
Bank settlement and cash services for legal entities and individuals

Now a situation is created by law when various intermediaries are used for settlements. Previously, interaction took place directly between stakeholders. But now this is unlikely. There are a number of objective reasons for this. Few are walking past banks. What is a banking cash management service?

general information

Bank settlement and cash servicesThe main area of ​​activity for any financial institution is settlement and cash services for bank clients. For this purpose, the following possible cash flow transactions are proposed:

  1. Check in.
  2. Accounting.
  3. Storage.
  4. Recalculation.
  5. Collection.
  6. Moving.

To begin to act, you should conclude a bank account agreement for settlement and cash servicing of the client. On it in the future financial transactions will be carried out. Depending on the currency and specific moments, the maximum number of open accounts may vary. It should be noted that various packages of banking services are offered to individuals and legal entities. Some of them are free of charge. The cost of others is regulated by the legislation of the country, which is mandatory for all commercial structures. How is cash settlement services carried out in a bank?

In the beginning there was a contract

When an agreement is concluded, the parties may make certain additions and requirements. In case of non-compliance with the rules of the agreement, the offending entity shall be punished by a fine in the form of a penalty. Its size is controlled by law. In general, when concluding contracts, you must be extremely careful. Very often, bank employees want to “cram” a number of additional services that they have according to their internal plan. Therefore, with this it is necessary to keep an eye out.

Legal regulation

Settlement and cash servicing of bank clientsThe presence of a ruble account (or in another currency) allows for a large list of operations. Legal regulation in this case is used to ensure the safety of the placement, storage and use of savings and profits derived from commercial activities. For us, in this case, the most interesting are:

  1. Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
  2. Federal law.
  3. The provisions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

But nevertheless, the most significant at the household level is the contract, which is concluded by various parties. In resolving disputes and conflicts, it acts as the main regulatory mechanism. Therefore, one should be very well versed in all aspects and nuances of the signed documents in order to receive high-quality banking settlement and cash services.

Why is this necessary?

bank account agreement for settlement and cash servicesOpening an account is a necessary measure to gain access to the basic package of banking services. This allows you to provide a competent approach during operational business activities. In this case, the state through legislation regulates such moments:

  1. Crediting received funds.
  2. Transferring amounts to the accounts of other citizens.
  3. Money storage.

It should be noted that the contracts may additionally prescribe the obligations and rights of the parties, as well as various specific features. Now let's talk thematically. Initially - about banking settlement and cash services for legal entities. This means a range of services, the main purpose of which is to meet the needs of organizations and enterprises.In this case, uninterrupted operational cash flow is extremely important. A special moment is access and the ability to carry out currency transactions. They can be carried out when there are three types of accounts:

  1. To purchase currency.
  2. Transit.
  3. Current.

But the main task is the implementation of cash transactions. Financial institutions can provide not only basic services such as reception, issuance and accounting, but also help with collection and other manipulations.

Work with individuals

Settlement and cash servicing of bank customers St. PetersburgBut the most common is still the interaction with ordinary citizens. Banking and cash management services for individuals is a separate area of ​​activity of these financial institutions. It should be noted the prospects of this area due to the significant audience of customers. So, to the services of the population it is proposed:

  1. Opening / closing accounts.
  2. Cash withdrawal at the box office.
  3. Making money transfers.
  4. Accrual of a certain percentage on the balance of own funds in the account.
  5. Translation on behalf of.
  6. Carrying out operations by agreement.
  7. Formation and provision of information on all movements of funds.
  8. Conducting money transfers.
  9. Acceptance of funds to pay taxes, fines, insurance and utilities.

This, so to speak, is a basic kit. But you can get a number of additional services, the task of which is to automate the movement of funds and facilitate financial control. What can offer cash management services? Sberbank, for example, offers such advantages:

  1. Receiving salaries, scholarships or pensions.
  2. Cash withdrawal from ATMs (only with plastic cards).
  3. Making payments for services and goods via the Internet.
  4. Contribution of funds to various funds.
  5. Making payments to meet personal needs.

