
What is viral content? Examples

One of the main tasks of both regular and Internet marketing is to attract the target audience and focus its attention on its offer. A business will not be profitable if there are not enough customers. On the World Wide Web, you can get a good income only by increasing conversion, but the corresponding value of traffic can ensure a sufficient level of this indicator.

It is these two concepts - traffic and conversion - that are the basis of marketing research conducted on the Internet. Now people have become quite experienced users who are difficult to lure. The constant updating of ways to influence the target audience has led to the emergence of a new concept - content marketing. One of its varieties is viral content. This is one of the most effective techniques that make potential customers permanent.

viral content

What are the benefits of content marketing?

The use of marketing techniques, which include viral content, allows to achieve high positive results. The practice of using aspects of traditional marketing on the World Wide Web has gained great momentum in the United States. It was the Americans who first appreciated all of its capabilities. The main benefits of viral marketing are:

  1. Formation of a target audience that will be interested in choosing a specific product. Such customers will not need to be convinced of the purchase of goods, because the purpose of the search is aimed at the goods. This facilitates the task, because the choice of marketing techniques will be significantly narrowed, which will allow you to choose individual methods of influence.
  2. The increase in the amount of information that is transmitted through a computer network in a certain time. Thanks to this, the electronic resource is on the first pages of search results in search engines.
  3. Successful viral marketing significantly increases the credibility and image of the company in the eyes of partners. Relations with opinion leaders will also be established.

Why do people share posts on social networks?

Viral content is caused by the fact that users themselves distribute it. It all starts with one person who spoke about the news to his friends and acquaintances, reposted or retweeted. From this moment, we can say that a whole chain of events is launched. Sometimes such a post returns to its first distributor. If this process was started, then it can no longer be stopped.

The emergence of such a concept as viral content is explained by a number of factors. In order to start this phenomenon, you need to capture the user's attention. By this is meant not only the first impression made, but also the ability to hold a person’s attention. The final result should be a repost of this record by the user, i.e. the target action.

Viral content on social networks for groups is spreading due to human nature. People always want to learn something new and share it with the world around them. Many pursue hedonistic goals. Entertaining methods try to get the attention of others or to satisfy their own needs. The emotional component is also important. The expression of feelings and emotions is an integral part of the content.

What tasks does the content solve?

Viral content is the content of the resource that is most popular. The content plan should ensure the formation of new targeted traffic.This is due to the active dissemination of this data by users themselves.

Viral content is one of the methods of internet marketing. This technique provides an influx of new customers, which together represent the target audience. Viral content increases interest from opinion leaders and experts. But the main goal of this method of marketing promotion is still attracting targeted traffic to an electronic resource.

social media viral content

Many people think that viral content on social networks justifies itself exceptionally. It is a mistake to believe that this is a matter of chance - lucky or not lucky. The effectiveness of this marketing method depends directly on two things. The essence of the first is a well-chosen information content. But the main role in the pair is played by the choice of a suitable way of promotion. There are six steps that stand in the way of the rapid dissemination of content among users.

What is the role of social currency?

Viral content on social networks can play the role of a public currency. That is, in other words, in the process of promotion, the human factor itself is important. Having learned something new, the user seeks to brag and share it with others. This gives him an advantage in the form of unique and new information that you want to distribute further. Viral content is what plays on human feelings. After all, it is the effect of innovation that creates the impression that the user is the owner of advanced and unique materials. That is, one of the main goals of the person who wonders how to create viral content is the formation and maintenance of the image of the user’s idea generator.

What is the role of triggers?

For example, the viral content "wedding dresses" implies the idea of ​​a trigger. That is, the essence of the idea is the formation of a stable association of content with any objects or phenomena that are in the user's field of vision. So, for a wedding salon located in the city of N, the most successful result would be a persistent association of the user with a particular wedding paraphernalia store.

Constant repetition lays data for a long time in memory. That is, with the subsequent occurrence of this image, a person will give him preference. The conclusion from this is that the generated content for viral advertising should be interesting and understandable. The main essence of this paragraph is to build a chain of the right content - a stable image of an electronic resource.

What is the role of emotions?

The main point of marketing promotion, whether it is classic or with the help of Internet marketing, is to encourage a person to display emotions. Moreover, it does not matter whether they are positive or negative. It can be anything, from a feeling of joy and tenderness to anger and denial. There is even a separate technique that introduces a person into a state of shock. When people are in a state of affect, they are capable of unreasonable acts.

The goal of viral content is to move the user out of their comfort zone. Here any means are good. The negative result will be indifference or a complete lack of emotions.

viral content wedding dresses

What is the role of social evidence?

Viral content for groups determines its effect and psychological influence. That is, there is a "crowd effect". Of course, a person strives to be like everyone else, not to be different from anyone. To be in the trend - due to the laws of modernity. People by nature tend to duplicate the actions of others. On the promotion of the electronic resource, this is expressed in the promotion of a huge turnover of likes, reposts and comments.That is, if the content has a knowingly large number of positive reviews, then more people will want to supplement it with their similar opinion. But this clause is only valid if the previous distribution conditions were met.

Why is practical value important?

Before making viral content, you need to consider not only its emotional coloring, but also the meaning of the content. After all, the goal is not only to shock the user, but also to bring him real benefit. A person must find answers to questions and satisfy his curiosity. Only in the case of successfully selected semantic content does the user have a desire to share the result of his searches with others.

How does a large number of posts help?

