Sometimes you can understand the drivers who drive on the sidelines. Traffic jams and congestion on the roads of Russia is an urgent problem not only in large cities, but also in small cities. However, it is worthwhile to understand that for a ride on the side of the road, a fine is required, as well as deprivation of rights. Therefore, you need to think carefully before performing such a maneuver. Let's try to figure out what a fine is possible for a ride on the side of the road, is there any chance of losing all rights.
What is a curb?
The driver, in order not to break the rules, needs to understand what a roadside is according to traffic rules. This term usually refers to sites located on the sides of the main road. In the SDA, this concept is defined as the territory located on the roadway. It not only has a different type of coating, but is also indicated by special markings. Therefore, if there is no marking, then the adjacent section of the road cannot be considered a roadside.
Roadside Rules
Clause 9.9 of the SDA states that traffic along dividing lanes and curbs is prohibited. Roadsides are allowed only for parking vehicles. Most often, this rule applies to the right side of the road, but sometimes you can stop the car on the side of the left. This is possible in the following cases:
- With single-lane traffic on each side (there should be no tram tracks in the middle).
- On one-way roads, it is only possible to stop trucks for loading or unloading. Otherwise, you should also expect a fine.
Driving on the side of the road is allowed only for cars that belong to communal or city road services. This also applies to trucks, which can deliver cargo to the object only through the intersection of the curb.
Also in the SDA provides traffic on the sidelines of the following modes of transport:
- Bicycles if there are no special bike paths or the ability to move along the right side of the roadway.
- Mopeds, the engine capacity of which is not more than 50 cubic meters. cm.
- Animals (riding) and horse-drawn carts.
All other modes of transport are forbidden to ride on the sidelines.
In case of violation of this rule and fixing it by the inspector or camera, a fine is issued. Not so long ago, its size was 500 rubles, but then it was raised to 1000 rubles. Today, the penalty for driving on the sidelines is 1,500 rubles.
Given the small size of the fine, many drivers boldly drive off the road and try to get around the traffic jam or even just a small queue at the traffic lights. So in the near future an increase in the fine is possible. Driving on the sidelines in this case will become less common.
First of all, we note that in case of violation by the driver of several traffic rules at once, the amount of fines will be added up. A protocol will be drawn up on it, in which all violated rules are indicated. Sometimes a driver can even be prosecuted. This is possible if he knocks down a pedestrian. The degree of punishment will be determined by the court, and the condition of the victim in this case will play a key role in determining the degree of punishment for the offender.
The protocol itself is drawn up by the traffic police inspector at the stopping place. If the violation is detected by cameras, the fine will be sent by mail to the violator. A photograph will be attached to the document, on which the violation itself is recorded, as well as the license plate number.
Given the penalty for driving on the sidelines, we can conclude that it poses a lower risk. The worst thing is the other consequences. In particular, the driver runs the risk of knocking down a pedestrian, and then he will not get off with a simple fine. Also, there are cases when, due to roughness on the roads or soft soil, the driver loses control, and this can lead to an accident. Cases are common when an intruder’s car drives into a ditch when trying to bypass a traffic jam along the side of the road.
Oncoming roadside
It is important to understand that there are left and right curbs. If the driver drives on her left side, then the punishment will be more severe. The fact is that driving on the left side with respect to the direction of movement is a violation of several rules at once, including going to the oncoming lane. In addition, the SDA (in clause 11.2) indicates that overtaking is prohibited if, at the end of it, the driver returns or creates a danger to other road users.
The size of the penalty for driving to the oncoming roadside will be 5 thousand rubles. It is also possible to deprive WU for a period of 4-6 months. If such an offense is committed repeatedly, then, by decision of the driver's inspector, they can be deprived of their rights for up to 12 months. When a violation is recorded by cameras, the driver will receive a decision by mail to pay a fine (5000 rubles).
Note that many are trying to challenge the inspector's decision, referring to article 12.5, according to which avoiding an obstacle in the oncoming lane is punishable by a fine of 1,500 rubles. However, traffic jam is not an obstacle, it is worth remembering. So you need to be prepared for the fact that when driving to the side of the road, the fine will not take long. Today, large cities are massively installing systems for fixing traffic violations, thanks to which it is almost impossible to hide the fact of an offense from inspection. Especially a lot of such cameras appear in St. Petersburg, Moscow. Therefore, when committing such a violation somewhere on the Moscow Ring Road, a penalty for driving on the sidelines will necessarily follow.
Fine prevention
Note that in article 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses there is a certain contradiction. According to the rules, the driver does not have the right to move along the side of the road, but can stand on it. Consequently, if a traffic police officer stops the intruder on the side of the road, then you can try to prove to him that the reason for such a trip was a stop rather than a traffic jam detour. However, practice shows that such an excuse is too weak, and in this case a fine is still issued. However, it’s worth trying anyway. At a minimum, you can ask the inspector to provide evidence and witnesses that you were traveling along the side of the road. And even if the protocol is drawn up, it can be appealed within 10 days. True, for this you will have to prove your innocence, which is difficult.
Remember that this year or early next year, they plan to increase the fine, which will motivate drivers not to commit such violations. It is possible that now they will have to pay not 1,500, but 5,000 rubles. As an alternative punishment, the driver may be confiscated for 1-3 months. Now you know how much a roadside penalty will have to be paid for such a violation. Perhaps sometimes it makes sense to stand in traffic, because even an hour of time saved can cost as much as 5,000 rubles or worse.