There is nothing more exciting than writing about what the norm is. Consider the meaning of the word, examples, synonyms, and talk about the fate of the concept in the modern world.
The definition of "norm" is extremely diverse. Therefore, in order to push off from something, we will see the spectrum of possible values:
- Legal establishment, recognized, habitual, generally binding order of things. “For him, the norm is to drink a glass of kefir every night before bed.”
- Installed measure, average value of something. “Ivanov is planting 5 trees, Petrov is one, on average they fulfill the daily norm of 3 plants per person.”
There is the expression “Normal”, which can be equally attributed to both the first and second values, because it captures the usual state of someone or something. On the one hand, this is the usual order of things, and on the other hand, the average state of a thing or person.
For example:
“- How is Petrov and his indigestion?
- Alexey Semenovich, normal. He was at the doctor the other day. ”
Is the essence of the question clarified, what is the norm? We hope so.
As always, to consolidate the possession of new knowledge, we will not leave the hero of our research alone and give him friends in the form of substitution words, semantic analogues.
A word can have any contextual substitutions. We will focus only on the most significant. There they are:
- order;
- law;
- measure;
- principle;
- tradition;
- rate;
- establishment;
- ustoy;
- canon.
These are the closest synonyms. And another piece of advice: if the object of research is ever useful to the reader, then let him carefully choose replacements. What is the norm? This is an extremely ambiguous word, so you need to be on your guard with it. Synonyms are often more expressive.
Quantity norm
The norm can be both an objective concept, and a subjective indicator. For example, the staff of the magazine “Youth yesterday, today, tomorrow” has 12 people, and the issue consists of 36 articles. Each employee needs to write 3 articles per month so that the journal does not fail the rate of performance and the material is delivered on time.
3 articles should be iron. With these figures it is impossible to negotiate or somehow change. And all because the magazine is not a person, but a kind of abstract entity, which, on the contrary, rules people by itself. On any production, even intellectual, there are performance indicators.
In Soviet times, figures existed more for the authorities than for the actual result, but this was not always the case. A well-known example is Stakhanov, whose last name eventually began to mean the drummer of labor, who fulfills two or three norms per shift. Yes, and if you watch Soviet films about workers (it is clear that they had a certain ideological goal), then the hard workers are quite informal about their personal records.
Yes, when the power of the soviets became decrepit, the meaning of the word “norm” more and more lost its emotional intensity. And in modern Russia, the dictatorship of papers has replaced the living essence of reality. True, this is an old disease. To verify this, just read or reread N.V. Gogol and his Dead Souls.
So, in any case, the main question: what is the norm and what is it? Because it is quantitative indicators that determine the goals of the organization and the degree of its effectiveness. True, we all know that such a system is imperfect, and some particularly clever comrades easily manipulate it, but this is another story.
Social norm
As the reader probably already guessed, norms of behavior are subjective establishments that depend on society, environment and time.Such orders are mobile, although their relativity is arbitrary. For example, how far is it possible to overcome tradition? This is quite difficult, and the public canon does not seem so trifle to the person going against the stream. A social norm is a convention to a certain extent. The reader can easily see this if he looks at least at fashion.
At the beginning of the 20th century, it was indecent for a woman to wear trousers, in those days it was believed that pants were an exclusively male element of the wardrobe. What now? Business women prefer formal business suits with trousers.
Behaviors vary by environment. Each society has its own traditions, which are dictated by culture - these are common truths. What to do, such is our topic today.
For example, a man dressed in European style will be considered and looked abnormal in an African tribe. The same is true for an African in a folk costume in the middle of Paris. We are not tired of reminding that a social norm is a moving phenomenon and dependent on values and fundamental moods of the era reigning here and now.
"Norm" - a mysterious concept
It is regrettable or not, but now it is difficult to answer the question of what the norm is, because no one really knows this. The basic values of an ordinary person (work, family, friendship) are worn out in the modern technological flow of life. The institution of marriage is in crisis, rich people prefer to have children, but not live together. Some practice guest marriage.
Work is divided into projects. Now no one dreams of working in an office for 20 years, and then retire and die peacefully in a warm bed surrounded by relatives.
Friendship? There simply is no time for it - a person is living too busy life now.
The reader will say that everything is too gloomy. Not at all. Now is the time when a person solves many issues individually, not relying on ready-made matrices proposed by society.