
Dismissal of a serviceman for health reasons: grounds, procedure, payments

Military personnel may serve only on condition that their state of health allows them to cope with their basic responsibilities. If various serious diseases are detected in a military man, then a soldier is dismissed for health reasons. To do this, there must be a medical certificate confirming that the military really has certain health problems. The initiative may come only from a direct employee.

When is dismissal carried out?

Dismissal of a serviceman for health reasons is carried out upon detection of really significant health problems. The examination should be carried out only by military medical commissions. The procedure is usually performed every year. It consists in a comprehensive check of the health status of all military personnel. After the process, a special medical report is drawn up for each person.

The military most often leaves in the presence of the following health problems:

  • during the service, a serious injury was received, and the decision to terminate the contract is made only after a decision is made by the leadership of the garrison, which takes into account the actual state of health of the military;
  • heart or vascular disease, and this also includes various problems with pressure;
  • rheumatism;
  • disturbances in the work of the lungs;
  • serious diseases in acute or chronic form, and asthma, abscess, pulmonary failure, or other similar diseases can be attributed to them;
  • damage to the nervous system or musculoskeletal system;
  • mental disorders;
  • tuberculosis;
  • chronic skin diseases represented by eczema, psoriasis or other diseases;
  • HIV or AIDS.

Military service is terminated under the contract of officers if they have diseases that require regular treatment, so they can no longer cope with their duties.

dismissal for health reasons

How does the service end?

The procedure for dismissal of military personnel is significantly different from the process of termination of an employment contract with any hired specialist in different companies. The procedure is divided into the following steps:

  • the disease is initially detected as a result of a medical examination;
  • Further, treatment is carried out, which can take place on an outpatient or inpatient basis;
  • a medical examination is carried out, the purpose of which is to determine the state of health of the military after treatment;
  • a commission conclusion is drawn up, for which data from the medical history and other documents generated during treatment are taken into account;
  • if the serviceman is completely unsuitable for service, a special protocol is formed;
  • a report is drawn up by the citizen to which the received protocol is attached;
  • within one month he is relieved of his post;
  • the contract is terminated, for which a mark is placed that such an action is carried out in connection with the deterioration of the employee’s health.

The dismissal report should be compiled by the direct military personnel. A dismissed military man can count on various benefits and preferences after termination of the contract. If he draws up a certain disability group, he can receive a monthly pension.A military man can leave the service only if there is a desire, so if he continues treatment without breaking the contract, then it is impossible to force him to be fired.

medical report

What documents are required?

If there are good reasons for dismissing a soldier for health reasons, the procedure can only be performed on the initiative of a direct military man. This requires the preparation of a specific set of documents. These include:

  • a medical report drawn up after a regular examination and containing information that the soldier has been diagnosed with a serious illness that becomes an obstacle to the continuation of his service;
  • a report compiled personally by the military, in which he asks to terminate the contract, and this document must contain information on the reason for making such a decision, which is represented by a deterioration in health;
  • there is no single report form, therefore it is formed in a free form.

As soon as the report is submitted to the authorities, a meeting is scheduled to discuss important issues related to the dismissal of a soldier for health reasons. Usually the commander tries to find out exactly what disease is detected, how it affects the service, and also what further plans the employee has.

dismissal report

Reporting Rules

The dismissal report is formed by the direct soldier, who decides to terminate the contract due to the deterioration of his health. The following information is entered into this document:

  • information about the representative of the command;
  • document's name;
  • personal data on the serviceman, to which F. I. O. belongs, position and rank;
  • the reason for the termination of the contract is given, for which it is indicated which specific disease was identified;
  • a reference is left to the conclusion of the medical commission that identified the disease;
  • indicates the number of service contract;
  • it is prescribed in what conditions the employee lives, because if he has a mortgage or lacks personal property, he can count on help with housing from the command;
  • in conclusion, a request for termination of the contract is expressed.