Now various Internet services play a very important role, which provide the population with a number of comfortable tools.

What are they in practice?

Bank settlement and cash services for individualsWhat does settlement and cash servicing of bank clients look like. St. Petersburg and Moscow in quality level are slightly different from, say, Ryazan, but in general, everything is based on the same principles. So, everything is built on the fast and safe execution of instructions, the creation of statements and notification of the movement of funds. Everyone can independently choose a set of services, which will allow them to best satisfy their needs. It should be understood that all economic relations that are built between the financial and credit organization and its client are based on certain instructions and the timeliness of their implementation. Today you can act in both real and virtual space. Moreover, in the latter case, there is no need to be present in person at the department, which is quite comfortable and allows you to save time, effort and money. Settlement and cash servicing of bank customers also contributes to a significant reduction in the amount of time it takes to carry out an operation from the user's point of view.

Currency operations

It has already turned out that business entities, when expanding the scope of their work, are simply obliged to interact with some foreign partners. Because of this, there is a need to use euros or dollars for settlements. In this case, for the legitimate use of the currency of another country, you must have three accounts. Previously, they have already been listed. Now it remains only to figure out their purpose. So, funds are credited to the current account in order to use them in the future. Transit is used to control and allocate revenue.

Foreign currency accounts are used to account for funds of another country that were purchased on the national market.From a legal point of view, everything looks as follows: the bank makes a purchase or sale on the basis of orders created by the client. Each financial institution is also responsible for carrying out conversion operations. After all, legal entities in our country are now obliged to sell part of the currency earned from international commercial activity in the market.

Cashless payments

Bank settlement and cash services for legal entitiesNow in the world there has been a trend of gradual disposal of cash. Settlement and cash services for bank customers were no exception to this. So, now special terminals are being installed at retail outlets, with which you can pay for goods, services and work, having only a plastic card issued by a financial and credit institution. Previously, this was possible only for large organizations and structures. But as the cost of introducing this situation has become cheaper, the terminals can also be found in medium-sized enterprises. The penetration of new technologies is limited by the solvency of organizations, because now it is necessary to pay:

  1. Installation of the necessary equipment.
  2. Settlement of the legal specifics of the activity.
  3. Conducting preparatory procedures for use in retail outlets using plastic cards.

Bank transfer in the global network

With this a little easier. Bank transfer can be used by all enterprises whose activities do not contradict the rules of international payment systems. To do this, you must:

  1. Provide evidence of authorized business.
  2. To conduct a type of entrepreneurship permitted in the global network.
  3. Have a properly designed virtual trading platform.

An important role here is played by processing centers, which are entrusted with the coordination of settlements in the global network. All payments that are made are processed by them automatically. This has a positive effect on the functioning of e-commerce.

The situation in the Russian Federation

Settlement and Cash Services SberbankSettlement and cash services is more a paid service. But a significant addition is the availability of a package of free benefits. Consider a small example. Suppose we have an individual who has ten thousand rubles in his account. If it wants to transfer its money to the account of another bank, a certain commission will be charged from it. But if an individual wants to pay at the store using a plastic card, then no additional payments for this (as a rule) will be charged.

All financial and credit organizations operate within the framework of strictly agreed and regulated legislation. Depending on their own capabilities, they can expand the range of products they provide in order to satisfy the needs of the population. Thanks to the developed banking sector in the Russian Federation, both individuals and legal entities are served. For each of these groups (as well as their components), their service packages are prepared, which have significant differences.


That, in general, and all, was given a surface inspection of cash management services. But you should not think that you can close this topic. Many different aspects were considered here and believe me, for each of them you can write an article no less than this in size. Fortunately, this is not a new business, and there is much to talk about. After all, the banking services sector has existed for more than a century, even if it developed in a slightly alternative direction on the territory of the countries of the former Soviet Union.

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