
Surcharge for pension for children: to whom it is supposed, the procedure for registration, the size of the supplement, the law

Since the middle of the summer of 2017, a wave of excitement has risen among pensioners over the addition to the pension for children. For this reason, the number of applications has sharply increased for the Pension Fund. Let's look at who the payments are due to, and on what basis they are issued.

supplement to pension for children


First you need to clearly understand the two main conditions for receiving the allowance:

  1. A woman retired before 2015, and one or more maternity leave was not taken into account in the calculation.
  2. The pensioner is dependent on minor children. This gives the right to receive additional payments accrued with the pension.

All types of supplements to the pension for children are not one-time and one-time, but are paid fixed every month. To obtain them, several conditions must be met.

New pension calculation method

It should be noted that when retirement benefits later than 2015, there is no need to submit documents for allocation according to the new system. Federal law provides for a change in the list of periods that will be included in the seniority upon retirement. Such an innovation will allow a woman to include in her work experience previously unaccounted periods of being on maternity leave, to increase it in this way by 6 years.

Surcharge for a pension for 2 children can be substantial. According to the new calculation system, parental leave until it is one and a half years old is calculated using the point method. Previously, the situation was such that this period was attributed only to seniority, and it did not affect the final amount of the pension payment.

supplement to pension for a minor child

What does the law provide?

The new law on supplement to the pension for children provides a new calculation of the payment calculated in points, which allows to increase its size. However, such a calculation can significantly reduce the seniority of a pensioner. The new pension calculation procedure is beneficial for those women who provided childcare for one and a half years before going to work, or for those with two or more children. For those whose earnings were low, it is also beneficial to replace seniority with insurance. Employees of the Pension Fund will help to understand which method is better in a particular case.

So, let’s take a closer look at the supplement to the pension for children.

Extra charge for children born before 1990

Both working and non-working pensioners can expect to increase pension payments. This rule applies to those women whose children were born before 1990-1991. and earlier, that is, in Soviet times. The main condition is retirement until 2015. Those who retire later do not need recalculation.

Thus, a retired woman has the right to declare a recalculation of pension accruals, in which the length of service will include the non-insurance period when she was on maternity leave. If a woman is applying for a supplement for adult children, the ratio and the number of points scored should be taken into account.supplement for pension for 2 children

Women with many children

Mothers with many children (three or more children) are more likely to increase their retirement benefits under the new settlement system. At the same time, one must not forget that the calculation of these periods according to the point system leads to a simultaneous reduction in length of service, and this can have an effect on the size of the main part of the pension downward. A preliminary calculation of the payment is made in the client department of the Pension Fund. You should not refuse the current pension until the moment of correct calculation according to the new system.The maximum possible supplement to the pension for children is 1909 rubles, while one point totals 78.58 rubles in 2017.

When the calculation according to the new system shows a smaller amount than the existing one, the commission automatically refuses the allocation. With a slight increase in the pension payment under the new settlement system, the pensioner makes the decision to switch to it. There were situations when the premium was only 10 rubles.


The maternity allowance pension is calculated individually. The following factors are taken into account:

  1. Number of children.
  2. The amount of wages while on maternity leave.
  3. Total length of service.
  4. The right to retire early.
  5. Benefits at the place of residence (for example, in the countryside, in the Far North).

what is the supplement to the pension for children

If the woman’s salary was minimal, and her seniority was long, then the new system for calculating pension payments will be most beneficial for her. Early retirement will reduce seniority, so the size of the pension under the new calculation system will be lower than the current one. In this case, the applicant continues to accrue the originally calculated pension, without recalculation. Let's look at an example of a supplement to a pension for children.


The woman gave birth to two children until 1991. She retired in 2010. She has a working experience of 30 years. Pension Fund employees recalculate according to the new system. Three years of non-insurance experience will be deducted from 30 years of work, calculated according to the point system, which will give 3.6 points for both children. Without taking into account the reduction in seniority, the increase will amount to 424.34 rubles, but in reality the pension may even become lower, and sometimes not change at all. Thus, the new calculation system does not provide guarantees for increasing pension payments.

