
Population of Pervouralsk

The population of Pervouralsk in the Sverdlovsk region has changed quite significantly over the past century. The city itself has existed since 1732, although it was previously known under a different name. The modern square, the population of Pervouralsk is not only the territory of the city itself and the people living in it, but also the adjacent areas. Since 2005, the status of an urban district was officially assigned, which changed the position of the municipality. Regarding the population of Pervouralsk, regularly updated statistics tell. The administration of the city circle, and some specific statistical state institutions, agencies are also collecting official information.

Pervouralsk population

general information

The entire population of Pervouralsk is the inhabitants of the Sverdlovsk region, namely, its western part. The urban district is governed by a central authority whose organs are located directly in the city. For a long time, the Chusovaya River, which is the main waterway of the settlement, was of great importance for the population of Pervouralsk, Sverdlovsk Region. It was on its shore that the first village was built, which grew over time, was renamed and now has the status of an urban district.

The population of Pervouralsk is especially proud of the fact that they live near the Asian-European border. Near the city there is a watershed that defines the separation of parts of the continent. The village is built in a mountainous landscape. The most attractive (this is shown by surveys with the participation of the population of the city of Pervouralsk) Elnichnaya and Pilnaya mountains, as well as Magnet. River valleys quite strongly divide the territory of the urban district.

Pervouralsk population

Figures and projects

Currently, the population in Pervouralsk is almost 125 thousand people. Official polls, studies conducted in the recent past, gave an indicator of 124,981.

As local politicians assure, in the near future the city is waiting for effective transformations that will turn it into a more comfortable place to live, and this is guaranteed to affect the quality of housing and living standards. Therefore, we can expect that the population of Pervouralsk in the Sverdlovsk region will increase. Not so long ago, official news sources published data on the preliminary approval of the development project proposed by the city municipality. Positive results from the consideration of the proposed documentation were formulated by A. Sokolov, currently - the main responsible for the department of single-industry towns.

Perfection is not far off

Statistics show that the population of Pervouralsk in numbers (that is, about 125 thousand people) from year to year is becoming less and less. Currently, it is the fourth largest city in its region, however, the living conditions in it are quite poor, which is why the mortality rate is very high. For this reason, regular working meetings of local politicians and diplomats of a higher level end with the declaration of the need for the speediest adoption and introduction of a program that would revive Pervouralsk. How many people will be in this city in a decade? Currently, the forecasts are extremely disappointing, and urgent measures must be taken so that there are development prospects.

The single-industry towns of our country need development and improvement, and Pervouralsk is no exception. The administration regularly reports on the positive results of regular political meetings and meetings of officials at various levels.Nevertheless, the population of the city of Pervouralsk is steadily decreasing, and no real measures have been taken to restore the situation. For this, as officials say, you need a lot of money, and you need to attract them not from the federal budget, but from private investors.

Three decades - one and a half cities

Currently, officials are actively advertising a new program designed to adjust the population of Pervouralsk. It is designed, as officials assure, for one and a half to three decades (a lot will depend on the success of solving financial problems). According to experts, with the implementation of this program it will be possible to increase the population of Pervouralsk by one and a half times and successfully cross the border of three hundred thousand.

Population of the city of Pervouralsk, Sverdlovsk Region

According to the authors of the program for the development of the urban district, the measures for their project involve not just attracting people to a permanent place of residence, but also creating new jobs. This means that with the successful implementation of all the postulates, the population of Pervouralsk will increase, at the same time as the standard of living will improve, and people will be happy with the move, it will be possible to make good forecasts for the future. Now there are promises of opening tens of thousands of jobs.

What to count on?

The very first measure promoted by activists as part of a program to increase the population of Pervouralsk from one and a half hundred to more than three is the construction of low-cost houses for permanent residence of people. It is assumed that the mass development of the settlement will attract labor, money, and at the same time create good prospects. This will be not only a short-term increase in the quantitative characteristics of the population of Pervouralsk, but also an important groundwork for the future - the city will maintain growth, it will have prospects for further development.

Currently, according to representatives of local authorities, administrations, active negotiations are underway in state structures. They are trying to attract the attention of ministers with a specialized area of ​​responsibility with the idea of ​​increasing the population of Pervouralsk. In addition, it is supposed to be interested in the project rather reliable, successful construction organizations. However, while this is only a project, no independent professionals publish real prospects for its successful implementation. At the same time, it can be hoped that the population of Pervouralsk will indeed become more numerous after some time, since the negative trends of recent decades show a significant risk to the very existence of the old settlement.

