
Mandatory Labeling of Fur Products Act

Marking of fur products is mandatory according to the Decree of August 11, 2016 No. 787. Each coat should have a sign (KiZ) of the control sample. They are checked upon receipt of goods for sale from the supplier. After the sale, companies report to the Federal Tax Service on sales.

State tracking the "life" of each coat

Now “from above” it is possible to control the fur coat’s path from production to sale to the final customer. The "Marking" system also involves pharmaceutical companies, distributors of the alcohol industry. The fur chip chip scheme is as follows:

  1. The manufacturer made a fur coat, hung a mark on it and told the Federal Tax Service about it. Now officials know that you have an expensive product. She will get to the market with a report to the authorities - the government of the country. And it doesn’t matter on the territory of the Russian Federation or abroad.
  2. In stock, it is stored until a certain time. A report on this is also provided by the FTS.
  3. As soon as the store accepts the goods, the supplier and seller say this to the Federal Tax Service. If the chip breaks down the road, the seller is already making a new one.
  4. The client bought a fur coat - the goods have been withdrawn from circulation. The state sees that the coat fell into the hands of the client.
  5. The buyer has the right to read the QR code from the control mark and verify the legality of the product.

If the fur coat got into the window illegally, you cannot sell it, even if the client has not checked anything. However, testing in the framework of the "pilot" project has not yet been completed, so until 2024 you can "sometimes forget" about the law. Under the "Marking" fall into such categories of goods as medicines, perfumes, outerwear and shoes.

Why do you need such difficulties

Fur Marking Act

This gives the state the opportunity to remove counterfeit from the market. This, after all, leads to a lower cost of tax payments. For the year of testing the law, almost 24% of the volume of goods was legalized. Rospotrebnadzor arrested over 10,000 fur coats in the amount of 500 million rubles.

This gives the store the opportunity to remove uncompetitive sellers. Instead of an unscrupulous distributor, you can now find an online store of fur products. This is a significant alternative to legitimate business. The Decree on the Labeling of Fur Products says nothing about the participants in these types of sales.

Buyers gain confidence, because there is nothing more pleasant to buy a fur coat that has a passport. After reading the QR code from the chip, the client sees:

  • Provider name or title
  • type of fur;
  • country of manufacturer;
  • brand, if any.

If you don’t have a phone with the program, you can check all the data on the website of the Federal Tax Service.

What is a control mark (KiZ)

KiZ - a strict reporting form where an RFID tag or chip is sewn. The sign is printed with a unique product number. Fur information is assigned. Keys cannot be faked. When you try to remove it from a fur coat, it will deteriorate. Marking of fur products has a long wide sign, which differs only in the form of interpretation:

  1. Red - a fur coat was imported from another country.
  2. Green - local Russian production.
Marking KiZ fur products

To attach the chip, you need:

  1. Take the chip and sew into the seam from the wrong side in the manufacturing process. That is, upon receipt of an illegal fur coat it is no longer possible to flash a tag, it will not work.
  2. The woven sign can be glued to the sewn-in label if the fur coat is taken from abroad. Paper is necessarily self-adhesive.
  3. If the chip is not attached to the fur coat, it is hung on a loop, a hanger, but soldered to a plastic seal. Failure of the seal indicates the invalidity of KiZ.

There is also a list of mandatory marking of fur products, and they include not only fur coats.

Types of bellows to be chipped

Soft Gold - Fur Labeling Program

The chip is sewn onto clothing that consists of:

  • natural fur of mink, nutria, arctic fox, rabbit, fox, hare, raccoon or sheepskin;
  • fur trim - collar, lapels, cuffs, lining or hem of pockets are subject to marking.

When buying a thing or shoes on a natural sheepskin, as it usually happens, the chip must now be present.

What should not be marked: categories of products sold without chips

In this case, there is no need to mark:

  • mittens or gloves, even if they are decorated with fur;
  • shoes where the outside of the tongue is decoratively treated with fur inserts;
  • bags and backpacks;
  • children's shoes;
  • hats;
  • toys or sports equipment.

