Workplace safety is a necessary component of an organization’s productive activities. In this case, the concept of "security" in this case is used in a broad sense. This includes security for employees, and for the property of the organization, and for customers. The implementation of measures to fulfill the security requirements is the responsibility of the head of the security service. It depends on him their effectiveness and feasibility by other employees. This article presents the job description of this specialist, his functions, rights and obligations.
The main provisions of the job description
The work of the head of the security service is fully regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as well as the regulatory legal acts regulating labor relations. This specialist belongs to the category of leadership positions, in the labor process reports directly to the director or general director of the organization. In the event of a vacation or illness, his functions are performed by a deputy. This position implies that the applicant has the knowledge and skills in various fields: healthcare, legislation, martial arts and armed combat, and much more. In addition, the head of the security service must be in good physical shape.
Functions, Tasks, and Responsibilities
The duties of the chief of security include a wide range of activities. These include the following:
- protection of the organization’s property from criminal acts of other persons, natural disasters, fires, accidents and other force majeure circumstances;
- carrying out safety measures;
- development and implementation of protection methods, means of protection;
- repelling threats and attacks, eliminating their negative consequences;
- checking the state of technical security equipment;
- checking the loyalty of staff and visitors;
- implementation of uninterrupted communication with the security and safety services of the entrusted facility;
- troubleshooting technical means of protection;
- assistance to internal affairs bodies in solving crimes in the entrusted territory.
What a specialist should know
The work of the chief of security is regulated by a number of documents that he should know. In his professional activity, this specialist should be guided by the requirements of the law, methodological materials, the charter of the enterprise, internal regulations, job descriptions, as well as orders from direct superiors.
The duties of the head of the security service include knowing the methods of first aid, hand-to-hand combat, the ability to use firearms and cold steel. The head of the security service should be aware of the characteristics of the protected facility, how to protect it, the rules of operation, storage and transportation of material assets. If necessary, he should be able to use various means of communication.
Personal qualities of the applicant
The duties of the head of the security service include the observance of order, protection against unauthorized intrusions and criminal acts in the territory entrusted. Therefore, the applicant should possess such qualities as attentiveness, constant readiness for an operational reaction, vigilance, concentration of attention.During his service, he should be ready at any time to react in accordance with the current situation. An employee of this profession should have critical thinking, the ability to quickly analyze the environment and adequately respond to it.
Employee Rights
The job description of the head of the security service implies a number of rights established by law. So, the employee has the right:
- to be aware of decisions, orders and projects of the authorities related to his work;
- make suggestions, voice ideas for improving working conditions;
- interact with other employees of the organization in order to fulfill their duties;
- request and use information and documents necessary for work;
- manage a security department, assign tasks to employees of your department, make decisions about hiring, firing, bonuses or a fine.
Employee responsibility
The job description of the head of the security service implies the existence of situations for which the employee is personally responsible. Since this position belongs to managers, there are a lot of situations. In most organizations, they can be represented by the following list:
- failure to perform or improper performance of their direct work duties described in the job description and employment contract, as well as provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
- for committing at the workplace offenses provided for by administrative, criminal and labor legislation;
- causing material damage to the property of the organization and its other employees;
- negligence in the performance of labor obligations, assumption of theft and damage to property of the organization by third parties.
Any organization can supplement this section of the job description with the necessary items if their content does not contradict the legislation of the country.
Metro Security Service
The metro daily passes through itself millions of people in different directions. Not all of them are law-abiding, not all with good intentions, not all are observing basic safety rules. Security inspectors have the responsibility to monitor order at stations and trains, to prevent the threat of terrorist operations, and to monitor the safety of passengers and city property. This work is very serious and voluminous. It is precisely by the scale of activity and responsibility that we can distinguish between the work of the security service in an ordinary enterprise and in the subway. Stress resistance and attentiveness are even more important here. Too many people can be confusing, distracting from something really important. For many applicants, not the most pleasant addition to their work will be constant communication with many strangers in a variety of situations: from losing a ticket to major thefts. In this number of visitors, there are often people who behave extremely inappropriately. Moreover, even they need to find an approach and behave appropriately to the status of the post.
Resume design
The resume of the head of the security service is an opportunity to find a good high-paying job with a convenient schedule and nice additions in the form of bonuses, allowances and so on. The more competent the resume is, the higher the opportunity to get an ideal position. Be sure to highlight in this document your work experience and skills, what you have achieved in previous places of work, how you improved the activities of the security service, and what innovations you made. The longer your track record, the more you are interested in HR services.
The summary should briefly describe the security systems (electronic, mechanical, remote) that you dealt with and can use in your work.
Be sure to describe your physical fitness.For many organizations, this is a key point in choosing a job seeker as security manager.