Any work is complex and has its own characteristics, but it is not so simple to correctly evaluate a leadership position. Firstly, it all depends on the scale and focus of the company, and secondly, it is very important to take into account the needs of the organization itself, what exactly it wants to get from the employee. For example, any pastry shop should be under the guidance of an attentive person who is not only able to manage personnel, but also understand how the products are manufactured, how the equipment works, and so on. In other words, the terms of reference of such a leader can be very wide. When hiring companies, they usually choose purposeful, responsible people with good leadership qualities for this position.
General Provisions
This position is leadership and requires mental work. Either the chief director of the organization or his immediate deputy can accept or dismiss the head of the production department. Most often, appointments and dismissals require the signatures of both leaders. To obtain this work, the applicant must have a higher professional or technical education. At the same time, the employee is also required to work on the relevant production for at least three years. In some cases, a person with secondary technical education can take this position, but only if his experience in the engineering and technical position in the specialty is at least five years. The employee, performing his work, must be guided by methodological and guidance materials, including acts and regulations that relate to the economic and production activities of the company. He must also take into account the instructions, orders, instructions of the senior management and the charter of the company.
If a person claims to be the head of the workshop, he must first study all the documentation of an organizational and administrative nature, methodological and regulatory information that relates to the activities of the workshop. He must understand what kind of organization and the workshop entrusted to him have development prospects from a technical point of view. His knowledge should include not only production technology, but also the standards and requirements that apply to manufactured products. The employee must be aware of all the equipment located in the workshop and how to work with it. Among his knowledge should be the methods and order of production planning, including from the economy and technology. He is obliged to know how industrial and economic activities are carried out in the workshop entrusted to him. The job description of the head of the workshop implies that he knows the forms of material incentives for employees, the current provisions for paying for work, and is interested in the best practices in the production of competitors both in his native country and abroad. Among his knowledge should be the basics of labor organization, economics, management, production, the Labor Code and other rules related to safety and security.
The main function of this employee is to manage the business and production activities of the workshop entrusted to him. In addition, he is obliged to ensure the timely release of products that meet all quality standards and technological features, fulfillment of all production tasks, and also control the use of working and fixed assets, if it is a confectionery workshop and the like, then also sanitation during production processes. His responsibilities also include carrying out activities aimed at improving the efficiency of the production regime, technological processes.He is engaged in mechanization and automation of work, carries out actions that prevent the occurrence of marriage and increase the quality characteristics of products. It makes calculations regarding the saving of resources of all kinds, and is engaged in the introduction of progressive forms of labor organization. His responsibilities include the rational distribution of labor and certification of employees, the implementation of measures aimed at reducing production costs.
Among the responsibilities that include the job description of the shop manager, it is also worth highlighting the organization of current production planning, the accounting of the work done, the preparation of reporting documents on time. The employee must introduce new forms of economic activity, improve the regulation of labor employment, correctly and efficiently apply systems and forms of remuneration and material incentives for employees. He should not only know, but also introduce the best practices of labor, design and technology into production, analyzing the work of foreign and local competitive organizations. In addition, he is obliged to develop a rationalization of activity and provoke the invention of new production methods. He must ensure that the equipment used in production is used correctly, rationally and in a timely manner, without unnecessary resources. It is this worker who is responsible for monitoring timely preventive, planned and forced repair of equipment in the workshop entrusted to him. In addition, the duties of the shop manager include providing all subordinate employees with safe working conditions, accrual of benefits and other social guarantees provided by applicable law.
Other duties
Among the other functions of the manager, one can single out the coordination of the work of the workshop services and the craftsmen, the selection of personnel and their appropriate placement for the effective use of their capabilities. He must monitor compliance by employees with all the rules and charters of the company, determine which of the workers deserve to be encouraged to work, and from whom should be recovered for improper performance of duties. He regulates the relationship in the team and helps to improve the skills of his subordinates.
The rights
The head of the transport department has the full right to request from the authorities projects for familiarization that relate to the work of the site of the enterprise entrusted to him. If he has suggestions on how to improve the work of his workshop, then he has the right to offer them to senior management. If necessary, he can request information from the heads of other units. He also has the right to endorse and sign documentation within his competence. If deficiencies in the company’s work are found within the competence of the head, including the work of individual departments or employees, the head of the transport department has the right to inform the management about them. He also has the right to involve the employees of his workshop in the performance of the duties assigned to him, if there is permission for this from senior management. He may also suggest that the boss dismiss, appoint, or relocate an employee who is subordinate to him. Participate in all projects, drafting orders and other guidance documents directly related to the work of the workshop entrusted to him. Demand assistance from their superiors or the heads of other workshops in carrying out their work, if necessary.
The head of the machine shop has certain connections in the post, he must obey the deputy general director of the company, interacts with all the heads of structural divisions at the level of his competent capabilities.In particular, he can receive production tasks, as well as a schedule drawn up by other employees, according to which repairs should be carried out in his workshop. Submit reporting documentation on the work of his unit.
A responsibility
The job description of the shop manager implies that in the course of his labor activity, he is responsible for the quality of the performance of the functions assigned to him. In addition, he can be held accountable for violation of the internal regulations of the enterprise and other rules, charters and instructions of the organization. He is responsible for misuse or incomplete use of rights. He is also responsible for how his subordinate employees fulfill their duties, for low labor and executive discipline in the team. He is also responsible for causing material damage to the company during the performance of its work.
Depending on the needs of the company, its scale and focus, the job description of the shop manager can be modified or supplemented, but only in accordance with applicable law. The position itself implies a great responsibility and various requirements for the employee who occupies it. Before you try your hand at this work, you should thoroughly study the company's activities and the internal nuances of production.