Not all users pay regular utility bills. Many accumulate debt, gaining alarming proportions. Seeing this situation, public utilities are trying to deal with debt in every possible way. Among them are restricting access to services and even blocking sewers to debtors. This is an extreme measure of influence, and it must be carried out in a strictly defined order, otherwise the shutdown can be considered illegal.
Setting stubs
Blocking the sewer is almost the only effective measure in the event of serious debt. Indeed, the sealing of water pipes requires access to the apartment of the debtor (and not everyone will let the public utilities of their own free will). Whereas you can block the sewer from the outside by installing a special plug. Such a measure will not impede the supply of water to the apartment, but will lead to a blockage of its descent into the sewer.
What are the goals of blocking wastewater?
This procedure is considered very effective. In most cases, after a couple of months, or even weeks, the utilities manage to return all debts for sewage. In addition, this measure disciplines payers and obliges them to be more responsible in paying for services.
Since access to the apartment itself is not needed, it is possible to carry out constant monitoring at each stage of the procedure, which makes it more accurate and harmonious.
Types of sewage blocking
There are several ways to block sewage to debtors of public utilities. In this case, different types of devices are used, but the procedure for the communal services is the same. First check the condition of the riser for leaks. If any, you cannot lock. If there are no problems with water disposal, you can block the sewer. One of four systems can be used for this.
- "Octopus". As part of this system, a manipulator and a long probe with a video camera are used. It is lowered into the pipe, determining the location of the desired apartment and blocking the drainage from it. This is done carefully so as not to disrupt complex sewer maintenance.
- "Gulp". It also consists of a cable with a video camera, which can be controlled from the outside. The operator controls the entire process and installs a dummy.
- "Whale". This system uses a sealed probe, and the camcorder is equipped with special LEDs that facilitate the task of public utilities. Mounting hoses are also used. The backlight intensity can be adjusted using the remote control. Otherwise, the locking order is the same as in other systems. The Kit system is perhaps the most durable, and can last up to 20 years.
- OWL. The principle of operation is similar to previous systems, the difference is only in the stub itself. It is a sleeve made of polymer materials, which is firmly, with effort inserted into the riser itself.
Removing any plugs is done using the same system that was used during installation. That is, the probe is reinserted into the pipe and the lock is removed. Such equipment to block sewage to debtors must comply with sanitary and other standards.
Is this legal?
Many consumers of public utilities consider the blocking procedure illegal, grossly violating their rights.However, all actions are fully justified and supported by the relevant government decree.
According to article 21 of the Federal Law “On Water Supply and Sanitation”, if a consumer has accumulated debt for two settlement periods or more, blocking the sewage system to debtors is a legitimate measure, and this measure can be applied by public utilities.
However, the restriction of water disposal should be carried out in accordance with the procedure established by law. A day before the proposed arrival, the debtor must be notified of this at least. Also, communal services inform the territorial bodies and local self-government about the blocking, fire control services and sanitary and epidemiological authorities. It is also taken into account that the blocking of sewerage to debtors should in no way affect the living conditions of other residents or worsen the condition of the premises.
Utilities have the right to take extreme measures even if they issued a written warning to the debtor, and within 30 days no action was taken from him. In short, the debt was still not paid.
Legal point of view
On the other hand, the question arises about the suitability of housing for living, which is affected by the blocking of sewers to debtors. Is this legal? No, because it contradicts the very rules of providing communal services with their services.
Lawyers believe that with a six-month debt, it is allowed to disable some services, but not all. For example, a user may be left without electricity, gas or hot water, but it is simply illegal to turn off sewage and water supply to him. They also rely on the norms of international human rights, which in this case are violated.
What to do to the user?
With legal knowledge and a competent approach to business, you can avoid such an unpleasant measure as blocking sewers to debtors. User reviews suggest that prevention is better than mitigation. Therefore, be sure to monitor the amount of your own debts in personal accounts and do not allow exceeding permissible norms.
If you can’t avoid the trouble, then later on you will have to face all the “charms” of partially blocking the sewage system. Of course, this measure should not come as a surprise, because you will receive communal services notice anyway. First, at least three weeks, and then again, three days before the expected arrival of services.
If the sewerage was blocked by debtors illegally, tenants can complain to the inspection and even go to court. There is a chance to assert their rights and restore the situation with water disposal. By the way, recovery after blocking is absolutely free, and any claims for cash payments are illegal.
Going to court
If the sewerage was blocked by debtors without notice or with other violations, it is possible to challenge the decision of the public utilities in court. In the event of a successful outcome, one can count not only on the restoration of sanitation, but also on compensation for moral damage.
The court will be on the side of the payer of utility services if it does not receive a warning about disconnecting the sewage system, or if the engineering systems do not comply with sanitary and epidemiological standards. The basis may also be confirmation that the living conditions have become unsuitable, and other landlords have also suffered as a result of communal services.
Resume Sewage
After the tenants have paid the debt, they are required to remove the lock in two days or at the request of the payer. As already mentioned, special systems are also used.In no case do not try to remove the plug and unlock the sewer yourself! This can lead to an emergency and large losses, which you will also have to recover.
Of course, blocking sewers is an extreme and rather controversial measure. But sometimes, if nothing else helps, it can be the only effective way to “knock out” debts.