How to get a social supplement to the pension for children?

Package of documents

You can recalculate taking into account maternity leave when applying to the Pension Fund. You need to bring documents with you.

  1. Application for an increase in pension payments (to be completed in the Pension Fund according to the standard model).
  2. Passport.
  3. Birth certificate of a child with a passport stamp.

Additional documents may include:

  1. Certificate that the spouse of the applicant did not recalculate taking into account maternity leave.
  2. Form 9 issued at the passport office.
  3. Data on the labor activity of children.
  4. Certificate from the child’s place of study.
  5. Disability certificate of the child.

who is entitled to a pension supplement for children

Pension supplement for a minor child

If minor children live at the expense of a pensioner, in other words, they are dependent, then they need to ensure a normal standard of living. Standard pension payments cannot give such an opportunity. Therefore, the legislation provides for fixed standard increments to the basic pension.

The allowance according to the law is laid on a pensioner, dependent on whom there are children, sisters and brothers, as well as grandchildren:

  • under the age of 18;
  • until the age of 23, subject to studies in higher education institutions;
  • with confirmed disability - unlimited age.

Amount calculation

The amount of payment to pensioners for the maintenance of children is not fixed, but calculated according to certain conditions:

  • number of dependents living in the family;
  • retired age;
  • age of dependents;
  • the presence of disability;
  • place of residence.

What is the supplement to the pension for children?

The allowances for dependents provided for pensioners in the Far North or in rural areas vary depending on the regional coefficient and amount to 16 800 rubles. The calculation is made for each pensioner individually. The minimum fixed payment is 3,416 rubles. The size of surcharges is not indexed, but may vary when adding to the main pension.
additional pension to women for children

Separately, it is worth considering pensioners who are in the status of "children of war." These are those who were born between 1928 and 1945. The concept of "allowance" in the legislation is missing.However, local authorities have the right to establish some benefits and payments for this category of citizens, but it all depends on the budget. The premium has entered into force in 20 regions of Russia. The amount varies starting from 500 rubles. In Moscow, it is 1000 rubles.

In order to receive an additional payment for the basic pension for children supported by a pensioner, the following documents must be submitted to the Pension Fund:

  1. Application (separately filled out for children under 18 years of age, as well as students at a university under 23 years old).
  2. Dependent's birth certificate.
  3. Employment history.
  4. Certificate of the absence of a labor pension for children, social pension for a spouse of a pensioner.
  5. Certificate of lack of individual entrepreneur status (taken from the tax office).
  6. Certificate of family composition in which the dependent child must be indicated.
  7. Certificate from the place of study for students of children.
  8. Account details for accrual of payment.

In some cases, an employee of the Fund may ask for a certificate of the absence of social benefits for a dependent child. This type of supplementary pension to women for children must be confirmed annually. To extend the payment, the citizen needs to submit the following documents:Child Retirement Pension Act

  1. Certificate of lack of individual entrepreneur status (taken from the tax service).
  2. Certificate of disabled persons who are dependent.
  3. Certificate from the place of study.

The term for issuing documents should not exceed one month before the date of application to the Pension Fund.

Ways of handling

You can apply for pension recalculation under the new system in three available ways:

  1. Personal appeal to the Pension Fund. Application review period is up to 10 days.
  2. Through a multifunctional center.
  3. Through the portal of public services. The decision is made within one month.

So, we figured out who is entitled to a supplement to the pension for children.

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Reason for complaint
Sergey Leonidovich
In Biysk, Altai Krai, a pensioner receives a supplement of 1,600 rubles for a child. In 2017, I started singing by age. Dependent 13-year-old child. What is this? Is it the state’s concern for children?
You write that the minimum supplement for a minor is 3416 rubles. And in Ulan-Ude, they pay 1600 rubles ... The FIU is deceiving pensioners. Where is it better to turn?
Rostovtseva Olga
It is written about the far north. What is the surcharge for 1 minor in Bashkiria?


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