
Possible reasons for denial of a loan at Sberbank - list, features and documents

Cash loan is a unique opportunity to purchase the selected product here and now, even if financial opportunities are not enough. Today, many banks offer such a service. The most trusted is Sberbank. However, you do not always have to rely on a loan. The bank has the right to refuse a potential client. What could be the reasons for the denial of a loan at Sberbank? There may be several options.

Bad credit history

This factor most often acts as fundamental in the issue of granting a loan. At the same time, it is not necessary to be a bad customer regarding Sberbank. Few know that there is a single registry, thanks to which the credit history of a particular client is evaluated. So, for example, if you previously had to take money from Uralsibbank and failed to repay it in a timely manner, the reasons for the refusal to issue a loan at Sberbank become clear. A financial institution simply does not want to mess with unreliable customers.

Reasons for denial of a loan at SberbankAssessing the credit history, the bank takes into account many factors. This includes the timely payment of minimum payments under previous agreements, repayment of the full amount of debt on time, the possibility of feedback with the client, etc. The reasons for the denial of a loan at Sberbank may even be a loss of one payment in the past. It does not matter if the debt was paid in the future.

Lack of credit history

It would seem that the bank has no reason to refuse if the client had not previously had business with financial institutions. In fact, the lack of credit history is often equated with bad credit history. The problem is that a bank cannot trust funds to a person if it does not know how it will behave. Those who plan to take an impressive amount on credit should take care of creating their own credit history. What needs to be done for this? You can draw up a contract for the goods (for example, household appliances) and repay the loan without breaking. In this case, there should not be a question about why the bank refuses a mortgage.

find out the reason for the denial of a loan to SberbankThe reasons for the refusal may also lie in another. The most likely of them will be considered below. However, it is worth remembering that the probability of issuing a mortgage is minimized for customers who do not have a credit history.

40 percent rule

The bank must be sure that the client will be able to pull loan payments. There is a single rule for all financial institutions - all payments to a client (this includes utilities and services and loans from other banks) should not exceed 40% of official income. But what if the client already has such a load, but he goes to the bank again? It will not be difficult to find out the reason for refusing a loan. Sberbank will be able to come to the rescue of the client only subject to refinancing of previous transactions. It is necessary to reduce the rate on existing loans, reduce monthly payments.

Reason for rejecting Sberbank loan insuranceWhen evaluating a client according to the “40 percent” rule, a financial institution, first of all, takes into account the official income of the borrower. The likelihood of obtaining a loan will increase if guarantors join in the design of the contract. Any adult citizens with official employment can play such a role.

It will also be possible to reduce the financial burden if the loan term is extended. However, it should be borne in mind that the overpayment under the contract will also increase.

Too frequent loans

A financial pyramid is an illegal activity in which a bank may suspect a client if he or she takes out loans too often. A person takes money from another bank, then covers the loan with finances of another institution. Too long to exist on these funds will not succeed. Sooner or later, the bank notices the pattern and stops working with the client. The reasons for the denial of a loan at Sberbank may also be the presence of a large number of agreements with other financial institutions.

Reasons for the refusal to issue a loan at SberbankWhat to do to avoid trouble? It will be possible to increase the chances of receiving a positive response from the bank if you apply to conclude an agreement 3-4 months after closing the previous loan. Along with this, it is worth considering that different banks use different formulas for calculating the solvency of a potential borrower. You can’t say for sure that the client will be refused if he wants to get a loan again after closing the previous one.

Providing Incorrect Information

In order to rely on loyal conditions of cooperation with a financial institution, you must be as honest as possible when filling out a loan application. Even the slightest inaccuracy can cause a refusal to issue a loan from Sberbank. The application must accurately indicate the amount of your income, place of work, information regarding relatives. The bank has the opportunity to double-check the data and if they turn out to be untrue, it will not be possible to conclude an agreement.

reasons for the refusal of a mortgage in a savings bankRestoring bank confidence can be very difficult. If, after submitting false information, the client repeatedly contacts the financial institution for a loan in a few months, then most likely he will be refused. The only thing that can be “embellished” in the application for receiving funds is the amount of additional unofficial income. As a rule, this factor has a positive effect on the issuance of money to the client. At the same time, the bank economist will not be able to verify in any way whether the person who has applied really receives additional income.

