There are many abbreviations and abbreviations that may have multiple meanings or be misinterpreted. What is a cop? It all depends on what area this concept belongs to.
For example, if this is a player, the first thing that comes to his mind is the game Counter-Strike. A lawyer, having heard this combination of letters, will think that this is a constitutional court. Engineers can remember the self-propelled crane, and the military - the Molotov cocktail or the curfew service.
One way or another, these are words that will answer the question of what the COP is. Next, we consider possible interpretations.
Players know firsthand that CS is short for Counter-Strike. The cycle of computer games, which is represented by the genre of team shooter, has long conquered the whole world. Initially, it was a transformation of the game Half-Life.
The series is presented in five parts, the most famous of which to this day remains Counter-Strike 1.6. In August 2011, the development company officially showed Counter-Strike: Global Offensive to gamers. This game has become possible to download the next year.
The last part was optimized, with excellent graphics and gameplay. Therefore, version 1.6 began to lose ground, as the players acquired powerful computers and began to install productive games with a more beautiful picture.
KS is a multiplayer game that supports online and offline modes. The idea of this shooter is the battle of two teams: terrorists and counter-terrorists.
In the main mode - competitive - they play 5 on 5. The battle lasts until one of the teams wins in 16 rounds. There are draws in the game. After playing 15 rounds, the teams change roles: terrorists stand up for defense, and special forces play for the attack.
The game is presented in several modes:
- "Rescue of the hostages."
- "Mine or neutralize."
- "Killing VIP."
- "The escape".
What is the COP, lawyers have heard. Among themselves, representatives of the judiciary are called the constitutional court. This is a public authority that relates to the judiciary. He exercises constitutional control, evaluates the correctness of legal norms.
If a document or law has been declared unconstitutional, then this organization may cancel it.
For the first time, this authority was formed in Austria and Czechoslovakia. The Austrian lawyer Hans Kelsen worked on his concept. After the war, this body was recognized by many countries. First, it was established in Germany, and then in France.
In 1980, the constitutional court appears in Belgium, then in Poland. The Soviet Union was no exception, and in 1989 vested the Council of People's Deputies with similar functions.
The meaning of the word KS is known to engineers. There is such a thing as indexing cranes. In this case, the designations determine the type of crane and other important characteristics.
In 1967, for the first time, this abbreviation became known. A special indexation was ratified, which meant "self-propelled crane." This designation was needed to identify machines that were "born" at the facilities of the USSR Ministry of Construction and Construction. Later, the COP began to appear at the factories of the Ministry of Electrical Engineering.
What is a COP, and experts in computer technology know. So among themselves they call a computer network. It provides the exchange of information between computing mechanisms. The latter include servers, routers, computers, and other devices.
To transmit data, use different physical phenomena.They mean different types of electrical and light signals as well as electromagnetic radiation.
The first computer network appeared back in 1956. It was used in the Soviet missile defense system System A. But later it turned out that earlier it was implemented in another company.
Over time, the computing network has improved. In the UK, the development of access systems to automated databases has begun. Access was based on the use of telephone channels for televisions and keyboards. So it became known about the video tex.
The military also knows what the COP is. How to determine it in this case? This is the name for incendiary fluid, which was used in flamethrowers, igniter ampoules and Molotov cocktails. It was during the Great Patriotic War.
The peculiarity of this type of incendiary mixture was: increased combustion temperature, development technology rules and adhesion to objects.
KS fluid was developed based on battles in the Spanish Civil War. Relevance was associated with the events of the Winter War. The soldiers understood the importance of this type of weapon against tanks. Also, the incendiary mixture helped to destroy the enemy’s structures.
What kind of weapons began to be used in 1940? Sesquisulfide, white phosphorus and sulfur were taken for the manufacture. Despite the fact that most often the liquid was called "KS", among their soldiers soldiers interpreted its name in different ways. Someone called it “Cat mix” because of its inventor N.V. Kashkina. Since the fluid had several creators, the name "Kachugin-Malt" was also used. Some war veterans called it the “Cocktail of Death”, some called it “Old Cognac” or “Specifically Secret”.
COP is a multifaceted concept. In addition to the famous game, the judicial authority, computer terms and military concepts, the Krylya Sovetov football and hockey club is shrinking.
Sometimes this may be called the Stanley Cup or combinational pattern. Most of these abbreviations appeared due to jargon and slang, so not everyone immediately understands what is at stake. Only from the context it is possible to determine how the decoding of the COP.