In many cases, it is beneficial for enterprises not to independently conduct many processes, but to delegate tasks to specialized companies. Most often they speak about outsourcing of accounting services. What is he like? When does it make sense to use such services?
general information
Accounting support is now a profitable, reliable and convenient option for resolving tax and accounting issues. Due to the development of the market, now you can choose the best program servicing taking into account the timing, scope and tax system. In the modern world, a company of any scale and legal form wants to reduce its costs.
This leads, among other things, to the fact that the market for outsourcing accounting services is developing. Prices, thanks to significant competition, are kept at an acceptable level. At the moment, this process is a transfer to the trust management of finance and taxes. For many, this is even quite common. Nevertheless, for many, the question of what is the benefit and why an accountant is needed is still incomprehensible.
When is a transfer of responsibilities needed?
The answer here is extremely simple: if an accountant cannot be loaded with work for the whole day or week to perform direct functions, then you need to think about transferring his duties to a profile company. The main thing in this matter is to choose the right company to which financial accounting will be transferred. Next, the advantages of this approach will be considered, as well as what should be considered when choosing a service provider.
We understand the meaning
Outsourcing can be translated as "attracting external resources." In a professional sense, this phrase implies the transfer of certain functions to a highly qualified specialist who is not on the staff of the company. Some experts believe that this action applies to non-key functions. For example, outsourcing of accounting and legal services can be carried out.
Therefore, to optimize the work of the company, release and direct internal resources to the main activity, this will be beneficial. The involved specialists deal with the tax authorities, keep accounts, and if necessary, take part in litigation. Therefore, for small and medium-sized companies this is a good solution. So, in the countries of the conditional West, a similar approach is popular with five out of six organizations. Basically, the experts involved are involved in:
- Preparation of primary documentation for ongoing business operations.
- Development of the concept of accounting.
- Payroll and taxes.
- Conducting accounting by registers.
- Preparation and submission of reports for extrabudgetary funds and tax inspection.
- Filling in accounting documents.
- The adoption of inspections.
And what about the Russian Federation?
In the Russian Federation only at the beginning of the 2000s appeared professional outsourcing of accounting services. Moscow has become the undisputed leader. Since its inception, demand for this service has been growing, and now, according to various estimates, approximately half of the organizations use it. Although, when this direction was just in its infancy, only every tenth contract fell on Russian structures. The main users of outsourcing were foreign companies accustomed to it. But before the crisis years, he began to gain popularity among Russian organizations.
After all, little by little everyone began to understand that this tool is really effective and can increase the competitiveness of the enterprise. So, in 2011, 44% of the market for accounting functions accounted for accounting services. At the same time, 22% is the calculation of the salaries of employees, and 8% is the preparation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS. But since the crisis came, the volume of work began to grow more slowly. So, until 2014, the increase was in double digits. Whereas, for example, in 2015, growth was only 6%. This is explained by the slowdown in the departure of a large number of foreign companies, whose share in the total market size was quite significant. Oddly enough, outsourcing wins in such a seemingly negative situation. Why?
In conditions when the company’s turnover decreases, it is preparing to switch to external sources in order to minimize expenses. But at the same time, requirements for guarantees of a quality approach are put forward. Strengthening administration plays a large role in this case. Now the state is clearly telling the business that only those entities that can demonstrate the highest possible economic efficiency in compliance with the law will be able to continue their work.
Therefore, the importance of optimizing all processes is growing. And today many are interested in what is accounting services outsourcing, what is its cost and are there quality guarantees. At the same time, the market itself is being improved. It changes the price level, structure of services, develops and introduces new products. In general, it can be noted that now the Russian Federation is moving along the already beaten path of creating an independent and well-developed type of business outsourcing.
Any whim ... but for the money
So, you already know what accounting services outsourcing is. We continue further. The state is constantly complicating accounting in small and medium-sized businesses. The responsibility for punishment is growing, electronic document management is gradually being introduced. Today it is required to supply a list of documents for all activities where there is and can be collected VAT. In addition, you have to report monthly to the pension fund.
Agree, it is difficult to pull such a small enterprise. Therefore, many enter into a contract. The outsourcing of accounting services, although it causes some caution (quite justified, by the way), does not seem like such a terrible thing compared to the domestic bureaucracy. Therefore, there is an increase in demand for this service. This is especially true for individual entrepreneurs and small firms. But not only they take advantage of the possibility of its application. So, outsourcing clients should also include such organizations:
- Representative offices of foreign firms. Everything is simple here - for them, outsourcing of accounting services is often the standard of work.
- Fast-growing firms. In such cases, the accounting departments do not have time to grow and adjust in time to the work of the company. Therefore, part of the work (or all) is transferred to the side.
- Large companies. For them, this is a simple, cheap and effective solution that will allow you to avoid spending on a corporate settlement center that has been paid back for years.
Who is the potential customer?
What structures conclude an outsourcing accounting services agreement? As a rule, these are organizations with a significant amount of standardized and routine operations. Although there are a number of points that are of interest to everyone. Typically, these are:
- tax advice;
- personnel accounting;
- preparation of documents (invoices, payments, acts);
- coordination of tax payments;
- accounting and reporting.
Potential clients may include structures that need legal support in highly specialized issues.What does the contract for outsourcing accounting services look like? The sample documentation that is between the parties varies depending on the goals set. So, for example, information can only be transmitted regarding cash settlements. A payroll will remain the responsibility of the company. Also important is the transparency of business. If the company works according to gray schemes, then this can greatly overshadow the cooperation.
How much is?
Before talking about economic efficiency, let's look at how much a regular accountant costs. Training, clerical and other expenses, payment of work and taxes - that’s about 30-40 rubles. And this is for one employee!
Against this background, outsourcing of accounting services looks much more attractive. The cost of outsourcing depends on the amount of work. With large companies, the terms are negotiated separately. But in general, prices range from 5 to 30 thousand rubles. It may seem like the same thing. But believe me, 30 thousand is the volume of work of a whole department. What's the catch?
Why is outsourcing possible?
Suspicious readers may sneak in suspicion - but does this promise any trouble? After all, it is one thing to pay thirty thousand to a person who can be controlled, and quite another to ensure the activity of the virtual department for the same amount. What is the catch here? But he is not. The fact is that a company specializing in outsourcing has a well-functioning work scheme, widely uses automation and has an iron discipline.
And if people are constantly busy with something, then over time they begin to act like robots. After all, the owners and managers of serious companies are interested in supporting a high level of work. In ordinary structures, over time, people begin to work through their sleeves, because top management is not very actively monitoring their work, as it is constantly busy with problems of a different level. A specialized company will maintain the quality of its work, otherwise it will become ineffective and will be defeated in the market.