Correctness of paperwork

When it comes to an impressive amount of money, every detail matters. To receive money, the client must provide a certain package of documents. If this is a consumer loan, it must be a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, as well as an identification code. In addition, you may need a certificate confirming the income of the borrower. A mortgage loan will also require real estate documents. It is worth approaching paperwork in all seriousness. The reasons for the refusal of a mortgage loan at Sberbank may be even the slightest mistake in a particular certificate.

why the bank refuses the mortgage reasons for refusalOften you have to face a situation where a client receives a waiver from the bank, having a positive credit history and a good level of income. Later it turns out that the potential borrower simply forgot to change the photo in the passport in a timely manner. The reasons for the denial of a loan at Sberbank can be really unexpected.

Age matters

A loan agreement may be concluded with an adult citizen of the Russian Federation. Special conditions are offered for retirement age clients. However, such people fall into the risk category. Loan agreements may be concluded only for a small amount. The term of the transaction will also be minimal. At the same time, the reason for the refusal of credit insurance may be the age. Sberbank obliges to pay the debt of the borrower's heirs.

The age at the conclusion of the mortgage agreement matters. As a rule, such transactions are concluded for an impressive period. The bank must be sure that nothing will happen to the client until the contract expires. So, a person of 40 years will receive a refusal to issue a loan for a period of 30 years. It should be borne in mind that the age of the client at the time the mortgage loan expires should not exceed 60 years for men and 55 years for women.

Other factors

When issuing a loan, a financial institution evaluates not only the solvency of a potential borrower. Subjective factors also play a role. So, for example, if a person has a salary card at Sberbank, the likelihood of a positive response from a credit expert increases. An even more favorable moment will be the presence of a deposit in the same financial institution.

denial of a mortgage in a savings bank reasons what to doThe bank may also take into account data that, at first glance, is not relevant. This is a family status, the presence of real estate in the property, education, position. In addition, when filling out a loan application, the client is asked to indicate several phone numbers of acquaintances or friends. The bank economist can contact them and get an assessment of the potential borrower.

Work experience also matters. The bank will not give out an impressive amount of funds to a person who has been working in one place for less than three years. Credit can only be obtained on inexpensive goods.

Other adverse factors for obtaining a loan include: the availability of a criminal record, the lack of a mobile phone for communication, the lack of a permanent place of work, a negative assessment of the solvency of a client by relatives.

How to find out the reason for refusing a loan?

The bank has the right not to lend money to a specific client, without informing about the reasons for its decision. The first thing to do is evaluate the potential risks. We will have to recall the “40 percent” rule, information about loans issued at other banks, evaluate the correctness of the paperwork submitted to the bank.

Each client can find out information about their credit history before contacting the bank. There are special firms that can provide such information for a small fee. All the client needs to do is give their passport details. The specialist will be able to clarify the credit rating of the potential borrower, which will suggest why the refusal of a mortgage at Sberbank came. The reasons for what to do next, whether it is possible to contact the bank again - the economist at the credit bureau will be able to inform all of these issues.

If failure was not avoided

It is worth remembering that Sberbank relies on responsible borrowers with good solvency. A financial institution is one of the first places in deposit agreements. Therefore, giving money to absolutely everyone is, first of all, a risk for investors.

What to do if a loan is refused at Sberbank? Initially, you should find out why this happened. If the reason turned out to be insignificant (the document was not drawn up correctly or the mobile phone number was not indicated), it can be easily eliminated. You can re-apply for help to the bank in 2-3 months.


Any financial institution is interested in returning the funds issued to the borrower in full. Therefore, there can be many reasons for refusal. Good income and honesty towards the bank will increase the chances of receiving a positive response on the application.

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