Mortality as the main cause of population decline

From year to year, Pervouralsk is becoming an increasingly less populated area, and doctors are urging to pay attention to this fact. The sanitary and epidemiological situation in the city is only getting worse, despite all attempts to sound the alarm, and for some reason, entrepreneurs, authorities and even the general population do not respond to the panicky announcements of doctors. Meanwhile, mortality is growing at a substantial pace.

Pervouralsk population in numbers

As experts draw attention to, there are several key indicators that have a significant impact on the health of most residents of the city. Moreover, the birth rate, which is largely due to small prospects, high unemployment, falls from year to year by several percent. The population of Pervouralsk is much less likely to decide to have children than the permanent residents of other cities in the same region. Presumably, this is due to economic depression, which is imposed by the poor environmental situation, as well as the imperfection of the medical sphere. With a decrease in the birth rate, mortality increases, which in total gives a significant decrease in the population.In terms of the frequency of deaths in the city of Pervouralsk, things are much worse than in other settlements in the same region.

The main troubles: what threatens the residents of Pervouralsk

As can be seen from medical statistics, mainly the population of this city suffers from diseases of the vascular system and heart. More than half of deaths are provoked by just such problems. No less important damage to the population is caused by malignant diseases. Rounding out the top three life-threatening causes of poisoning, injuries. On the one hand, there are certain positive trends - in recent years, the frequency of deaths caused by oncological pathologies has slightly decreased, which, presumably, is associated with a weakening of the industrial sphere and less harm to the environment and humans.

In frequency among malignant neoplasms, the leading ones affecting the human respiratory system are in the lead. Up to 43% of all cases can be detected only at the third or even fourth stage, when it is almost impossible to help the patient. Doctors urge: it is necessary to introduce a social program to increase the literacy of the population, so that people turn to doctors on time, as soon as dangerous symptoms begin to appear. If the situation continues to develop at the same pace that is being observed now, no government programs promising three hundred thousand of the population will ever be realized. From year to year, a huge number of oncological diagnoses are made in Pervouralsk, and this requires urgent measures.

Bad situation: forecasts are not encouraging

In addition to the diseases mentioned above, the population of Pervouralsk suffers from acute respiratory, infectious, and viral pathologies, including flu epidemics that regularly occur. At the same time, the incidence of HIV and viral forms of hepatitis is high. For all these pathologies, the forecasts are currently negative. Chronic morbidity among minors has recently shown a small percentage reduction in the frequency of cases, and yet a fifth of all schoolchildren cannot even attend the basic physical development program in educational institutions.

the population of the city of Pervouralsk

In recent years, occupational morbidity has increased one and a half times. This suggests that the adult population of Pervouralsk is gradually literally dying out, and the first to be threatened are employees of local factories. Without exception, all residents of the city are constantly exposed to a heavy load of toxic chemical components. This is due to the low quality of atmospheric air polluted by industrial emissions. The quality of soil and water intended for drinking is rather low.

Up to 70% of the population of Pervouralsk are severely affected by biological factors - they receive low-quality products, water. Up to 67% are forced to constantly exist in conditions of loud noise, which also negatively affects the state of health and life expectancy. Seven percent of the local population is forced to work in adverse conditions. All this catastrophically negatively affects the daily life of the population of Pervouralsk, so there is no reason to rely on the realization in the near future of the administration’s promises regarding the increase in the number of local residents. First you need to not only build housing for all those in need, but also bring other living conditions to normal.

There is no life without nature

Ecology greatly affects the quality and longevity in any locality. In Pervouralsk, the state of nature is depressing, which directly affects the health of the local population. The head doctor of the city draws attention to the fact that the greatest danger is associated with drinking water, which is constantly getting worse. The quality is such that the city is at risk of an epidemic.

But the air has recently become a little cleaner.According to experts, this is due not to improving the cleaning systems of local factories, but only to long-term rainy weather, which saved the local population a little. At the same time, the sanitary, epidemiological situation in the city is not something that can be trusted with just a summer rain, and measures must be taken to restore local prosperity.

