
Apartments: unlike apartments and studio apartments

Recently, completely new concepts have appeared in real estate, such as apartments, studio apartments. Let's talk about what they mean and what, in fact, the difference between an apartment and an apartment or studio. Wanting to buy real estate, people ask a lot of questions about this. Let's figure out the nuances.

What are apartments, unlike apartments

For some reason, apartments are associated with luxury housing, today there are a lot of them for sale. These are mainly new buildings. However, wanting to purchase such a property, buyers ask many quite logical questions.

And the very first of them: “And what are apartments?” The difference from apartments already begins with the fact that these are non-residential premises. Yes Yes. It is non-residential.apartments contrast to apartments

And the point is not even in the size and layout of such real estate, but in the fact that such premises are being built for administrative purposes. Even the certificate of ownership of such an object will indicate that the premises are non-residential. Sometimes apartments are sold in Moscow, in the documents for which a “hotel type” entry is made.

So, apartments are first of all commercial real estate. For this reason, they are placed in large centers along with shops, fitness centers, and offices. Nevertheless, the real purpose of such premises is still accommodation.

The case is that the legislation of Russia does not officially define the concept of apartments, and therefore developers, using the existing laws, designate them as housing more than forty square meters, with more than one room, a kitchen and a toilet with a bath.

Non-residential premises

If we talk about how the apartments differ from the apartment, then first of all by the fact that this is a non-residential premises. From the point of view of law, they are usually commercial funds in which temporary residence is possible. This, as they say, is both an advantage and a lack of apartments in comparison with ordinary apartments.

What are the benefits of an apartment?

We figured out what the apartments are. The difference from apartments starts already with the price. Since they are considered elite housing, they cost accordingly more. When conducting a comparative analysis, realtors say that apartments sometimes cost 20-25% more than ordinary real estate of the same area in the same area.

Free, unlimited layout

We have already mentioned that the legal difference between apartments and apartments is that they are commercial funds. So, since this is a non-residential premises, its re-equipment is not consistent with housing legislation. Usually there is a completely free layout, you can embody any fantasies of the owners, you can’t just touch the load-bearing walls.difference between apartments and apartments

Elite infrastructure is another difference between apartments and apartments. To begin with, they are designed for wealthy buyers who are very demanding on the environment. As a rule, on the ground floors of such complexes there are fitness centers, spa clubs, restaurants, bars, expensive shops, banks. By purchasing such housing, people get a high service level without leaving this complex.

Convenient location is the main difference between apartments and apartments in Moscow. As you know, the distances in the capital are huge, and therefore, for convenience, housing is purchased five minutes from work. This is to save valuable time on the road and traffic jams. Such urban complexes are located in very populated areas or on the upper floors of large business centers.

As for suburban buildings, there are advantages. For example, residents can become members of an elite yacht club.

Accommodation on the same territory of people of about the same level

In urban high-rise buildings, people belonging to completely different layers are populated. The level of solvency of people here is very different. Rich people who want to revolve only in their circle, get this opportunity by purchasing apartments.

what is the difference between apartments and apartments

The difference from apartments also lies in the fact that such housing can be profitably resold or leased. Developers argue that real estate of this level has not become cheaper even in times of crisis.

Does the apartment have any flaws?

Yes, there really are a number of disadvantages.

Speaking about what is the difference between apartments and an apartment, it is necessary to list these negative points:

  1. Since they are considered a non-residential fund, it is impossible to register in them or make long-term registration at the place of residence. It turns out that the owners of the apartments will not be able to stand up, for example, to the labor exchange. Developers do not undertake obligations to provide a social structure. For this reason, residents of such complexes are assigned to hospitals and schools after those who have a permanent residence permit in the area. However, as practice shows, the majority of buyers of apartments are not interested in the problem of registration at all. As a rule, this is far from their first property. As for hospitals, they use paid medicine, and children are taken to elite private educational institutions.difference between apartments and apartments in Moscow
  2. High taxes. For an apartment, the tax rate is up to 0.3% of the cadastral value. And for apartments - up to two percent. But they are cheaper than apartments that are similar in size, therefore, in the end, the tax base for them is less, which means that the amount of tax is also less.
  3. Higher utility bills. All tariffs for light, gas and water in the apartments are calculated as for non-residential fund, and therefore they are higher than in ordinary apartments. The difference will be from ten to twenty-five percent. For owners of luxury housing, this is not a problem at all.
  4. Lack of any housing benefits. Since the apartments are non-residential premises, then, of course, the owners will not be able to take advantage of the property deduction or other benefits. But when lawsuits arise, the apartments will not be able to recover, even if it is the only family home. And finally, the law on subsidies does not apply to apartments.

