To drive a vehicle, a person must first undergo special training, pass exams, and then obtain a driver’s license. Without this, driving is prohibited by law. Today we will be interested in the application for the issuance of a driver’s license (WU). What is it? Where can I get it? What information will have to be indicated in it? And how is the design of the VU carried out? The answers to all these questions and not only will be presented below. Practice shows that with proper preparation to achieve the desired result will be easier than ever.
a brief description of
The application form for the issuance of a driver’s license is a document of a standard form, which is a kind of application for the issuance of rights. With its help, the applicant will notify the authorized bodies of his intentions.
The petition at the moment can be represented in various ways, but its meaning does not change. It will be possible to run into electronic and paper forms of the form.
Document submission
Below you can see a sample of filling out a driver's license application. This form is a template that helps you understand what a potential driver has to deal with.
To date, the application can either be filled out according to the specified example, or even made in free form. The last trick is highly undesirable. It often leads to a denial of request processing.
Required data
During the execution of the VU, a person will not only have to undergo training, but also prepare a certain package of documents. Without them, filling out an application for a driver’s license will not succeed.
For the successful implementation of the task, a person must prepare:
- identity id;
- medical driver's certificate form (VU-003);
- old rights (if any).
As a rule, the list of documents required to fill out the application of the established form is downloaded. Moreover, a medical certificate can be dispensed with if the VU is reissued prematurely and the corresponding operation is not related to the opening of a new category of vehicles in rights.
Where can i get
Some are interested in where exactly you can get the application form for issuing a "driver card". As already mentioned, it is better not to fill out this document in free form. This is a pretty risky move, which is often a waste of time.
Application for a driver's license can be obtained:
- Turning to MREO or the traffic police.
- Through multifunctional centers.
- On the website of the State Automobile Inspection of the Russian Federation (in the section "Vehicle Owners" or "Drivers").
- Through the service "State services".
It will also be possible to quite successfully download the application form for issuing a driver’s license through third-party websites. Usually they are informational in nature. Using this technique is not recommended, as there are official sources of the form.
Important! In practice, citizens usually fill out a “right” petition during a direct application for higher education.
Data entry rules
You can download the application form for issuing a driver’s license, as already mentioned, from the e-government website or on the portal of the State traffic inspectorate of the Russian Federation. A similar process takes a few minutes. And how to enter information in the application?
The potential applicant will indicate in the document:
- surname, name and patronymic;
- information about the traffic police, in which a person applies;
- date and place of birth;
- reason for petition;
- passport data;
- information from a medical certificate (if any);
- information from the old rights, if any;
- list of references attached to the application.
No third-party information and marks need to be made. All text should be written in legible handwriting. And it is recommended that you come to the service selected to receive a "driver card" with a completed application. This technique will greatly accelerate human service.
If a citizen has serious problems with handwriting, it is allowed to fill out an application on a computer with its subsequent printing on a printer. The main thing in this case is to put your signature at the end of the document.
Attention! Printing a completed application form on a computer is not recommended.
Electronic form
Earlier it was said that an application for a driver's license can be submitted electronically. For example, a text document or an electronic form. Consider the second option.
It occurs when applying for rights to authorized bodies through the ESIA "State Services". It is not as difficult as it seems. A citizen will have to register for the service, and then go through the account verification process there. Only after that, the user will have access to electronic services.
To successfully complete the application, the citizen will have to register the previously indicated actions in a special electronic form using the keyboard. Some information will be automatically copied from the user profile on ESIA.
Important! It is not necessary to print out the application under such circumstances. This makes life much easier.
How much are the rights
Filling out an application for a driver’s license in the Russian Federation does not cause any particular trouble. The main thing is to adhere to the previously mentioned tips. And how much does WU cost?
Paper national rights will cost 500 rubles, plastic rights - 2,000, and a new generation (with a chip, not yet issued) - 3,000 rubles. International WU costs 1,600 rubles.
If a person plans to submit an application through the "State Services", then when paying the fee on the site he will be entitled to a discount of 30% of the payment amount.
Guide: we make out the rights
How to apply to the traffic police for a driver's license? To do this, you will have to adhere to a certain algorithm of actions.
It reduces to the following steps:
- Collection of documents for the operation. It will vary depending on the circumstances. You can clarify the relevant list in the traffic police.
- Payment of upcoming service.
- Filling out and filing an application for rights to the authorized body.
- Getting WU on hand.
There is nothing difficult or incomprehensible in this. For registration of rights usually require:
- passport;
- a photo;
- old rights, if any;
- check on payment of duty;
- application of a standard form;
- medical certificate;
- certificates of driving training.
As already mentioned, it all depends on the particular case. Registration of rights takes a minimum of time and effort if you prepare in advance for this process.
Government Services and Rights
You can issue WU through ESIA. This is the most convenient and common option. To use it, you must:
- Go to the "State Services" and open the service catalog.
- Find the option "Driving License", and then select the reason for applying for the document.
- Fill out the application and indicate the place of receipt of the document.
- Submit a processing request.
- Pay for services for the design of the university.
All that remains now is to get hands. There is nothing embarrassing about this.