When selling a draped coat with a mink collar, marking of fur products is not required, since the latter is decor, not the product itself.

How to get KiZ: connection to the marking system

Why sell fur coats over the Internet?

There are marking systems for fur products, to which the seller connects to enter data on his product:

  1. First registered on the site markirovka.nalog.ru.
  2. In your account the product is certified. There they report for tags, sales and the receipt of a new one.
  3. Documents are certified by electronic signature.
  4. The control mark is issued by Gosznak JSC.
  5. To receive a batch of KiZ, you need an electronic digital signature.
  6. Next, join the GS1 association.
  7. A GTIN code is assigned to each item.
  8. Based on the fur coat code, an SGTIN character is issued.
  9. The SGTIN character is programmed on the chip.

The entrance fee is 25,000 rubles, the membership fee is 15,000 rubles. The benefits apply to small business owners - when registering less than 10 fur coats, a membership fee is not paid. When the GTIN code is received, SGTIN is generated for programming in the system - an RFID tag is issued. It also needs to be entered into the FTS base. At this marking KiZ fur products completed.

How to sell fur goods

Labeling of Fur Products

After registering the goods, it is not enough to put up fur coats for sale. In the "marking" system, a complete description of each coat or outerwear should be selected. A statement is made in the office of the Federal Tax Service, after which the tax gives an answer. Through the program "Soft Gold" marking of fur products is faster. The system can check the data per day.

Do not issue KiZ if:

  • There are tax debts;
  • violations in the field of product labeling;
  • interest or arrears in the economic sector.

If you are going to hang up labels, but not to sew in, the manufacturer independently writes-SGTIN codes on the signs. Otherwise, you need to do all the procedures yourself - buy a program, a chip processor and pay 60,000-200,000 rubles for a scanner.

After receiving the goods, the seller reports on shipment within three days. The store checks every chip upon receipt. The tear-off sign (due to poor delivery) is drawn up in the act of damage. Within 17 days, the seller has the right to receive a chip empty or with information from the manufacturer.

Important! If the fur is brought to Armenia, Belarus or the country of the Eurasian Union, the report is drawn up on the day of border crossing.

Mandatory marking of fur products

What equipment does the seller need

Mandatory labeling of fur products involves the purchase of equipment for reading RFID tags. You will need an RFID reader. To work with marked fur from the manufacturer you need software - the Federal Tax Service provides it for free. However, the system supports only Bookos 2.0FE and ATID AT-870 models. Another device needs different support - you have to write it yourself or you need to buy 1C.

To save money, just install a 2D scanner and a product accounting program in the store. It is not forbidden to order empty KeyZ codes and program them in other companies. This is an example of marking with product codes:

Despite the incompleteness of the project, many entities may already be punished for violating the law on labeling of fur products. More on sanctions and fines in the next section of the article.

Criminal and administrative prosecution for violation of rules on chipping fur products

Labeling system for fur products

Although the bill has not been completely improved, from 2016 to 2018, business entities did not receive punishment except fines for violation of work with fur products. In 2019, the government changes the "rules of the game":

  1. A punishment of a criminal or administrative nature is imposed for the improper import, production, storage, purchase of goods.
  2. Punishment is provided for the lack of labeling.
  3. If there are violations in the field of microchipping, it is an administrative violation and, therefore, the same authorization.
  4. Sale without a code - from 4000 rubles for the buyer, from 10000 for stores.
  5. If it is proved that the store owner intentionally circumvented the encryption system, the fine will be from 300,000 rubles to confiscation of goods in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 15.12 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.
  6. Criminal punishment is provided for the re-commission of a crime. In other words, the damage for tax evasion to the state is more than 1.5 million rubles. Hence, under Art. 169 h 1 tbsp. 171.1 of the Criminal Code, a person is punished with imprisonment of up to three years and a fine of up to 80,000 rubles.

So far, economic agents, according to statistics from the Ministry of Finance, have not been fined. Warnings were issued. It is worth noting that part of the business is built on a small business system. Perhaps in the future, all subjects of trade will go to retail through IP, LLC or online stores. The latter, as a type of freelance activity, is also tax deductible.

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