We examined the main differences between apartments and apartments.

In general, the latter are a very profitable investment. For most of their owners, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages on the scales.

The Moscow government plans to deal with the regulation of the apartment market. They want to level luxury housing with apartments, and this will lead to an increase in value.

What is an apartment?

We talked in detail about what apartments are, the difference from the apartments is quite significant. These differences can be perceived as both advantages and disadvantages. But how does the law define the concept of an apartment? This property is completely ready for people to live. It must meet certain comfort requirements. There are mandatory conditions that it must comply with:

  1. The presence of electricity and heating.
  2. The presence of water supply and sewage.
  3. Own entrance to the room and the mandatory division of the entire area into separate rooms.

The class of an apartment is determined by its area, number of rooms, number of storeys of the house, internal repair. Also, the price is affected by the location, distance from the infrastructure.

What is a studio apartment?

Considering the topic of real estate, it is imperative to mention such a variety of housing as a studio apartment. They have also become popular lately. What is it? What is the difference between an apartment and a studio apartment?main differences between apartments and apartments

This type of housing has a kind of layout. In fact, this is the same one-room apartment, but only there is no section on the kitchen, bedroom and guest room. Absolutely the entire area is a single space, only a bathroom is isolated. In such an apartment there are no corridors at all.

Studios are good for young families who do not yet have children. The disadvantage of this property is that it is impossible to retire if you want to be alone. Although you can always do redevelopment and change something. But there is one big plus. This, of course, is the price. It is thirty percent lower than the cost of a full-fledged apartment.

Studios are being built with a free layout. It has become fashionable to turn ordinary housing into a studio, making an internal redevelopment.main differences between apartments and apartments

The main difference between this type of real estate is that, unlike apartments, it is a living room with all the ensuing consequences.

What are the layouts of the studios?

The stereotype that the studio is a cramped room for two is not true at all. The size of the area can be completely different. It can be spacious rooms, and even two-level. The layout is provided - square, rectangular, round, trapezoidal.

Studios History

The first studio apartments appeared in the United States more than a hundred years ago. This was a new word in architecture. Due to the fact that there were no internal load-bearing walls, it became possible to move away from the standard layout. Representatives of bohemians, people of art, were the first to accept this housing option. With their lifestyle, this option was optimal. However, time passed, and in America the studio became cheap housing for students.

Disadvantages of Studio Apartments

In our country, for some reason, a studio is considered to be something elite. This is actually a profound error. To begin with, such housing is convenient only for one or two people.

The advantages include good lighting with a minimum area. Pleased with the possibility of redevelopment. The area increases due to the absence of corridors. In the West, studios are popular because of their cheapness. Our re-equipment of premises is carried out according to an individual project, which makes it very expensive. It just isn't worth it. And as a result, at high costs, it turns out housing, which is not very convenient for the average family.legal difference between apartments and apartments

The studio option is used in large country houses to decorate the first floor, where the living room, kitchen and hall are made into a single space with zoning elements. The remaining floors have the usual layout, where there are separate rooms, corridors, etc. This option is certainly acceptable. However, not everyone can afford it.

Instead of an afterword

Currently, the real estate market has many types of housing. But, deciding to purchase something, you need to clearly understand what you want to get, and also take into account the legal nuances. We examined in detail how the apartments differ from the apartment, and what is a studio. Offering you housing options, realtors do not always tell you the whole truth. Therefore, you yourself need to understand the nuances of the proposed housing. Remember that, deciding to purchase an apartment, you will end up with a non-residential premises. And do not believe that you will be promised a possible transfer to housing. There are very few such cases in practice. Yes, and developers such superfluous chores to anything. If you are not interested in the nuances of registration, then this is your type of housing. Well, the easiest option would be to purchase either a studio or an apartment. It is up to you to decide.

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