Of course, everyone has heard such names as a village, a village. Many are familiar with the expression “urban-type settlement”. What is the difference between these administrative units? How do they differ from villages? The first thing that comes to mind is that the difference is in the number of people living, speaking the administrative language - in the population. But does the population alone affect the name of a particular place? After all, there are quite large villages, however, like villages, in which only a few families actually live.
What is a village?
This is one of the so-called rural settlements. The word "village" is Slavic, it came into use many centuries ago and has been preserved in its primary meaning on the territory of not only Russia, but also Bulgaria, Ukraine, Belarus and many other states.
Some time ago, this word was used as a synonym for the phrase “rural settlement”. But in the modern administrative classification of settlements, it no longer has such a value.
This administrative term is not synonymous with the concept of "village". From this village, what distinguishes this administrative unit is not particularly difficult to figure out. The main difference is the availability of apartment buildings and some amenities.
What is a village?
The concept of "village" did not arise in Soviet times, although many associate this administrative term with the temporary habitats of workers who are building any objects.
A permanent, temporary or seasonal may be such an administrative unit as a village. What differs such a place of residence from the village? Of course, the fact that the village is a place of permanent residence of people, like the village.
A small point for permanent or temporary residence of people, located both far from large administrative units and in close proximity to them, this is what a village is. What is the difference between this administrative unit and the village, besides the fact that it can be a temporary residence? Practically nothing, except that, unlike other similar administrative units, they can nominally refer to both cities and rural settlements.
What are the villages?
Only permanent places of residence of people can be a village and a village. And the village, what is the difference between it and other places of residence of people outside the cities, can be either permanent or temporary.
Villages are also classified by type of administrative affiliation:
- urban
- rural.
The former are nominally related to cities, the latter are assigned to large villages. They can also be:
- seasonal
- temporary;
- targeted.
Temporary settlements usually resemble camps. Often they are deprived of amenities and consist of hastily built huts. But there is another understanding of the temporality of the village, associated not with the quality of housing in it or the availability of amenities, but with the duration of the people. For example, military settlements are temporary, although they have all the necessary amenities in homes.
What is the difference between seasonal and target settlements?
In addition, such places of residence may be targeted or seasonal. An example of a seasonal place of residence is a holiday village. What is the difference between such a point from the village? The fact that people do not live in it constantly, there are no schools and public buildings in the territory. With the exception of the house of the chairman of the dacha cooperative, of course, but not every horticultural partnership has such a room.
Targeted settlements are both permanent and temporary. For example, fishing.The constancy of residence and determines the difference between the village. And the village, as well as the camp of trappers. Large fishing villages are not uncommon in the Arkhangelsk region, in the Far East. People live in them constantly, they have their own schools, shops and other public buildings. Villages are small administrative units. As a rule, people live in them only in the fishing season.
Other villages have the same characteristics:
- shift workers;
- gold miners;
- geologists;
- workers building gas pipelines or oil derricks;
- the military;
- seismologists and others.
Such settlements cannot be called seasonal or temporary in the full sense of the word. They, unlike the camps, can be quite comfortable and have stationary amenities. However, people living in such targeted settlements are changing.
What is an urban village?
In the middle of the last century, such an administrative concept appeared as “urban-type settlement”. There are not so many nuances of how the village differs from it. Other administrative units are distinguished from urban-type settlements in the first place by the size and density of the population.
In fact, such a place of residence occupies a middle position between cities and rural settlements. In such villages there are self-government bodies, hospitals, schools, public buildings and, of course, shops. They have public transport, and often have their own train or bus station.
That is, in essence, such a village is a small city that does not reach this name because of the population.
What are the main differences between one and the other?
Before the revolutionary events of the beginning of the last century in Russia, the village was different from the village by the presence of its own operating church. At the beginning of the Soviet period, the village had no differences from the village. However, as from the village. This word has simply been preserved from pre-revolutionary times in everyday life and in various documents.
Since the middle of the last century, the main difference between towns and villages has been the population. If the number of inhabitants was large, had its own school, public buildings, for example, cultural houses or shops, then this was a village. Village, settlement - the difference between these administrative units was caused by the same thing - the presence of public buildings, a stationary store, and a school.
The urban-type settlement appeared later and differed from other administrative units by the presence of infrastructure and amenities in the houses. Also in the urban-type settlements there were not only private houses, but also common ones, with separate apartments for each family. Convenience was understood as the presence of gas, sewage and water supply. Over time, the main criterion that distinguishes such places of residence from villages and cities was the level of population.
An important nuance to distinguish one from the other is the presence of self-government bodies. In the Soviet period they were called “village councils”. Of course, the difference between one and the other is the presence of hospitals, places of leisure, transport and much more.