Creating viral content is impossible without the implementation of certain rules. The first tip is to write a series of posts on the same topic. It is necessary to create several lines that will demonstrate to the user a certain choice, that is, the goal is to retain the client in any way. It is necessary to suppress the possibility of customer care. All posts should be filled with high-quality and necessary material. He must have a good position in the search engine results. Such an approach will bear fruit if it is made an accompanying element of the strategy. You should not pin all your hopes on content that has a similar theme. Perhaps you should pay attention to the implementation of other materials.

viral content for groups

How to make viral content so that it is in demand among users? First of all, you need to cater to all the whims and requirements of people. That is, first you need to decide what a person prefers. For users of the Internet, maximum convenience and simplicity are important. For this reason, it will not be out of place to create practical manuals that would be presented in the form of easy instructions, infographics. If the technique is supplemented with photographs and broken down into step-by-step actions, this will certainly cause interest among users. The desire to share well-processed information will certainly arise. Preferably do not use professional words and slang. This approach will help to reach different audiences. Both beginners and experienced professionals will be satisfied.

Special attention should be paid to the way users perceive information. Since the majority of people are visuals, that is, they “love with their eyes”, the presentation of content in the form of an image will obviously look advantageous. This is especially true for topics such as art, fashion and design, food. Text that is visually enhanced is stored in memory for a much longer time. The focus should be on the object of creation. Of course, such posts require much more processing and thought over. All people's attention should be focused precisely on the picture. The element of manipulation plays a role here, since by making an incomplete commentary, one can leave a person space for imagination. This does not enclose him in a framework, and he can fix it in his head by the method of selecting associations.

Which options are win-win?

What are some examples of good viral content? The methods for its successful provision are full of diversity. Win-win options are the following offers:

  1. Development stories. People are quite interested in how simple, no different from other people succeeded. Perhaps it's worth telling your own story. This will become an example to follow and will give an impetus to new achievements. The story of moving from poverty to wealth is a rather interesting and relevant topic.
  2. Case studies. Their essence is to write a review.The topic of her research is the development of a popular brand and the results of using its products. This method has a better chance of success, since the described company may be interested in this information. This will create even more interest around the publication. Qualitative assessment is in demand by many brands.
  3. Interview. The object must be a famous person. It is advisable that the topic be liked by the author. Also important is the prevalence of the topic being addressed - the less it is described, the more unique and interesting the material will be. The interview should consist of only a few capacious questions (no more than 5). In this case, it is more likely that this influential person will respond positively than refuse at all.

How to provide attractiveness?

One of the main tasks is to make viral content attractive. The examples clearly show that success depends on a previously thought out idea or plan. The effectiveness of marketing promotion depends on the correct choice of a common strategy. To finally determine the direction, it is recommended to view leading electronic resources and blogs of this nature. You definitely can’t lose it if you touch on what is now most relevant.

viral content is that

To identify trends and trends that are popular among users, it is worth taking a look at social networks. After all, who, if not they, will give the most complete description of the target audience, talk about the tastes and preferences of people.

A good way to increase the attractiveness of content is to link it to an impending event.

There should be a desire to establish contact through viral content. Types of it can be completely different. But the unifying link of good content is the correct appeal to the reader. It is worth imagining that thoughts are not expressed to a wide audience, but simply to a good friend. This will allow finding a wide response among the masses.

How to think over the structural elements of the text?

Important is not only where to look for viral content, but also how to process the raw information. You must be able to submit the material correctly. The face of the filling is, above all, the headline. He catches the eye. It depends on him whether the person will read further or pass by. A poorly worded title can cause all content to fail. The headline should be such as to arouse curiosity in a person.

The second in priority, but not least, is the meta description. This is a brief description of the essence of the rest of the text. Introduction lures a person. He should want to read to the end, find out the denouement. The meta description leaves a certain intrigue. If the introduction did not catch the user, then we can assume that the entire text is defective. A good start would be a quote, a catchphrase. The reader may be interested in a question or a screaming phrase.

All text should be aesthetically pleasing. That is, it must be divided into separate parts, to make headings and paragraphs. The content should be readable. Special attention should be paid to the appearance of content in mobile applications.

Writing is in a language accessible to most people. Complicated concepts (if by any means without them) should be given the corresponding decryption. No need to be afraid to look simple, because the material is designed for the average person, and not for the popular science magazine. The level of writing should correspond to the level of understanding of the target audience.

viral content types

With good design, infographics will look advantageous. If you design the post really well, it is the infographics that will help create amazing viral content.

One way to communicate and establish contact with the target audience is through polls.These structural elements will allow people to directly "come in contact" with the material.

Make the text of various kinds of videos easier and more entertaining. They improve the perception and overall impression of the material. Videos also help improve your search engine ranking.

In general, the essence of the content should be directed in a positive way. Even if things are very sad, you should pay readers attention to alternatives and prospects. Information should be presented on a positive note, a person needs to be inspired and motivated for further action. Then the user will certainly want to share such a post. This desire also causes a strong emotional arousal. After reading the user should think, be scared or be surprised - everything that your heart desires.

How to create good written content?

The content should be of any use, and not as the viral content of “wedding dresses,” where images of dresses are simply distributed. A good solution in such a topic would be to advise the brides on choosing a dress that suits the type of figure, makeup workshops in soothing colors, interviews with designers who will tell the story of the creation of a certain image.

People need to be taught something, to give new knowledge. But at the same time, the material should have an entertaining character, this will make it simpler and easier. The benefit of evoking positive emotions in a person is very important. When developing content, there is such a thing as screen friendliness, which means a good perception of the text. You need to divide the text into small paragraphs, make lists, number and structure. As much white as possible untouched space should remain on the screen. Separate semantic parts should be highlighted with subtitles or at least in bold.

social media viral content for groups

The text should have as little water as possible. Such words cannot be completely excluded, since they create a smooth transition from idea to idea. But to the point, it’s better to move on as quickly as possible. As they say, brevity is the sister of talent.

The material should go in a single stream, not create barriers when reading. The structure should be clear to the reader. Do not forget about grammar. The text must certainly be edited and formatted.

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