
Adoption in the Perm Territory: where to start?

Unfortunately, not everyone can have children - about 5% of the population are infertile for genetic, anatomical, endocrine or immunological reasons. Almost 50 million couples cannot become parents, almost half of them have difficulties with the birth of their first child.

adoption in the Perm region

The main causes of infertility in Russia, doctors call problems with ovulation, endometriosis and other gynecological diseases. But often, even medicine cannot help. Then some couples turn to adoption services. In the Russian Federation there are 85 thousand children left without parental care. Statistics in recent years are improving, i.e. the number of orphans is declining. However, the positive processes are caused not at all by an increase in the number of adoptive parents, but by a decrease in the number of failures. To provide all children with parental care at the state level, various programs are being implemented.

Adoption is developing at the fastest pace in the Perm Territory - foster families are increasing payments, a school for future adoptive parents is operating, the project “Mom is Required” and several charitable organizations that are actively attracting volunteers. The rate of orphanhood in Perm is historically quite high, but today it is there that more children are adopted than in other regions of Russia.

Project “Mom is Required”

The best option for young couples from Perm who want to have a baby, but for some reason cannot do it the traditional way, is the project “Mom is Required”.

adoption of a child Perm region

What is the essence of the program? “Mom is Required” - a project to find people who want to adopt a child into the family. The program is designed for a long period of time. The main goal of the project is to help children in finding a family and attracting public attention to the problems of orphans and child care facilities. The project’s official website contains the most common questions raised by newly made parents, as well as questionnaires for children looking for a family (guardianship or adoption). Perm Territory (a data bank is available on the official website) offers potential adoptive parents more than fifty children of various ages.

For many children, the project “Mom is Required” is the last chance to find parents. The miracle that both kids and adolescents raised in day care centers furtively hopes for is not at all toys and gadgets, but a loving family. The last chance for happiness that children deserve is adoption (Perm Territory). "Children have to go home!" - this is the motto of the program "Mom is required."

Where to go to adopt a child

Adoption is always a fairly lengthy process. Significantly help people who have decided on adoption in the Perm region, the project "Mom is required." Where to start future adoptive parents? First of all, it is worth contacting the local guardianship authorities, which must issue an opinion on guardianship. With this conclusion, parents can turn to the curators of the “Mom's Required” project program or directly to the orphanage. There are many institutions where you can adopt a child. Perm Krai has 26 orphanages and more than 20 territorial departments of the Ministry of Social Development.

Child adoption process

After the advent of the project, adoption in the Perm Territory became much easier. Couples wishing to adopt a child are provided with all kinds of assistance in collecting the necessary papers. In addition, the population is actively informed about the problem of orphanhood, public attention is attracted in every way.

adoption Perm region databank

So, in the framework of the project “Mom is Required”, residents of the Perm Region will be able to:

  • learn how to arrange a child’s adoption or guardianship;
  • clarify the answers to all your questions;
  • get lists of necessary papers, recommendations on paperwork;
  • find out how and where to find information on adoption and guardianship issues.

It is very important to gain access to complete information that will help implement adoption in the Perm Territory. The databank of 2016 helped many kids find a family. Future foster parents will need an identity card and a conclusion from the guardianship authority about the possibility of individuals to be applicants for adoption of a child in the family.

Before meeting a child, you should talk with the head of the orphanage, a doctor and a social educator in order to find out as much information about the baby as possible. Then, during meetings with the child, future parents must make sure that it suits them. Of course, the child must also agree to the adoption of this particular couple.

adoption in the Perm region databank 2016

If future adoptive parents got along with the child and collected all the necessary documents, then there should not be any problems with the reception in the family.

Documents required for adoption

Adoption in the Perm Territory requires a number of documents, with the design of which the “Need a Mother” project can help parents. The list of documents required for adoption of a child includes such papers:

  • declaration of desire to become an adoptive parent;
  • short autobiography in free form;
  • a certificate of employment indicating salary and position;
  • a copy of the state of the personal bank account;
  • extract from the apartment (house) book;
  • proof of ownership of housing;
  • original certificate from internal affairs bodies;
  • the original medical certificate of the state of health of the one who wishes to adopt a child (form No. 542);
  • a copy and the original (for verification) of the marriage certificate or a copy of the divorce certificate (if the adoptive parent is not married);
  • when adopting a child by only one of the spouses, a statement is required expressing the consent of the other to the adoption.

The difference between adoption and guardianship

Guardianship and adoption are two completely different forms of placement of babies in the family. What is the difference? The main differences between the concepts can be expressed in the following paragraphs:

  • Guardianship involves raising a child to adulthood, and adoption confirms the status of a son or daughter.
  • The guardian provides the child, relying on financial assistance from the state, and the adoptive parent independently.
  • Guardianship can be issued in the department of guardianship, and adoption - only through the court.
  • Guardianship is monitored by specialists until the child reaches the age of majority, and adoption is only the first three years.

Advice for foster parents

To begin with, all potential adoptive parents, both couples and single, should go through a foster parents school or even visit a psychologist. Specialists will help to cope with all fears and doubts regarding adoption, as well as talk about possible conflict situations and tell you how to resolve them.

children adoption Perm region children should go home

If parenting is a novelty for a guardian, then you should read the literature on this topic. For those who are not sure of their willingness to raise a child on their own, there is a guest mode. This is an opportunity to visit the baby in the orphanage or take it to your weekend, perhaps even on vacation.

If the family nevertheless decided to adopt, then the first thing is to prepare the housing for the adoption of the child. And the point here is not only the arrangement of the nursery, perhaps for a comfortable stay you will have to buy a larger dining table or make a rearrangement in the living room. At first, the child will feel uncomfortable and hesitate to ask unnecessary questions, so you should shift all the things that he may need to where he can easily find them.

First meeting with a child

The first meeting is always important. It is at the first meeting that a person creates a general impression of himself, and a meeting with a child is no exception. Here are some simple rules from a specialist in family arrangements for children, Galina Sergeevna Krasnitskaya:

  • acquaintance is better spent on the territory of the child;
  • if the couple wants to adopt the baby, then you need to come together;
  • Do not immediately rush to the child, you need to give him a closer look at the visitors;
  • if you want to bring a gift, you definitely need to know in advance about the interests of the child;
  • don’t worry if the baby makes poor contact - this is normal (on the contrary, it’s worth considering if he meets too easily, because this may indicate a lack of attachment).

adoption in the Perm region a project is required mom

Following these rules, the family will probably be able to quickly establish relationships with the child. The main thing is to be honest and open with both the baby and the teenager, and over time, he will definitely fall in love with the foster family.

How else to help orphans

If people are not ready to raise a child, but still are eager to help orphans, there are other ways. For example, you can donate money to an orphanage, or even old but usable things. In addition, there is a charity «Sun circle» or fund «Bridge of love»who are always welcome to volunteers.

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