It is currently quite difficult to get a loan to small businesses in Alfa Bank without guarantors. Due to the high risks of doing business in Russia, the unstable economic situation and the inability to predict further developments, banks try to protect themselves as much as possible, requiring borrowers from either guarantors or a pledge, the value of which can cover all loan obligations. For a potential borrower, the search for a guarantor often turns into a complete fiasco - few people are ready to bear responsibility for someone else's company.
Is it easy to do?
In the case of individual entrepreneurs, the situation is compounded by the fact that he is responsible for credit obligations with all his property. On the one hand, this is a plus for the bank - the borrower will not be able to evade responsibility with all his will (unlike a legal entity that is responsible only within the organization’s property, which may not exist). On the other hand, a number of problems arise if an individual is married. In this case, it is mandatory to conclude a guarantee agreement with the spouse (spouse), without options.
In principle, it is possible to obtain a loan to small businesses at Alfa Bank without guarantors. But there are a number of restrictions that almost completely neutralize all the benefits of lending to the bank:
- there are increasing premiums to rates;
- a liquid collateral or guarantee is required;
- loans without guarantors are issued only to organizations with work experience, positive performance and excellent credit history.
You can familiarize yourself with the terms of a small business loan at Alfa Bank further.
Option one
The best option for obtaining a loan without guarantors for many is lending to a servicing bank. Such a move has a number of positive aspects for the borrower, the main of which is the bank's confidence in the potential borrower. For the bank, all the activities of the organization are transparent, it can relatively objectively assess the prospects, build models and extrapolate them with high accuracy for the coming periods.
In addition, obtaining a loan from a servicing bank allows you to:
- reduce the package of documents;
- reduce the time for consideration of the application;
- receive a number of benefits, including an individual schedule or overdraft to the current account.
Second option
The second way to get a business loan without attracting guarantors is loans secured by property. In this regard, IP is easier than a legal entity. Why? Yes, because he can pledge any property belonging to him, starting from securities and ending with an apartment or a summer house. The organization will have to first hold this property for all its documents and only then draw up a pledge.
It is clear that collateral is the best option for a bank. A credit institution receives physical confirmation that it will receive its money back. Therefore, banks are ready to lower interest rates, increase the amount up to 60-80% of the value of the collateral and terms up to 10 years. The mortgage lending procedure itself is somewhat more complicated, because the property will have to not only be transferred to the bank, but also evaluated and insured. So in this case, the chances of getting a loan are higher, but the number of inconveniences increases for the borrower.
Third option
There is another third option for obtaining a loan to small businesses at Alfa Bank, which attracts many - it is special banking lending programs without guarantors and collateral. Unfortunately, there are quite a few of them, and all of them have a number of disadvantages, the main of which is the high cost of borrowed funds (interest rate).
A loan without guarantors can be issued both in large federal banks and in relatively small territorial ones. They can be divided into two large groups: loans secured by property and express loans.
Unsecured loans secured by property
Alfa-Bank lends to a business without a guarantee secured by commercial real estate under a specially developed program. A loan is issued for a period of up to 4 years, its size - from 3 to 40 million rubles (up to 50% of the value of the collateral). Funds are provided either in the form of a credit line or in the form of a bank guarantee. The fee for issuance is charged depending on the type, it is paid at a time. The repayment schedule and rate are determined individually. There are no early repayment fees.
The loan term for these programs reaches 10 years, the maximum loan size is up to 7 million rubles when buying a car, up to 30 million rubles when buying equipment and up to 100 million when buying real estate. The minimum interest rate is 18%. The loan is secured by the acquired property subject to an additional pledge of property owned by the borrower. There is a delay in repayment of the principal debt for 12 months (equipment) and for 6 months (transport and real estate).
Loans without guarantors and collateral
In fact, taking a loan without guarantors and collateral is much easier as an individual. The borrower immediately gets rid of a number of inconveniences:
- Do not have to prepare a huge amount of documents;
- no need to draw up business plans;
- no need to confirm solvency;
- There is no need to wait several weeks for a decision on the application.
Consumer loans to individuals are issued on the day of treatment for a minimum package of documents. Another question is that the amounts here are usually small, and interest rates are very, very high.
But if, nevertheless, an entrepreneur decided to take a loan to small business at Alfa Bank, then he can be contacted at any branch. And in a maximum of 2 days the money will go to the account.