
Honored Artist or People: What is Higher in Rank?

As in any other activity, the merits of cultural workers have always been marked by state awards. Why did they get them? For his contribution to the development of culture and personal investment in the development of art. And what is higher - honored artist or folk? Let's figure it out.

Who can claim state-level awards?

People often ask themselves: "What is higher - the national or honored artist of Russia?". But in order to give an answer to it, you must first understand who can claim this title. First of all, of course, these are the people who can be seen on the screens of movie theaters. These are the actors. They more often than others receive government incentives. But after all, no film can be made without those who are behind the scenes. Directors, screenwriters, playwrights are those people who make a significant contribution to the development of cinema. And they also often receive state awards. The work of artists who do not act in films, but often appear on television, is also noted. These are singers and TV presenters. The state also supports various other areas of culture. For example, circus, theater and philharmonic. People who for many years have been working on creating spectacular programs, whether it be a circus performance or opera music concerts, can rightfully be marked by state privileges.

What can I get an art award for?

Before you understand what is higher - an honored artist or a folk, you need to decide what generally encourages people.

  • First of all, of course, for the creation of cult programs and films. It takes more than one year to stage such creative projects. But they become part of the life of the people. Cult films are broadcast annually on television, and theater performances are staged on theaters throughout the country.
  • State awards encourage people who are able, thanks to their talent and personal charisma, to enrich this or that role. And not always it will be those who act as the main actors. Sometimes state awards are received by supporting actors who have coped with their task perfectly and were able to overshadow the art of playing everyone else.
  • An honorary title can be obtained for a breakthrough in any of the spheres of art. How to make this breakthrough? To come up with a program according to which actors will be trained, to write an unexpected scenario twist that has never been used before. In general, make an innovation that will enrich the country's culture.
  • Teacher is a noble profession. And sometimes creative personalities who brought up more than one generation of great actors, musicians, conductors, etc., become owners of state awards.

Honoured Artist

which title is a higher artist or honoredThanks to their talent and charisma, some people become favorites of the public. To understand what is higher - an honored artist or a national, you need to disassemble these titles separately, and then compare them. Throughout his life, a cultural figure receives many awards. First, he received city, then regional, and only then state insignia. A person who claims to be the honored artist must work in culture for at least 20 years. Moreover, during this time he must go through all stages of development, from the very bottom, to the heights of a career, and, accordingly, to fame. Indeed, not everyone becomes honored artists, but only those people who not only work in culture, but also enrich it at the expense of their talent and hard work. Sometimes they have to live at work, and therefore at work. This hard work is appreciated by the government.The award most often coincides with March 25 - the Day of the cultural worker.

National artist

honored artist or folk higherAfter a person contributes to the development of art, the government awards him the first title. Honored Artist is a figure who, through his creative work, contributed to the advancement of his chosen field for 30 years. If this person does not lose his potential and will not rest on his laurels, the next government award awaits him. The worker of culture becomes a folk artist. But to receive this title can only be one who gave his profession 20 years of life. The only exceptions are ballet dancers. After all, as you know, ballerinas, at their 30s, are already considered pensioners. Therefore, as an exception, they are awarded the title of folk artist for over 20 years of outstanding creative activity. Like all other state awards, the order for the appointment of a new rank is drawn up by the government and signed by the president. Therefore, answering the question, what is higher - honored artist or folk, we can safely say that folk. Indeed, to achieve this honorable award, you need to devote most of your life to the service of art.


which is higher people's artist or honoredWe already realized which title is higher - people's artist or honored. Now you need to summarize and systematize the information.

  • Both ranks are state appointed by the government.
  • The status of "People's Artist" is awarded to a person for 30 years of service to art. But in order to become an honored artist, you need to work at least 20 years in culture. The exception is only ballerinas.
  • What is the difference between a national artist and an honored artist? In the sequence of obtaining ranks. It is impossible to become a national artist if in the arsenal of achievements there is no award of a distinguished artist.

What title do cultural workers value?

What is higher - the national artist or the honored - the reader already understood. But what about the figures of culture themselves? Naturally, both government awards are important to people.

what is higher national or honored artist of Russia

But in culture, as well as in the military industry, the soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad. Therefore, artists who have already achieved the title of Honored Artists try not to fall face down and work sweat to get the coveted reward. Honored Artist is not just a title, it is something more. Recognition, popular love and the achievement of the pinnacle of a career - this is what a decree and an icon relying on him mean for an artist. Therefore, without a doubt, every person who works in the field of culture and wants to achieve something in this life, hopes at the end of his brilliant career to possess the honorary title of People's Artist.

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Reason for complaint
Ruslan Volodin
In order not to confuse the honorary titles,
Remember once and for all:
People’s artist - he’s like a doctor,
Honored - as a candidate.
People's artist, of course, above the well-deserved. And I don’t understand why this is explained in such detail here. Another thing is that the title of national or honored is appropriated by officials. And so there are many folk artists whom the people don’t even know. In my opinion, it is necessary to create an Internet site on which the backgammon would decide: to whom what rank to assign. For example, PAVEL DEREVYANKO has long earned the title of national for the many roles he played and the created images. Also, YULIA SNEGIR is a wonderful actress. This should be decided by us viewers, not officials.


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