The purchase of housing on the territory of the Russian Federation is an expensive purchase, which is far from affordable for every citizen. According to a global experiment, for example, Moscow was the second most expensive housing in the world after Tokyo. Although the data were compiled 10 years ago, it is unlikely that anything has changed since then. The Russian state is trying to provide all possible assistance to certain categories of citizens in improving housing conditions.
Features of registration of a military mortgage
A special subsidized program for mortgage lending was created for the Russian military. It is designed for the military, who serve in military units on the basis of a contract. According to it, since 2005, contractor families have the right to provide housing in the framework of the funded mortgage housing system (NIS). A soldier receives the right to participate in this program after the first three years of contract service, most often after the conclusion of a second contract. To do this, he needs to submit a report to the unit commander for entry into the NIS.
After three years of active accumulation, a serviceman has the full right to draw up a mortgage loan agreement. To get a targeted loan, you need to contact a banking organization that works as part of this program. A special bank account is opened to which funds will be transferred. Each month, a certain amount of money is automatically deducted from the account to repay the mortgage. Before formalizing debt obligations, many potential borrowers are interested in how the military mortgage will be paid after dismissal.
Reasons and consequences
First of all, it is worthwhile to understand that a mortgage is a specific type of long-term lending that is not as easy to repay as a consumer loan. Such professional activities are difficult and dangerous, therefore, for various reasons, there may be a dismissal from military service. In any case, a military mortgage will have to be paid, either at the expense of the state, or at the expense of the borrower. Speaking about the consequences that await the contractor after completing his professional duties, the situation largely depends on what reasons provoked the departure from the army.
OShM reduction
Often, the dismissal of military personnel is carried out according to the organizational and staffing event. The reasons:
- The military man unsatisfactorily copes with his duties in his post. If a person refuses to be demoted, then dismissal will automatically follow.
- Decision-making on the complete replacement of the current composition with "fresh forces".
- Planned or involuntary job cuts.
- If the contract has expired.
- "Cleaning" duplicate posts.
This list refers to legitimate and legitimate reasons, therefore, there is a high probability that when a soldier is dismissed, a military mortgage will be paid at the expense of accumulated funds under the NIS.
Voluntary care
At the end of the contract, the soldier has the right to finish his state. service (if there are no other mandatory factors). But among the owners of apartments that purchased them through the NIS, such situations are extremely rare. Since the military mortgage upon dismissal of their own will will have to be paid at the expense of the former contractor’s own funds.Savings funds by law must be returned to the state.
Dismissal after completion of contract service
Due to certain circumstances, upon the expiration of the signed contract, a soldier may be dismissed, even if he wishes to continue his professional activities. This reason is quite valid. Therefore, a military mortgage upon dismissal in this case does not fall entirely on the shoulders of the contractor. In this case, there are alternative ways to resolve the issue that are quite loyal.
Military mortgage for dismissal due to health reasons
Since this reason does not depend on the will of man, it is recognized as respectful. But in order to acknowledge the fact of dismissal of a serviceman, a special commission must be convened, which will make the final decision on this issue. In each individual case, a decision is made on full or partial reimbursement of money to the soldier. Sometimes he must return part of the money to the state, due to which a military mortgage is paid. Dismissal after 10 years for health reasons is recognized as preferential, in this case, the CPJ is not subject to return to the state.
Dismissal due to non-compliance with all conditions stipulated by the concluded contract
Dismissal is the fault of a soldier who could not organize his work properly. This reason is not valid. Therefore, the former contractor is required to close the mortgage debt in the shortest period of time. In this case, the military mortgage upon dismissal, even if the service life is more than 10 years, has no benefits or special conditions.
Care in connection with the transfer to another object or place of deployment
If, for some reason, the dismissal of the military takes place by transferring to another facility, then essentially everything remains as it was. Savings funds, which provides for a military mortgage, upon dismissal in this case continue to be transferred. The contractor continues to fulfill its obligations in another military unit. It is worth noting that in this case, the person must also have the status of a soldier.
What happens to mortgages when the moment of dismissal comes?
The main reasons for the dismissal of a soldier were presented above. Depending on which particular case has occurred, further repayment of the mortgage loan will occur. It is imperative to separate valid and disrespectful reasons.
In the case of a good reason, most often a military mortgage upon dismissal does not provide for the return of the CPJ to the state. However, much depends on how many years a person has performed important functions. So, for example, if a soldier leaves his job due to the retirement age, then, of course, all the savings remain with the former contractor. It is also worth noting that if the military has fully fulfilled its obligations to the bank providing the mortgage, he has the right to spend the rest of the money as he sees fit.
When the contractor decides to leave the service for a good reason, and the total length of service is more than ten years, the rest of the mortgage debt is also payable from the funded part. In other situations, a mortgage loan is repaid in the standard way, which is provided for the rest of the population.
Military mortgage: dismissal benefits
Within the framework of the current legislation, a special program was developed, in accordance with which special mechanisms for repayment of debt obligations for mortgage lending were developed.
In the event that a serviceman leaves for a good reason: a change of location, health condition, OSH, repayment of the rest of the debt on the mortgage occurs through the funded part.When the balance of the debt exceeds the amount of accumulations, the serviceman is obliged, after using the accumulative part, to pay the debt independently in accordance with the conditions provided by the creditor.
Some nuances
During the program, many began to wonder how the military mortgage - the deceit of military personnel upon dismissal or profit? The answer is different for everyone. The benefit depends on many circumstances.
When the funded part is calculated under the conditions of the existing military mortgage program, such vital circumstances as having a family and small children are not taken into account. In this regard, after the dismissal of the military, a number of serious problems often arise. After all, when expenses are calculated per person, their final amount is much less. It is possible to apply for a lump sum payment, but in this case, the military should not be a member of the military mortgage program. Therefore, it is quite logical that if a person is a participant in a subsidized program, he is obliged to serve until debt obligations to the bank are paid off.
Another determining nuance is the provision of participation in the military mortgage program only after the completion of a three-year term of service. In addition, only the military under the age of 45 at the time of application can use the program. Self-repayment is implied only if the accumulative amount is not enough to completely close the mortgage. This condition is mandatory even if the military has served more than ten years and has been dismissed for a good reason beyond his control. If it is necessary to contact specialists, reissue documents or papers, all procedures take place exclusively at the personal expense of the soldier.
According to the current legislation, the dismissed military is obliged to pay the balance of the mortgage loan debt within ten years from the date of dismissal. On the part of the borrower, payments are made in accordance with the established interest rate by the bank. Conditions after the conclusion of the contract are not subject to change without the agreement of the borrower.
In the event of a fatal outcome, mortgage obligations are not transferred to relatives or family, and housing remains at their full disposal and can be registered as property.
Unfortunately, not all military personnel know that even after dismissal, they have the right to repay a mortgage loan at the expense of the state. Of course, any state support is strictly regulated by law, and its conditions are mandatory. Therefore, it is fair to say that only for good reasons the family of the former contractor can rely on the use of funds from the savings account. In practice, there are cases when servicemen were reinstated after being dismissed in order to continue participating in the NIS.