
Compulsory civil liability insurance contract for vehicle owners. Federal Law on CTP

Each car owner, in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation, is obligated to insure his civil liability. A set of rules has been developed for this. The Central Bank periodically makes various amendments to them. In fact, the OSAGO features and concept are the same as any other insurance contract.

The fall of 2015, with the adoption of a government decree, became the starting point of the electronic driver and motor vehicle liability insurance system. The main goals pursued by the innovation are accessibility in any region of the country, simplification of the insurance procedure and speed of policy execution.

Compulsory liability insurance contract

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Basic concepts

Civil law, regulating insurance relations, distinguishes two categories of persons: the insured and the insurer. The insurance contract itself is a kind of agreement between these participants in legal relations.

Compulsory civil liability insurance contract for vehicle owners is also concluded between the insured and the insurer. However, in order for the provisions of the agreement to be implemented, the participation of third parties involved in the process of liability insurance of car owners is necessary.

An insurer is a legal entity licensed to conduct insurance activities.

The main side of the motor vehicle liability insurance process is the policyholder. Almost always, it is the owner of the car and / or its driver, who concluded the agreement. Under the law, insured persons, possible victims and other parties to the contract that are entitled to compensation for the harm caused may be associated with it.

The Federal Law on OSAGO interprets the concept of “owner” to identify a person who, in the cases described in the contract, has a delicate responsibility. Simply put, the policyholder is a person who pays for insurance and has the right to amend the policy, that is, extend the period of use, request a duplicate, make or remove drivers, etc.

The insurance policy emphasizes that the policyholder is not necessarily the owner of the vehicle, he does not need a notarized power of attorney from the owner of the car, and he may also not be recorded in the policy.

Calculation of the cost of insurance

It is the responsibility of the insured to submit the necessary documents for compulsory motor third-party liability insurance (originals and copies) and not to forget to make timely changes during the insurance period.

An insured event in civil law is an event that results in the liability of the insured whose risk has been insured.

The use of a vehicle is all actions associated with mechanical movement, as well as parking, towing, stopping, parking, etc. You can use the vehicle not only on the tracks, but also on the roads adjacent to them, intended for the movement of vehicles, yards, parking lots , residential areas, gas stations and any territories where car traffic is possible.

The content of the rules and regulations

Compulsory civil liability insurance contract for vehicle owners - an agreement between the insured and the insurer, under which the latter undertakes to compensate for the damage caused to third parties (life, health or property) upon a predetermined fee (i.e. insurance premium) upon the occurrence of the event stipulated by the agreement (insured event) ), that is, to make insurance payments within the amount prescribed in the contract (insurance amount).

Get an insurance policy online

Liability insurance for vehicle owners (CTP) is subject to the Insurance Rules and the CTP Law, which are in force at the time of the conclusion of the agreement. For any amendment of laws and regulations on compulsory motor third-party liability insurance after conclusion of an agreement does not entail changes in the agreement itself.

Compulsory vehicle insurance contract is considered public. It is subject to the conditions provided by law.

The car owner’s liability insurance agreement does not apply to insured events resulting in damage to health, life and / or property that occurred in any other country. It is not an exception that the amount of damage exceeds the limit of the sum insured under the Green Card rule.

The conclusion of the contract of compulsory liability insurance is guaranteed by the issued insurance policy.

Legal nuances

The insurance premium incomplete and / or untimely transferred by the insurance agent or broker, unauthorized use of the CTP insurance policy forms do not give the insurer exemption from fulfilling the terms of the contract.

In case of theft of forms, the insurance company is exempted from payments for insured events only if the insurance agent applies for the loss of the forms to the authorized bodies.

Mandatory conditions of the civil liability insurance contract indicate the impossibility of replacing the term of its validity in the policy, as well as of the insured. Upon transfer of ownership of the vehicle, the new owner must conclude his liability insurance contract.

fz about osago

Fundamental rules

Compulsory liability insurance contract is concluded for a year. The policy may apply not only to the owner of the car. All persons authorized to drive a particular vehicle must be insured. If the use of the car is limited, then the data of each insured must be recorded in the policy.

The rules allow you to insure a car without going through state registration and, accordingly, without making a registration mark in the application. But as soon as it is received, the owner has only three working days to enter this data into the automated accounting system.

After all the data is entered and registration is completed, the user receives a document - an insurance policy. A single form is valid throughout the Russian Federation. Together with him, the insurance company must issue a list of offices - representatives of the insurer. It should contain information on opening hours, addresses and contact details of office workers. As well as two forms in the event of an accident.

An insurance document is issued after receipt of payment to the account of the insurance company. The rules set aside one business day.

In case of loss of the paper version of the document, the insurance company must issue a duplicate of the policy without charging an additional fee.

The insurer has the right to draw up a compulsory civil liability insurance contract with any insurance company, and none of them has the right to refuse the requested service. Documents for compulsory motor third-party liability insurance, and this is the passport of the owner of the car, vehicle title or technical passport, inspection or diagnostic card, driver’s license and power of attorney (if the car is not personal), can be submitted both in paper and in electronic form. In case of prolongation of the contract, the original documents are not required.

