Bank cards are in high demand among Russians. With their help, you can remotely make payments, receive and withdraw money. The card is issued for a period of 4 years. After this time, it must be reissued. But what if I lost a bank card? In today's article, we will try to understand this issue.
Don't panic
Losing a card does not mean losing money. You can block it at any time. And attackers will not be able to use your money. However, do not hesitate to lock. There are several ways to do this:
- By phone, contacting a bank representative.
- By sending SMS to a specific number.
- Remotely, through the bank’s mobile application.
We will talk about each method in detail below.
The first steps
What threatens the loss of a Sberbank bank card? The dangers are that your account may fall into the hands of scammers. Attackers, even without knowing the PIN code, can withdraw all funds. For this, enough information about the CVV code (a three-digit number on the back of the card) and the account number itself. If, upon arrival at home, you find a card is missing, you must make a phone call to the bank. Call from all landline and mobile numbers is free. After contacting the operator, describe the situation and leave a request to block the card. During a conversation, a bank employee may require the following information from you:
- Code word that was indicated at the conclusion of the contract.
- The phone number by which you will keep in touch.
Write down the name and surname of the bank operator you contacted. What to do if I have lost a bank card? After a phone call, you need to take a couple more steps. But for now, we’ll tell you one more important information.
If, after the loss of the card, an employee "allegedly" calls you from the bank and requires a PIN code, in no case do not inform him. This is a scammer who wants to use the money on your card. Moreover, the attackers are asking for PINs under various pretexts. Do not believe the words of scammers - only you and no one else, even representatives of the bank, should know the information about the PIN code.
What to do if I have lost a bank card? We are writing a statement
After making the call, you need to replace the oral statement with a written one within three days. We go to the nearest bank branch and explain the situation. After submitting a written application, the card will be reissued within 7-14 days. How much does this procedure cost? Reissuing a card costs about 100-250 rubles. When drawing up the application, you must have the originals:
- Passports
- Identification code.
Temporary lock service
What should I do if I have lost a bank card and are not sure about its loss? There are times when we forget a card in a car or in a house. For such situations, the bank has a temporary blocking service. It is valid for three days. If after this time no card is found, then it should be permanently blocked.
Does the number change?
Often people worry about changing their current account. This is not very convenient, especially for those who do business. But in case of loss of a card, it can be restored with the previous account number.
Block via SMS
On the back of the card are actions in case of loss. So, the owner can block the account from the phone by sending a message to a number (for example, 900). The following data should be indicated in the text: “Blocking XXXX B”. It will be decrypted as follows:
- XXXX is the last 4 digits of your card.
- B - this is the reason for blocking (in case of loss, indicate “0”, theft “1”, if the ATM “ate” the card, then indicate number 2).
Within a few minutes, the account will be blocked. No ATM can issue money from this card.
We block through the application
By downloading the official application of the bank, you can carry out all operations remotely. Including blocking the card in case of loss. To do this, go to the "Menu" and select the "Card Lock" section. Following the prompts in the application, you can block it for 3 or more banking days, as well as contact the operator.
If you find a loss
It often happens that the card is located after some time in any place. During this period, we have already managed to submit an application and even get a new plastic. What to do with the old map? It is not worth using it, since data can be copied by intruders. If unlocked, scammers will immediately use your old card.
If the money has already been withdrawn
Unfortunately, it is not always possible to block the card on time. In case of loss at any time, unauthorized persons can use it. What to do if I have lost a Sberbank bank card and all funds have been withdrawn from it? In this case, you must notify the bank by writing a statement. All situations are considered by employees individually. After submitting the application, the chances of returning the missing money increase.
If the client refuses the operation, an internal investigation is carried out. So, the employees will study all the video from ATM cameras, location and much more. Further, the bank decides to return the money to the client. Damage is fully compensated. But it is worth considering that if the card fell into the hands of fraudsters due to the fault of the client, the latter does not have to pay monetary compensation. When concluding a contract, you agree not to disclose confidential information. This applies not only to the password, but also to the CVV code, as well as other data.
Helpful advice
For the future, it is recommended to set a daily limit on the calculation and withdrawal of funds. This will protect the cardholder from losing a large amount if fraudsters take it.
So, we found out what to do in case of loss of a bank card. As you can see, there are several ways to block it. The main thing is not to postpone the lock for later. Unfortunately, losing a bank card is a very common situation that anyone can face. Therefore, you need to know in advance the steps to block a card account. Remember that money can always be returned in full (except if you yourself did not tell the fraudster confidential data).