Our society is so structured that many of its members, throughout their entire conscious lives, work hard and hard, literally making time for family and home. And being in such an intense rhythm, of course, every person dreams of rest from all this tiresome fuss. And behind the farewell to retirement, after which, it would seem, you need to start living for yourself and enjoy this state of affairs. However, very often everything happens very differently. Many people begin to feel unhappy, abandoned and useless to anyone.
Seeing off to retire dramatically changes lives. Behind are the early climbs, constant rush and a lot of things for which sometimes there simply was not enough time. How to fill the suddenly formed emptiness? What will make life interesting and vibrant?
Step by step
As the retirement age approaches, a person overcomes several stages. The very first of them is called the pre-retirement phase. Leaving work is seen in this period in the most distant future. But a sense of anxiety is already beginning to arise. This is the time when many people begin to equip summer cottages, where they can then spend their time, save money, look after an interesting hobby. And it is worth noting that such an approach is absolutely correct. Such training eliminates all possible fears of leaving work.
The next stage has a romantic name - “honeymoon”. It begins immediately after a person retires. This period is characterized by a feeling of euphoria, which gives sudden freedom. But it does not last very long. The "honeymoon" is passing, and there is disappointment due to the fact that the picture of the retirement life that a person painted in his imagination does not correspond to reality at all. For example, many are sure that having left work, they will be engaged in the education of grandchildren. And the children for some reason refuse help. Or the state of health does not allow you to engage in pre-selected interesting hobbies. What to do in this case? Having entered the phase of disappointment, you must try to realize your strengths and weaknesses. Only this will allow us to enter the next stage of stability and choose the appropriate business for ourselves. What can I do in retirement? There are many answers to this question. The chosen business can benefit the body and soul or replenish the wallet.
Tidy up the figure
What can I do in retirement? Having a lot of free time, many tend to lose those extra pounds, tighten muscles and tone their body. The best endeavor is morning exercises. Classes in a group, for example, yoga or swimming, will also have a high effect. All this will not only result in taking care of yourself and your health, but also will allow you to expand the circle of communication.
You should not try to see a quick result. The main condition for such classes will be to enjoy and achieve still small goals. You need to start with the simplest exercises, only over time, more and more complicating them, adding new movements. Gradually, the body will begin to get used to the loads. Classes will bring a lot of positive, as they will strengthen self-confidence by displaying the results in the mirror and on the scales. The most daring and active retirees are recommended to start every day with a jog.
Body and face care will require consistency and consistency. Anyone who devotes certain hours to training, no longer asks the question "what can I do in retirement?". If free time is distributed correctly, then everything can be done calmly and measuredly.
Disassemble the wardrobe
What can a retired woman do? Do not ponder this question for a long time. It’s better to review your wardrobe. For someone who knows how to sew or knit, the time of leaving work will be an excellent period to remember and even hone existing skills. You can even learn any kind of needlework from scratch, and then update your wardrobe with wonderful things. Free time will be enough for inventing, cutting and sewing robes and skirts, as well as knitting hats.
Even when you retire, do not forget about fashion, pampering yourself with elegant things. When shopping, you need to follow the discounts. This approach will allow you to purchase a beautiful and stylish wardrobe item for a small price. And when viewing fashion magazines, you can find a lot of recommendations and tips on the selection of scarves and accessories, as well as updating already worn items. Do not regret boring and outdated wardrobe items. They need to be safely thrown out of the closet.
Every woman (and not only in retirement) must certainly look great, taking care of herself.
Start eating right
Proper and healthy food is the key to a long and active life. Poor-quality foods, constant snacks, dry food and in a hurry - all this seriously harms the body. Few people think about this in the accelerated rhythms of working days, taking a sandwich with sausage from their bags. But with the advent of retirement, it is necessary to completely revise the diet that was usual before leaving work. Smoked and fatty, sausages, sweets, etc. should be excluded from the daily menu as much as possible. It is important to strive to consume only healthy and high-quality products, eat more fruits, vegetables and sour milk. Fish and lean meats will help maintain good health.
You should think over an approximate menu in advance and write down the number and name of the necessary products. When conducting the counting of purchases in a month, it will be possible to analyze the money spent and determine the price difference in the stores in order to purchase goods more profitable and cheaper.
It is also recommended that you constantly replenish your collection of recipes with those dishes that are related to healthy eating. All these efforts will not be in vain. They will return improved digestion and well-being.
