferred by the state. That is why the retirement benefits of these citizens are dealt with by the agencies to which they belong.
Legislation provides for payments:
- loss of breadwinner (applies to families of the deceased);
- at registration of disability;
- by seniority.
In rare cases, the department transfers contributions to the PF for a future pensioner. In this case, he will be assigned an insurance pension, but without a fixed part of it.
All types of insurance pension include a fixed payment. For each category of pensioners a certain amount is set. Each year, the state indexes a fixed payment to an insurance pension, thereby increasing the overall size.
Legislatively established annual indexation of pension insurance and fixed payments. They increase on February 1 by a specially calculated index of growth in consumer prices in the previous year.
Fixed payout for insurance pension in 2017
Last year, due to insufficient funds in the accounts of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Government suspended the indexation program. Therefore, this year it was decided to increase the fixed contribution by 5.4%. After these changes, the amount of the fixed payment to the insurance pension in 2017 became:
- in old age - 4,805.11 rubles;
- for disabilities of I, II, III groups - 9 610, 22 rubles, 4 805.11 rubles, 2 402.56 rubles, respectively;
- the loss of one breadwinner - 2 402.56 rubles.
The cost of the individual coefficient (one pension point), which is the base when calculating the insurance pension, has also changed. This year he was accepted equal to 78.28 rubles (until February 1 of the current year, he was 74.27 rubles).
Due to these changes, in 2017 the average annual pension will reach 13,620 rubles. Compared to last year, it grew by almost 500 rubles.
Indexation this year was based on the legislative act of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 36 of January 19, which approved the coefficient of forthcoming indexation for a fixed payment to insurance pensions in 2017.
Potential fixed payout supplements
Only the number of dependents and the age of the recipient can increase these amounts. As well as seniority in severe climatic conditions (for example, in areas of the Far North or equivalent to them). The increased payout is guaranteed, even if the pensioner no longer lives in severe climatic conditions. In general, the fixed payment for the insurance pension to northerners can be increased in two ways.
The first option is an increase due to the district coefficient. The Government of the Russian Federation has established this norm for pensioners permanently residing in the region of the North.
The second option is valid for those who have 20/25 years (wife / husband) of the total (earned) insurance length of service, as well as 15 or more years of which worked in the regions of the Far North. This allows you to increase the fixed payment by another 50%.
Pensioners who are entitled to both options for increasing, when applying for insurance coverage, are required to choose one, at their discretion.
The fixed payment for an old-age insurance pension doubles if the recipient is 80 years old.
Dependents (up to three people and non-working) add 1 519.64 rubles to a fixed payment.
Opportunities to increase insurance pension increase
A later appeal of a citizen to the Pension Fund significantly increases the fixed payment for an insurance pension. The desire of the employee to continue working after the official disability age is natural today, because the life expectancy in our country is increasing. Prior to the entry into force of the new law, pensioners, while continuing to receive wages, applied for a pension. The new rule suggests not applying for insurance coverage. In this case, an increase in the fixed payment to the insurance pension by the time it is received will be substantial. This happens due to the annual calculation of a special coefficient. The norm is valid from January 1, 2015.
Recalculation of a fixed payment to an insurance pension
The grounds for the recalculation are provided by federal law No. 173-FZ, as well as by the Administrative Regulations (Order of the Ministry of Labor dated March 28, 2014 No. 157). And it is carried out only in cases:
- changes in the number of pensioner dependents;
- reaching the age of 80;
- change in the category of the recipient of the pension in case of loss of the breadwinner;
- recognition of a pensioner as a disabled person of group I or when changing a group;
- acquisition of the necessary amount of working experience in the Far North, or in areas with difficult climatic conditions;
- change of place of registration: either moving to the Far North region and zones equated to it, or moving out of them.
Persons who have issued a pension before 01/01/2015, and continue to work, are also eligible for recalculation.
The right to it is considered to be declarative, that is, it is exercised on the basis of a written appeal to the local PF bodies. Recalculation is valid for all categories of pensioners. Upon the occurrence of certain circumstances stipulated by law, a recalculation to the smaller side is possible.
You can submit an application in person at the MFC, or through the employer, having issued your consent.
Without an application, the pension payment is recounted only in the direction of reduction, upon reaching the age of 80 by the recipient of the pension, as well as upon receipt of the first disability group. All other cases require a written personal statement from a pensioner. It needs a package of supporting documents. The law has allocated five working days to prepare the answer. If it is necessary to verify the provided data, the consideration of the case can last up to three months.
Recalculation is assigned from the first day following the month’s circulation. A special scheme is provided only for pensioners who have received a disability group:
- if the assigned group makes it possible to increase the retirement benefit of old age or already assigned by disability, then a recalculation will be appointed from the day specified in ITU;
- if the fixed payment changes in the direction of reduction, then the allocation will occur from the first day of the next month;
- upon reaching 80 years, the fixed payment increases from the date of execution of this date.
The refusal to satisfy the pension recipient's application for recalculation must be submitted no later than five working days. The pensioner, if desired, has the right to file a written complaint with the Pension Fund and a statement of claim to the court.