What happened before?

I must say that in Pervouralsk it was not easy to live in previous years, although there were interesting periods of take-off. Special attention of historians is traditionally attracted by the period of the Second World War. If before the 30s of the last century the village was quite small, then by this time its significant flowering had begun. It was then that Pervouralsk acquired the status of an industrial city. During the reign of the Soviets, five times as many people began to live here as before, and there is nothing surprising in this - there were jobs in Pervouralsk, there were prospects, so people came here with pleasure. In addition, at that time, many were not afraid of having children - there was no reason to seriously worry about the future. If we collect analytics during the existence of a settlement on this site, it will become clear that it was the 30s of the last century that were the “high point” of Pervouralsk, both before and after, the situation began to decline.

Pervouralsk city population

According to analysts, in the near future it is hardly possible to count not only on such rates of population growth, but also at least somewhat close to them.

Passionless numbers

As follows from the official documents that have survived to this day, in 1926 only nine thousand people lived in this settlement, but after 13 years the increase was more than substantial: up to 44 thousand. If in 1926 it was a small village, in its region occupying only 14th place in terms of population, then by 1939 it was already in fifth place, giving way to the center of the region and three more cities. From year to year, there was a significant increase in the population of not only the city itself, but also the nearest locality, united in the corresponding district.

More than 71 thousand people lived in the district in 1937, a year later - already 75 thousand, and by 1939 the official census showed almost 80 thousand. There is an opinion that the population growth was mainly due to special immigrants, that is, in fact, they were people who had to come here forcibly. Indeed, it cannot be argued that during the reign of Stalin many were forced to withdraw from their usual places of life and move to undeveloped lands, but according to statistical documentation there is no obvious confirmation that the population growth in Pervouralsk is due to this very factor.

And then what?

According to analysts who studied specific materials related to fertility and mortality in this region, it was in the 30s of the last century that a real boom in fertility was observed in Pervouralsk. It is believed that this is the reason for such an increase in the number of people - from nine thousand to 44. But nowadays, for example, in the relatively recent 2008, for the whole year only about two thousand people were born in the city. Of course, the figures are not comparable, but the administration was even proud of them. But in previous years, when Pervouralsk was actively growing and developing, the population was faced with a really acute problem of a lack of institutions to ensure the normal development of children. Although there is nothing to say, even in the same 2008 it turned out that there are fewer places in kindergartens of the city than young families with replenishment need.

In the area near Pervouralsk in 1934, about two and a half thousand people were born, in 1938 - already three thousand. As the archival data show, at that time there were many large families in this area - and this provided that in those days it was customary to include only those with six or more children.It is known that in 1940 in Pervouralsk in one of the families, the ninth child was born, and in two - the eighth. Mostly, according to research statistics, girls were born.

Social assistance in the old days

During the Soviet period in the 30s in Pervouralsk mothers with many children could count on receiving special benefits. The woman who gave birth to the seventh child, as can be seen from the archives, received two thousand rubles - more than decent amounts at that time. This value she was supposed to issue five years in a row once a year. But if the family had ten children, then at the same time mothers were given five thousand rubles in their hands, and then they paid three thousand each year — this social program lasted four years.

population of Pervouralsk

At present, it is difficult to imagine how much this money was, but you can imagine the scale of payments by comparing with the level of wages. Employees involved in industrial enterprises per month could receive 110 rubles or more - such an indicator was introduced in 1937. In 1940, he grew up, and on average in Pervouralsk artel workers received 225 rubles, and the workers of the Starotrubny factory could even “boom”, they were paid 354 rubles. Despite such good financial conditions, migration at that time was quite low, and only 290 people arrived during the 37th year. In the 39th, the indicator increased significantly - about eight hundred citizens of the country arrived from other regions for permanent residence.

The period of great prospects

As can be seen from archival information, in the period of the 30-40s of the last century the birth rate in Pervouralsk significantly exceeded the population’s profit due to relocation. Currently, the situation is much worse. Of course, the total population is much larger - if before it was 40 thousand people, now it's 125, but the dynamics has changed for the worse, no one can predict what will happen in a year or a decade - who knows, maybe in the future in Pervouralsk again as few people will live. To prevent such a deplorable situation, it is necessary now to take measures to improve living conditions, including in terms of employment, the environment, and housing.

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