Read the classics
Most often, pensioners spend their time watching various TV shows, talk shows, news releases, etc. However, as a result, they get nothing but fatigue, dullness and negative emotions. One of the most wonderful types of relaxation for senior citizens is reading books. Classical literary works will certainly give you positive, pleasant emotions and a romantic mood. It is best to take books in the library, paying attention to the works of Shukshin and Bunin, Kuprin and Gogol, Lermontov and Tolstoy.
To walk and travel
Rest for pensioners should not be limited to being within the walls of their apartment. Benefits for health and emotional mood will bring daily walks in parks and along the streets of the city. It will be interesting to visit certain places that are memorable for yourself and see how they have changed.
Also, it is advisable for pensioners not to miss various exhibitions and expositions that open in the city. On weekdays there will not be a large crowd of visitors, which will allow you to view the exhibits without fuss and haste. It’s great if a person in retirement has like-minded people. Together with them, you can go on an excursion to a neighboring city.
A great pastime will be for pensioners traveling abroad.But do not be upset if this event is impossible due to lack of finance. In this case, it is recommended to use the Internet and virtually explore many world attractions.
Chat with family
The most important thing for retirees is to pay full attention to their near and dear ones. For example, you can offer your spouse fishing together or go camping with him. The wife will like it if the husband begins to help her more with the housework. It will also help to please children with their solid life position and optimism, helping grandchildren and passing on to them their wisdom and experience.
Kids need to be taken to sports sections and to various circles. It is important to be necessary for your family and to help loved ones in everything. Research scientists have convincingly proved the fact that taking care of their grandchildren, grandparents thereby extend their lives and become much happier.
Work in the country
What can I do after leaving work? By growing flowers in the country (bright bouquets will decorate the house), as well as caring for beds with vegetables and fruits, which will give a wonderful environmentally friendly crop.
There is always a lot of work on the plot. Moreover, the digging of beds, weeding and watering plants - all this happens in the fresh air. Thus, the cottage is a great place to take care of your health. But, ennobling the personal plot, it is not recommended to overwork. You need to do all the work with pleasure and always calculate your strength.
Participate in charitable organizations
Whether to work on a pension or not, everyone decides for himself. However, having a huge amount of free time left, many simply cannot but take part in the activities of charitable organizations. After all, close to us live and feeble old people, and destitute children, and defenseless animals.
A person who helps those who need his help is distracted from their own problems. Such an occupation gives him strength and fills his retired life with a special meaning.
Share experience
After the retirement period, when a person has a huge amount of free time, he should be aware of the fact that he can tell a lot to his children and grandchildren. First of all, it is worth tidying up an album with family photos. After that, try to write down the memories of your relatives. You can even compose the family tree of the family. The descendants in the future will certainly appreciate this work and will be grateful for it.
Learn new things
Those who have retired can try to do what previously simply did not work out. To do this, you need to draw up an individual training program. Start by studying computer literacy. Having studied the possibilities of the Internet, you must try to take advantage of them. This will make it possible to receive a huge number of services without even leaving the walls of the house. For example, to carry out various banking operations, pay utility bills, make an appointment with a doctor, make online purchases, etc.
An important advantage of the Internet is that it can be used to do business, communicate with people living in other cities and countries, meet old friends, find new like-minded people and interlocutors, as well as become a member of the club for retirement interests.
People with a lot of free time can start learning a foreign language. To do this, it is recommended to use a variety of audio courses that will allow you to do this yourself.
People on a well-deserved vacation must be confident in their abilities. They can attend an affinity club for senior citizens, go to massage classes, learn to drive a car, etc. Any acquisition of skills will broaden the horizons of a person and will be an excellent training for his memory.
Learn a new profession
A side job for seniors will be not only a filling of free time, but also an income-generating business. What to do during this period? Anyone who is sure that he can work should find the most suitable option for himself. Best if it is part time. Labor should not be a burden. Of course, the income will become small, but a pleasant pastime will certainly benefit.
A person should find the most suitable option on websites offering jobs or in newspaper advertisements. Work after retirement will add a certain amount to the budget and again feel like a full member of society.
For former military personnel
Particularly relevant is a side job for retired pensioners. After all, the military leaves their post at the age of 45-50. During this period, the working capacity of people is still quite high, and the accrued payments at the same time in order to maintain the quality of life are clearly not enough.
Where can a retired soldier get a job? Some of those who have been laid off are looking for work through acquaintances or relatives. There are also those who find a position in their current specialty, and become lawyers, lawyers, etc. But most military retirees have to learn a new profession. It is worth noting that the experience they gained over the years of service greatly accelerates adaptation to civilian life.