
Job description of the head of the site in construction, transport site, production site

Quite promising at any enterprise is considered the work of the head of the site. A specialist receives a decent salary, has many powers and career paths. In most cases, employers choose proactive, responsible employees with leadership qualities. With all the advantages of this work, an employee has a rather serious responsibility and many functions, for the performance of which one needs to understand production issues and be able to make decisions. Before getting a job, you should get all the necessary knowledge and experience to confidently and efficiently fulfill their duties.

General Provisions

An employee can get this work on the orders of the CEO and on presentation of the chief engineer. This position is leading. The employee must receive a higher education of a technical nature and work for positions in the specialty for at least five years. The job description of the head of the site in construction implies that in his work he is guided by the rules and regulations, state instructions and other documents related to his profile of work.job description He should also rely on design estimates for the construction of facilities, planning documentation, various guidance materials related to the organization’s business and production activities. In addition, he must take into account the charter of the company, labor law, internal labor regulations and other instructions, the provisions of the construction site. Once every three years, the head must undergo a recertification conducted by the chief engineer of the company.


The job description of the head of the site in the construction suggests that, when entering work, the employee has a set of knowledge necessary to perform duties. He should familiarize himself with the organizational and administrative documentation, which is directly related to his work. This information is about how the construction production is organized and by what technology, as well as design and estimate documentation for the building under construction. Also, the employee must be well aware of all the norms and rules of construction, the technical conditions for the completion of construction and installation works.job description of the head of the site in constructionIn addition, he must study the production and economic activity of the construction site, methods and forms of work, how it is assessed, according to which relevant laws, the payment of employees is calculated. Moreover, he should be aware of all the economic and financial relationships of the company with its customers and contractors. He must understand how the production and technological system of dispatching and picking works. In his knowledge should be the foundations of labor, management, economics and organization of production activities.

Construction Manager

The responsibilities of the site manager at the construction site include the following:

  • technical control over the performance of work;
  • reception of completed objects;
  • control over work, reconciliation;
  • conformity of work to plans and stated deadlines;
  • verification of the volume and quality of materials;
  • other things.

duties of the head of the site His responsibilities include making changes to the initial work plan, if ways have appeared to optimize and improve the quality of work, improve the efficiency of the methods and technological processes used in construction. He must participate in any changes in the design documentation, including the replacement of materials and structures used. The duties of this employee also include the prevention of violations of the quality of work, non-compliance with deadlines, the identification of defects in the construction industry and their elimination.

Responsibilities of the head in construction

The job description of the head of the site implies that he is obliged to control the quality of the elimination of defects and poorly performed work in accordance with the established terms, norms and standards. This employee maintains records and draws up accounting documents that reflect the activities of the construction site entrusted to him.job site manager He is obliged to provide the personnel subordinate to him with safe working conditions, to monitor the implementation of all the norms and rules prescribed by applicable law. It instructs subordinates on labor protection, sanitation, health and safety and other rules, and also checks the compliance of these standards with workers. It monitors the operation of the site and the repairs carried out on it.

Functions of the head of the transport section

The job description of the head of the transport section suggests that the employee participates in the creation of the company's strategies and pricing policies in the field of logistics, coordinates the interaction of the department entrusted to him with other departments of the organization, taking into account the approved technological systems.job description of the head of the production site He must also exercise control over the fact that the department employees correctly and timely fulfill the functions assigned to them. He checks the documents that are executed by his subordinates regarding the work performed. He must consider, together with the management, all commercial and other matters relating to the functioning of his department.

Responsibilities of the head of the transport section

The job description of the head of the site implies that he must exercise control over the uninterrupted operation of the company's vehicles, check and control the correctness of the paperwork for flights, and offer methods to increase the efficiency of work with cargoes. In addition, he must promptly transfer all documentation to other departments of the company for accounting and the creation of accounting estimates. Carries out activities that increase the efficiency of the implementation of estimates and plans, regulates the delivery and clearance of goods, ensures that all actions are carried out on time.

Responsibilities of the head of the production site

The job description of the head of the production site implies that its main function is to manage the production and business activities of the company. In addition, he is obliged to ensure timely and high-quality implementation of the output, checks for defects, and takes measures to prevent and eliminate it. The employee must ensure timely and uninterrupted production, as well as the fulfillment by his subordinates of all production tasks at the proper level.job description of the head of the transport section He is engaged in accounting, planning and execution of the entire workflow associated with the work of his site. He also participates in the selection of personnel, monitors the quality of work of his subordinates and provides them with further training and the receipt of all instructions necessary for the performance of duties.

The rights

The job description of the head of the site implies that the employee has the right:

  • demand for their subordinates and themselves the provision of special clothing, materials and tools necessary for all work;
  • participate in decision making related to the activities of its site;
  • suspend or propose the dismissal of employees who violate the rules or articles of association of the company;
  • require management to create normal working conditions that do not threaten the life and health of workers;
  • to demand from the staff timely and high-quality fulfillment of their duties.

A responsibility

The job description of the head of the site implies that he is responsible for the following:

  • failure to fulfill one's duties;
  • misallocation of enterprise resources;
  • safety of working conditions of his subordinates;
  • failure to comply with the rules and order of the organization, both by the employee himself and his subordinates;
  • causing material damage to the company;
  • violation of applicable law.

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