
Payment at the employment center. Certificate of average earnings for the employment center. Unemployment Benefit in Russia

What does the state do for the unemployed? Citizens of Russia who have lost their jobs and are actively searching for them are entitled to receive state unemployment benefits. For these purposes, employment services function in Russia, which facilitate employment and provide financial support to citizens.

Who is entitled to unemployment benefits?

Only unemployed citizens who meet the following requirements can receive unemployment benefits in Russia:

  • They are able-bodied.
  • They have no job and income at the moment.
  • Are in search of work.
  • Passed registration in the employment service.

It is worth knowing that the payment in the employment center comes from the federal budget, so the state guarantees that it will be available to those in need. About it further.

payout at the employment center

Documents required for registration with the employment service

The procedure for registering unemployed citizens is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Some consider this not at all mandatory, but, as you know, money is not superfluous. To do this, you need the following set of documents:

  1. Passport.
  2. INN
  3. Employment history.
  4. Retirement Insurance Certificate.
  5. Diploma or certificate of qualifications.
  6. Certificate for the employment center from the previous workplace, and the average earnings for the last year of service must be indicated.
  7. In the presence of disability or children, documents confirming the situation of citizens are necessary.
  8. Account details for accruing benefits.

The certificate of average earnings for the employment center and 2-NDFL are very similar forms, so they are often confused, but you need to remember that this is not the same thing. The certificate must indicate the legal address, company TIN and at the end there are two signatures: the general director and the chief accountant.

unemployment benefit in Russia

After all the necessary documents have been submitted, the statutory period for assigning unemployment status is 11 days.

Payment terms

In some regions of our country, in addition to providing unemployment benefits, the state compensates for transport costs. Unemployment benefits in Russia are paid under these conditions: prior to unemployment, the applicant had work for more than 26 weeks on a full-time basis. In this case, the citizens are paid benefits up to twelve months for eighteen calendar months, and not 12 months in a row, but in the amount.

help for employment center

If during this period of time a citizen was unable to find work, he has every right to receive cash payments again. To do this, you must again apply to the employment service, but in this case, payments are made no more than 24 months within thirty-six calendar months, which is 3 years.

An extension of more than 12 months is possible if a citizen registered in the employment service has a seniority that allows you to receive old-age payment (pension) - for each year over two years of work added two weeks of paid unemployed period.

If the number of years worked already allows a citizen to retire, employees of the employment service have the right to pre-term pension (not earlier than two years before the due date). The main condition is a continuous experience of five years or a break between applying for a new job, which was no more than a year.

 certificate of average earnings for the employment center

Also, payments temporarily cease in the following cases:

  • a citizen came for re-registration while intoxicated;
  • rejection of two consecutive work options (in the case of employers' refusal - does not affect);
  • refusal of training offered by the employment center;
  • violation of the terms and conditions of the re-registration.

Special procedure for calculating benefits

Citizens whose benefit amount will be fixed during the year include:

  1. For the first time faced with a job search (a certificate for the employment center about wages is not needed).
  2. After the dismissal of which more than 12 months have passed.
  3. Perpetrators of unlawful acts and dismissed for a disciplinary or unlawful act.
  4. Work experience before registration for the employment service is less than 26 weeks.
  5. Expulsion from an educational institution or sending to study.

In this case, the payment at the employment center will be minimal, taking into account the regional coefficient.

registration procedure for unemployed citizens

Termination of Benefit

The procedure for registering unemployed citizens in the employment service for calculating unemployment benefits was discussed above. But the payment of benefits is completely terminated in the following cases:

  • A citizen got a job.
  • Retraining in the direction of the employment center (because in this case a scholarship is paid).
  • Relocation to another region and change of residence.
  • Failure to appear at the employment center for a month without a good reason.
  • Refusal of a citizen from the services of an employment center.
  • Receiving benefits fraudulently and providing false information.
  • Appointment of a pension.
  • Condemnation of citizens.
  • The death of a citizen.

Recall what to do to the unemployed so as not to lose benefits. To do this, you need to come to the employment center 2 times a month for re-registration.

unemployment benefit

Allowance amount

In general, the basis for calculating benefits is the average earnings for determining unemployment benefits over the past three months. It is calculated as a percentage. The main condition for accruing benefits from the state:

  • a citizen, before registering on the exchange, had to work continuously for 26 full working weeks;
  • recalculation of data subject to a shorter or shorter working day (recalculated for the full cycle).

For the first payment period of 12 months, benefits are accrued in the amount of:

  • The first three months are seventy-five percent of average earnings.
  • The next four months are sixty percent.
  • For the remaining five months, forty-five percent.

In order to avoid mistakes, it is advisable to pre-calculate the possible amount of state subsidies. For previously unemployed and those who are paid the minimum allowance, you will need to find out the regional coefficient in order to calculate the final amount of payments due.

Fixed amounts

According to a decree of the government of the Russian Federation, the minimum payment at the employment center will be 850 rubles, while the limit is 4900 rubles. Therefore, no matter how high the salary at the previous job, the allowance will not be higher than the maximum amount.

Providing suitable work by the employment service

In addition to registration and payment of benefits, the employment service offers assistance to the unemployed in the form of the offered vacancies - this is a job corresponding to the citizen’s qualifications and professional suitability, taking into account his state of health and being accessible from his place of residence. It is worth noting that the proposed work may be temporary.

Conditions making the proposed job unacceptable:

  1. Work requires a change of residence.
  2. Unsuitable working conditions that are contrary to regulations.
  3. The proposed salary is lower than the average monthly salary of a citizen from his former place of work.
  4. Citizens who wish to retrain or learn another profession are invited to take courses in their chosen specialty with a scholarship.

The right of pregnant women to dole

Unfortunately, the birth of a baby is not always accompanied by carelessness and happiness. It often happens that a woman learns about pregnancy precisely in the period of unemployment. And in connection with the difficult situation that arises, the question arises of what to do for an unemployed pregnant woman.

It should be remembered that any woman in an interesting position who does not have a main job can register with the employment service, and no one has the right to refuse her this. Once registered, she will be able to receive monthly cash payments, the size of which will depend on the average monthly salary from her last job (a certificate of average earnings for the employment center will be needed), provided that she lost her recently. In this case, the calculation of payments is as follows: the first three months are charged seventy-five percent of average earnings, and in the next four months - sixty percent.

unemployment assistance

But the unemployed pregnant turned to the employment service. What should she do if she has not been working for a long time? She will be registered at the employment center, but she will be paid the allowance at the minimum rate.

In connection with applying to the employment service of women in an interesting position, it should be remembered that they can only receive unemployment benefits until the thirtieth week of pregnancy. Upon reaching this period, upon presentation of the sick leave, the woman is deregistered in connection with her departure on maternity leave. And an unemployed pregnant woman does not have the right to maternity leave.

A few words in conclusion

To register with the employment exchange and receive unemployment benefits is a very good solution. In a difficult moment, this can help out, perhaps it will help to find a job or solve the problem of retraining. And even though the payout at the employment center is not high, it is able to support it during a difficult period in life. Therefore, before making serious decisions, you can apply and get on the labor exchange.

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