Unemployment is considered a complex phenomenon when a person is not employed. At this time, people usually feel bewildered. What to do to the unemployed? Surviving after losing your job is not easy, but if you use a few simple tips, you will find a new source of income.
State role
What does the state do for the unemployed? For citizens there are employment centers where you can get acquainted with vacancies, as well as choose something suitable. A person can search for an appropriate job as long as necessary.
With unemployment, a person receives a special allowance. It is drawn up at the employment center. During this period, a person has time to find a suitable vacancy. The state also supports the opening of its own business, allocating material assistance for this, as well as favorable loans.
Benefit conditions
If a person has become unemployed, what to do in this case? You can register at the employment center. Only then is unemployed status assigned. After that, the allowance is awarded. It can be paid no more than 2 years for 3 years. The payment term is divided into 2 periods, each of which cannot be more than 12 months. This period may not go in a row, but only for 18 months, since there may be breaks in payment.
If the unemployed did not manage to find work after the end of the 12-month period, then he can receive benefits for a 2-year period. Approval of payment in 24 months is a common case. But sometimes this period decreases. These cases occur when:
- Previously, a person did not work.
- There was a break in work for more than 1 year.
- He was fired from his last job for violations.
- He resigned for another reason within 1 year before registration at the employment center.
- Suspended from free training for which the person is directed by the Employment Center.
In these cases, each of the 2 payout periods will not last more than 6 months.
Allowance amount
If the maximum payment period is 24 months, the amount of the benefit provided for 1 year is set as follows:
- 1-3 months - 75% of the average income indicated in the certificate from the last job;
- 4-7 months - 60%;
- 8-12 months - 45%.
In size, benefits cannot be higher than the maximum and minimum. Every year this indicator changes. During the 2 period, payments are provided in a minimum amount. Benefits are also paid to servicemen dismissed from service if they do not have the right to a military pension. To receive funds, the unemployed must visit the employment center on time.
Unemployment Actions
What should the unemployed do to improve their situation? There are many ideas for a steady income. In this situation, there are no clear rules, since everyone decides for himself what he should do.
Now it is possible to find work on the Internet, through the employment center, newspapers. In addition, you can organize your own business if you have seed capital. To know about options for possible situations, you should familiarize yourself with some ideas.
Unemployment benefits
What to do to an unemployed pregnant woman? In this case, you will not be able to find a job; you must register with the Employment Center. This rule applies to cases where a woman has been officially employed. Benefits are not paid in cases where at the time of pregnancy there was a dismissal or there was no employment. The following cases are an exception:
- A woman was fired due to the termination of work of an entrepreneur, organization.
- He is studying at educational institutions.
Disabled pregnant
And if an unemployed pregnant woman, what should I do? Even if a woman quits, she has the right to register with the employment service, because of which she may receive benefits. She confirms her status with documentation. The allowance is different every year, but in 2016 the minimum was 850 rubles and the maximum was 4900. But if a woman is registered at the labor exchange, then she is not entitled to maternity benefits.
Unemployment money is not paid for the entire duration of the maternity leave, so a pregnant woman must submit a certificate of incapacity for work for a period of 30 weeks. The specialist during the entire period indicated in the document does not appoint visits to the employment service.
When the vacation ends, and the woman wants to find a job, the payment of unemployment benefits resumes. This will be when the period has not yet ended. If a woman is not ready to work, then payments are not paid for the period when she will be on parental leave. During pregnancy and after the birth of a baby, a woman can be considered unemployed.
Work on the land
What should the unemployed do to improve their situation? If there is a land plot, then it can serve to earn money. To do this, cultivate environmentally friendly products (vegetables, fruits). They can be sold on collective farm markets.
In order for this type of business to become successful, you need to find out about profitable sales markets, profitable purchase of seeds, fertilizers. Greenhouse equipment will also be required. Such a business can become not only a temporary solution to financial difficulties, but also an additional source of income. This option allows you to open your own business. For its foundation, investments will be required.
Gathering and fishing
What to do to the unemployed if there is a forest belt or landing near the city. Earn money by collecting edible mushrooms or berries. Products can be handed over to local markets. They are considered in demand. The price for them is quite high.
With a temporary lack of work, you can pick fruit. There should be fruit and ownerless trees from which you can get fruits. If the fruits are dried and frozen in the summer, then in winter and spring their value increases.
Another type of work is fishing. But it all depends on the area of residence. If there are ponds nearby, then you can sell fish. Moreover, it is perfectly sold in fresh, smoked, valen, dried, salted, pickled species.
The realization of talent
What to do to the unemployed in Russia to become successful? You can use your talents and skills for this. For example, musicians can play on the street or in public places. Artists have the opportunity to draw portraits to order. If you have the ability to create beautiful things with your own hands, then such products can be sold.
Knitting household items, their sale on the local market will always be in demand. Typically, needlewomen quickly find customers. If you have such skills, then there is always work. There may be other talents, most importantly, do not be afraid to realize them.
Sale of services
What should an unemployed person do in order to earn income? You can offer people your help. For example, some do some work with friends: walking with children, doing repairs, helping to move. Many services are constantly required for which people are willing to pay money.
In large cities, you can work as a guide for guests. A person who does not know the area can use such services. You can apply other ideas, if a little imagination. For that period, while there is no work, you can sell something.
Internet work
An unemployed person can look for work on the Internet. Now there are many options for generating revenue on the global web.This is freelance, online training, sale of scans, computer services, social networks, affiliate programs. You can learn all this without education, most importantly, have a desire.
An experienced user can provide services for the preparation, collection of information, documentation, maintenance of home computers and laptops. In this case, computer knowledge is required, which can also be learned.
Network marketing
This is also a form of income from the sale of another's products. To do this, find companies that are looking for partners. They pay a percentage for the sale of their goods and services. Even if you need investments to participate, you should still try this option. Many firms are willing to pay people money for upgrading their ratings and improving sales.
You can use many other ways of making money. It is necessary to approach the sources of income wisely, correctly evaluate their strength, and also use skills. You need to put aside a little from your earnings, and then there will be practically no problems with lack of money.