
What is a time sheet? Value, form, types of timesheets

What is a time sheet? Most often, when this word is mentioned, a time sheet is presented in which students are given grades based on the results of study periods, such as a quarter and a year. But, it turns out, there are still a lot of objects, the names of which I use this word. Detailed information on what a time sheet is will be presented in this article.

Let's look into the dictionary

On the meaning of the word "report card" in the dictionary says the following:

  • A list or schedule of any events set forth sequentially or in accordance with a particular system. For example, a world table, where tournaments won by a tennis player are indicated.
  • A time sheet is a form that is a sheet with the student’s marks stamped in it.
  • A special board or statement, which includes information on the registration of attendance at the workplace and the departure from it of workers and employees of any enterprise.
Report card form

The word "report card" came to us from the Latin language. In it, it looks like a tabula and denotes a board.

Persistent Phrases

The linguistic object we are studying is part of the following stable phrases:

  • Time sheet, mentioned above.
  • The table of grades. The list established by Peter I, which contains the correspondence between the ranks - military, court and civil. They are distributed in 14 classes. Over time, they have changed many times. Details about this type of time sheet will be described below.
  • Time sheet calendar. It is a print publication having the form of a table in which a list of numbers, days of the week, and also months is indicated. Less common are the years. It also indicates weekends, holidays and a number of astronomical information, such as lunar phases, solar and lunar eclipses.
  • Report card (see above).
  • Masonic report card. The emblem of Masons, which originates from drawing boards used in the design of buildings, as well as slate boards. The latter were used in quarries or on construction sites by freemasons. They look like printed or drawn illustrations, which depict the symbols and emblems of Masons. Could be used as teaching aids during instructions made by experienced members of the fraternity to younger ones.
The military under Peter I

Other persistent phrases

There is also a number of phrases with an adjective formed from the word "report card", which include, for example:

  • Service weapon. This service weapon, as a rule, is a firearm issued to full-time employees of government agencies. These include, for example, employees of the prosecutor's office, forest guard, courier service, state departmental protection. They need it to fulfill their duties in accordance with the law, as well as for self-defense. It must be distinguished from military weapons issued to employees of paramilitary state organizations.
  • Personnel Number. The unique number of the employee assigned to him at the enterprise once, under which he appears in the internal documentation - time sheet, personal file, payroll sheet.

Continuing the study of the question of what a report card is, let us consider one of the historical documents established by Peter I, in the title of which there is a concept that we are studying. And also talk about time weapons.

Systematization of ranks

Emperor Peter I

“Table of Ranks” - that’s the name of the special document that governed the civil service in the Russian Empire. It was approved by Peter I in 1722 and was valid until 1917. During this period, it was more than once supplemented with new information.

His main idea is to systematize all the ranks that at that time existed on the territory of the empire. In this regard, they were described, arranged in seniority and set out in a clear sequence.

In addition to the systematization of ranks, the document reflected such provisions as:

  • wage;
  • rights and obligations;
  • penalties for failure to fulfill obligations;
  • rewards for good faith.

All ranks were divided into three types, which included:

  • military;
  • State
  • courtiers.
Nobles under Peter I

They were divided into 14 classes. Initially, 263 posts with their detailed description were fixed in the considered regulatory act. Later, some of them were abolished.

In tsarist Russia, the “Table of Ranks” included information explaining in detail the inheritance rights, the nuances of career advancement and the rules for contacting a particular official.

Service weapon

As already mentioned above, this is an official weapon used by government officials. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, they can store, carry and use it for self-defense, as well as for the protection of such values ​​as:

  1. Life and health of citizens.
  2. Own.
  3. Nature and natural resources.
  4. Valuable and dangerous goods.
  5. Special correspondence.

The service weapon is not intended for firing bursts. Its capacity does not exceed 10 rounds. And also it is impossible to put night vision sights and a silencer on it. Currently, in the Russian Federation, this type of weapon includes:

  1. Long-range firearms (smooth-bore semi-automatic carbines, pump-action and self-loading rifles).
  2. Short-barreled guns (revolvers and pistols).
  3. Traumatic (training revolver, traumatic revolvers and pistols, traumatic pistols, carbines).

How employees are assigned numbers

Accounting for work

In conclusion of the consideration of the question of what a report card is, we will understand the concept related to it, which concerns almost all workers. Each working person must have a personnel number. But not everyone knows why it is needed, and how it is appropriated.

This is a very important requisite, which is necessary when accounting for labor and salaries, as well as for the preparation of personnel documents. Each organization has the right to determine the procedure for its assignment, but a number of rules must be observed. These include the following:

  1. The assignment of personnel numbers is handled by a specially designated responsible employee.
  2. They are assigned at the time of applying for a job or on the first day of work.
  3. Assignment occurs on an increasing basis, without missing numbers, according to chronology.
  4. The personnel number is indicated in the job order.
  5. This number is not changed throughout the entire period of activity at the enterprise.
  6. It should be written in Arabic numerals.

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