Representatives of the insurance company have the right to inspect the vehicle. In this case, under a mutual agreement of the parties, the place of inspection shall be chosen.

Obtaining a policy at the end of the term is optional in the serving UK. The user has the right to choose another company offering more favorable conditions.

Features of electronic insurance

The main plus of the electronic policy is that there is no need to come to the office of the company. It is enough to have a gadget with an Internet connection at home in order to easily draw up a compulsory liability insurance contract. The legal force of an electronic document is the same as that of a paper document.

Documents for CTP

Some minus, experts say, is the unpreparedness of insurance companies for this innovation. On the official website of almost everyone there are technical flaws.To date, a little more than 80 insurance companies have received a license giving the right to execute CTP via the Internet. But only 15 insurers really give out such distance documents. Although the government decree obligated absolutely all UKs to calculate the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance and issue policies via the Internet.

The procedure is simple

You can apply for an MTPL policy online on the website of any insurance company. The first step is to register. The next step is to fill out an application. It is processed for several minutes, after which an SMS notification with an access code for entering your personal account comes to the phone.

In it you can choose the service you are interested in, whether it is the registration of a new policy or the extension of the previous contract. An insurance cost calculation is also available. For him, you need to know the year of manufacture of the vehicle and the power of its engine.

The insurance process is not difficult. The car owner’s passport data, information from the driver’s license of each of the insured persons and the vehicle TCP are entered into the proposed form.

You can pay the contract of compulsory liability insurance by card of the bank - partner of the insurance company. After maintaining the payment, information about the insured and issued the policy is entered into a single database, and the document itself is sent to the confirmed email address of the insured.

CTP insurance, reviews

Pros and Cons of Remote CTP

The main advantage of a car insurance contract as conceived by the creators is the convenience and simplicity of registration. In any place from the gadget connected to the Internet, the insurance service should be available. It is especially convenient for residents of remote regions who do not have access to the offices of insurance companies to apply for an MTPL policy online. The good news was the impossibility of imposing additional insurance conditions. And the convenience of storage (both in electronic and paper form) also pleases users.

Unlucky, so to speak, the owners of new cars. Electronic insurance policy registration is not available for them. The reason for this is the introduction of state registration marks into a single database.

Experts consider a large number of errors when entering data on the sites of insurance companies as a minus. And any typo makes the policy invalid. And not every traffic inspector has the necessary equipment to verify the authenticity of an electronic policy.

Existing deficiencies

Most often, misunderstandings arise in the event of an accident. In this situation, it is quite difficult to verify the authenticity of insurance, so even a minor incident requires the call of inspectors of the road police.

The ICs themselves notice that a unified system for checking data entered by users independently has not yet been formed. That is, fraudsters also have access to the database. The Federal Law on OSAGO and the government resolution promise to be finalized in the near future. A single algorithm for checking the information entered by users will be introduced and a single database will be formed. Insurance companies will be required to develop a data exchange system. It will be necessary if the car owner moves from one company to another.

Motor third party liability insurance

After eliminating the shortcomings, all issued policies will be entered into a single accounting system, and tools will appear that allow you to verify the authenticity of insurance.

What insurance companies issue CTP?

Since car insurance is mandatory in our country, then any company that has a license for insurance detail draws up MTPL policies. The importance of the company is easy to evaluate by rating and reviews on the official websites of companies. Here are some of them that are deservedly trusted by the owners of the vehicle:

1. "Rosgosstrakh". A company with state support, which means increased reliability. The share of SK in the market is the highest - almost 36%.

2. Alfa Insurance.The official rating keeps this UK in the top ten. Car enthusiasts speak of her as a company with loyal prices.

3. "VSK". In the insurance market for over 20 years. The customer base is over 5 million people. That says a lot.

4. “Consent”. In it, OSAGO insurance (reviews of car owners confirm this) is issued quickly and payments are not delayed.

5. The Renaissance. The company on the market relatively recently, loved by car owners at low prices.

Calculating the cost of OSAGO can be done independently on any specialized site (online OSAGO calculator) or the official portals of insurance companies. For insurers there is a tariff corridor established by the Central Bank. The starting price of the policy can range from 3432 to 4118 rubles.

Important Nuances

In the case of limited insurance, the car owner is obliged to inform the insurance company of the trust in managing the vehicle to a person not included in the contract. It should be borne in mind that replacing the policyholder or the car is not allowed. Any changes require a new agreement.

Almost always changes made lead to reassessment of risk. Therefore, the insurer is entitled to request an additional payment.

The extension of the contract is the signing of a new agreement for a period of one year.

The insurance policy is terminated in the event of the death of the car owner, loss of the vehicle or the liquidation of the insurer or policyholder as a legal entity.

In some cases, part of the insurance benefit may be reimbursed. If the insurer refuses to return it, he faces a forfeit.

The insurer has the right to prematurely terminate the contract if it has discovered data that significantly reduces the cost of risk. The policyholder may also terminate the agreement if the insurance company has its license revoked or the car owner has changed.

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