The report must be entered into the personal file of the subordinate. Next, a conversation with the leader. The unit commander issues an order based on which the dismissal of a soldier due to health reasons is carried out. The necessary information is entered in the workbook, after which the laid off payments are transferred to the dismissed employee. The work book indicates the reason for the termination of the contract, as well as the order number.

dismissal order

What are the benefits assigned to military personnel upon dismissal due to health reasons?

If a military contract is terminated for this reason, the former military may count on receiving the following payments:

  • lump-sum allowance, but only on condition that the dismissed person has continuous experience;
  • if the experience does not exceed 20 years, then the allowance is equal to twice the salary;
  • if a person has served more than 20 years, then he receives seven salaries;
  • compensation related to deterioration of health and retirement;
  • if after retiring a soldier does not retire, he receives a monthly payment from the state, the size of which depends on the length of service, for example, if the length of service is less than 15 years, then 40% of the salary is charged.

Most often with this method of dismissal, a soldier immediately becomes a pensioner, therefore, he receives good pension payments.

military service contract officer

How is compensation calculated?

When calculating compensation, the following points are taken into account:

  • amount of unpaid allowance for the last month of service;
  • duration of unused vacation;
  • sick leave pay;
  • bonuses paid to the employee.

If a serviceman immediately retires, then he can claim quite substantial monthly payments, since a disability pension is assigned, and for the first group the minimum payment is 14 thousand rubles, and if the second group is drawn up, then 7 thousand rubles are paid.

Other benefits

Before resigning from military service, an employee must check what payments and benefits he can apply for. The state offers the following preferences:

  • free travel in public transport;
  • treatment in state medical institutions is offered out of turn;
  • in some cities at the regional level, other preferences and concessions are offered.

To learn about the possibility of using these or those opportunities and benefits, it is necessary in the local registration of the region where the former military resides.

payments to military personnel upon dismissal due to health reasons

What rights are granted to dismissed military personnel?

If a soldier ceases service due to a deterioration in his health, then he may enjoy some unique privileges. These include:

  • he can submit an application on the basis of which housing is offered, but this is possible only if the contract military service exceeds 10 years;
  • if necessary, preparation is made for a pre-selected civilian profession, if health allows you to continue to work;
  • out of turn, the former military receives good vacancies at the labor exchange, and they depend on what kind of education a person received;
  • former military personnel have an increased pension, since when calculating it, allowances from seniority, which for each year vary from 50 to 85 percent, are taken into account;
  • if the military has served more than 20 years, then he receives compensation for the fees paid for land and property.

The dismissal procedure is considered a lengthy process requiring the preparation of certain documentation. The procedure for dismissal is established at the legislative level, and at the same time, the employee must really have a serious illness, which becomes an obstacle to further service.

When can a military retire?

Every soldier who can no longer cope with his service, thinks about the possibility of retirement. This is possible if the first or second disability group is registered. In this case, the former military receives a disability pension.

Additionally, after dismissal, you can go on a regular insurance pension, but only if the following conditions are met:

  • length of service is at least 20 years;
  • military age exceeds 45 years.

Additionally, if you have experience of more than 10 years, the military can count on receiving payments from the state intended for the purchase of housing. If a deterioration in health has led to dire consequences for a person, then he can draw up various social guarantees and receive security.

contractual military service

Dismissal Rules

If a soldier quits due to his state of health, then the following nuances are taken into account:

  • to receive various benefits and payments, it is necessary to prepare certain documentation confirming that the dismissal is carried out for compelled reasons;
  • the calculation is performed immediately after the order is issued by the unit commander;
  • a personal conversation with the commander is necessarily required;
  • The amount of payments depends on the severity of the identified disease or injury.

A soldier does not have the right to hide his illness from the commander, but he can continue to serve if the identified disease does not interfere with this process. The leadership of the unit has no right to force him to draw up a report.


If a serviceman has serious health problems that impede his further service, he will be dismissed. The procedure is performed on the basis of a report compiled by an employee.

After the termination of the contract, the due military allowances and compensations are calculated. He can retire subject to certain requirements, and there is also the opportunity to enjoy numerous benefits and preferences from the state.

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