In the modern world, people rarely come across the term “decade”, since this word is a designation of an obsolete unit of time. Modern units of time include day, week, month and year, so these words are included in the daily routine of people and, unlike a decade, are in active use. But nevertheless, the word “decade” is sometimes found in our life (for example, “the first decade of March”, “on the eve of the Decade of spiritual development”, etc.). In this regard, due attention should be paid to this concept, since this word has a very deep ancient meaning associated with the symbolism of the number 10.
Origin and meaning
The word "decade" is very ancient and comes from a common root for all Indo-European languages. It is easy to guess that it contains the name of the numeral “ten”. In Greek, the number ten sounds like “deka”, in Latin - “decam”, which is very similar to its Russian equivalent. But what does the word “decade” mean today? A decade is a period of time equal to ten days or ten years. The first meaning of the word is the most common.
The modern use of the word "decade"
The term "decade", although it is today uncommon, but still any educated person needs to know the scope and scope of its application.
Most often, the term “decade” is used in the economic sciences and in statistics (for example, “second decade of September”, “financial results of the third decade”, etc.). These disciplines operate with data relevant to certain periods of time, and therefore it is very convenient for statisticians and accountants to use concepts in their activities that allow you to designate time intervals more specifically and clearly, not limited to the modern and most common time units, such as month and year. We are talking about six months, quarters and, of course, decades. The latter is very convenient to indicate a third of a month, because a decade is a ten-day period, with the help of which it is convenient to conditionally divide a month into three parts.
In public life, a decade can mean a cultural or business event that lasts ten days and is dedicated to a certain socially important event. Examples include the Decade of German Cinema, the Decade of Accounting in Yekaterinburg, the Decade of Foreign Literature in Moscow, etc.
Decade is also a term found in physics and mathematics. It is used in topics related to logarithms (mathematics), the propagation of light and the determination of frequency intervals (physics).
The history of the use of the word "decade"
In ancient times, this concept was very popular. It was used in account, mathematics, as well as in the implementation of trading operations. Moreover, a decade could indicate both the number of people, and objects or days.
The convenience of the decade was appreciated by the French, and in the era of the French Revolution, a calendar was introduced in which instead of the traditional seven-day week, ten-day intervals were used, which made it possible to divide the month into three equal parts (first, second, third decade). A similar system of decades in the calendar was also used in antiquity in Japan.
The symbolic meaning of the number 10
What were the reasons for the preference of the decade as a unit of measurement? Why was she so popular in antiquity? The answer to these questions can be found in the information that the early Pythagorean mathematicians left behind. In their writings, they described the relationships between numbers and objects in the real world, physical phenomena, the rhythms of nature, and life processes. This esoteric knowledge has been preserved, and to some extent it can be found in mystical arithmetic, now called numerology, as well as in other sciences called occult.
Numerology and the tarot fortune-telling system - the keys to understanding the meaning of the decade
Numerologists believe that nine cardinal numbers (from 1 to 9) represent nine stages of development through which each person goes through in order to achieve his growth and maturity. According to the Tarot system, the number ten is considered a transition between cycles. This is a situation that is in the process of being completed. Ten means that one cycle has ended, and another phase of development has already begun.
Thus, the number 10 contains a very important meaning. On the one hand, a person has come to a certain conclusion, results and stability, and on the other hand, he feels the need for change and seeks to move to another, higher level.
So, the concept of a decade should not be overlooked, since a decade is not only a certain period of time equal to ten units, but also an important evidence that in a person’s life cycles with a frequency of ten days, ten years, etc. Our ancestors were aware of this cycle, and the knowledge of its meaning will complement and expand the picture of the perception of the world of each person.