
Levels of Terrorist Threat by Color: Russian Classification

Terrorism is a serious threat to modern society. Humanity has long suffered from terrorists. But, unfortunately, the beginning of the XXI century was marked by a terrible and inhuman threat to society and human health. Today, terrorism is considered one of the most terrible and dangerous crimes. Its consequences are not only large-scale, but also monstrous. Bandits destroy material and spiritual values, spread fear and distrust among civilians, and hostility between religious and national groups.

To inform the public, terrorist danger levels by color were introduced.

Modern attacks

To intimidate civilians, militants use harsh methods of violence, instill fear, panic, and do not always voice demands and goals. So, for example, during the terrorist attacks in Beslan, in the metro, during the explosion of the Nevsky Express.

In 2004, on September 1, several million schoolchildren went to the school line, but no one could even imagine that the Beslan school in North Ossetia would be captured by terrorists and more than 1000 adults and children would be taken hostage.

Unfortunately, small children are increasingly becoming victims of terrorists. It is in this that the feature of modern terror is expressed - they are not interested in the status of the victim, but in their number.

terrorist danger levels by color

One of the functions of the state: protecting civilians

Due to the threat of numerous terrorist attacks, the state and society as a whole began to take measures to protect civilians from terrorism.

So, on June 14, 2012, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed one of the important documents, which was aimed at improving the anti-terrorist protection of the population, as well as timely reporting of threats and attacks by Russian citizens.

So the population of our country learned about the colors of the levels of terrorist danger.

Three colours

Thanks to the measures introduced, Russian citizens are informed about the level of terrorist danger declared in the city or in the whole country. Consider what are the levels of terrorist threat by color:

  • blue - the initial level is considered increased;
  • yellow - medium level, indicates a high level of threat of terrorism;
  • red - high level, critical level of danger.

Further in our article you will read the memo: "Levels of terrorist danger by colors."

One of these three levels is set for a period of not more than 15 days. In case of danger, the population will be immediately informed of the establishment, change or cancellation of the threat level. Notification is via the media. The levels of the terrorist threat in Russia are set by the colors of the regional anti-terrorist commissions.

colors of terrorist danger levels

Blue level setting

This level is established by the anti-terrorist commission with information that requires confirmation of the real threat of a terrorist act. In other words, the law enforcement authorities receive data on the possibility of a terrorist attack. However, data on the place and time remain unknown. The relevant authorities carry out actions to confirm or deny information about the impending incident. Between security services and commissions, an algorithm of actions is agreed. Passenger traffic is taken under special control, the population is notified of this danger level, but special actions are not required.

terrorist danger levels by color

Blue Level Precautions

Despite the fact that the Government and the Ministry of Defense do not require special actions from citizens of the state, the population should nevertheless:

  • inform family members and friends of the threat;
  • do not panic;
  • carry identity documents with you;
  • Do not lose sight of suspicious people and objects;
  • notify police and law enforcement officials about them;
  • in no case do not open suspicious objects yourself in the form of boxes, bags, toys, household appliances, etc .;
  • record the time and place of detection of these items;
  • try to protect the find from passers-by;
  • inform the police about a suspicious item;
  • wait for the arrival of the staff of the Ministry of Emergencies, AMIS, the police, etc .;
  • do not take bags, boxes and other items from strangers;
  • Do not leave personal belongings unattended, including baggage;
  • when in crowded places, determine the entrance and exit and sit near it;
  • if during the rest of the house information about the terrorist threat is received, then you should check the stairs, basements, attics, etc., if necessary, free them for easy access.

Actions of the authorities at the blue level

Firstly, in crowded places, a patrol is established. Secondly, they tighten control over the inspection procedure at airports, subways at bus and train stations, and so on. Thirdly, they conduct inspections and inspections of heat pipelines, energy systems, gas pipelines and other potential places for laying improvised explosive devices.

terrorist threat levels in Russia

Yellow setting

If the terrorist danger level is set to “yellow” in color, then this indicates that the threat data has been confirmed, but the time and place are still unknown.

In this case, an enhanced patrol of public places and streets is introduced. In medical organizations, an emergency situation is established. Passport control tightens the verification mode. Vehicle tracking is ongoing. The search authorities check the transport of oil and gas pipelines. EMERCOM employees are preparing the availability of places for people in temporary accommodation.

Yellow Precautions

The yellow level of terrorist threat in Russia is accompanied by additional actions by the civilian population:

  • keep ready documents and essentials in case of possible evacuation;
  • provide assistance to sick and senior citizens;
  • while indoors, turn off water, gas, electricity;
  • carry out housekeeping and porch;
  • to seal non-residential premises of houses;
  • check for emergency exits and stay as close to them as possible;
  • Do not visit crowded places;
  • Once in the crowd that bears you, do not go against the stream, and do not get out of it;
  • with a wave of panic, try to behave calmly.

terrorist threat levels by color

Yellow actions by authorities

Firstly, control over the procedure for registration and removal from it of a citizen of the Russian Federation is being strengthened. Control over foreign citizens and stateless people is respected. Secondly, the readiness of potential targets of a terrorist attack is checked. In these places, various scenarios and actions are being worked out to suppress, capture and save people.

Red setting

A critical level indicates that there is a danger that arises from confirmed information about an already committed terrorist attack. The level of terrorist danger in color "red" is introduced when the action has already been committed or there is information about the place and time of the terrorist act.

levels of terrorist threat by color as called

Critical Level Precautions

How to behave in a critical situation? There are many helpful tips in this section. Know them necessary. Performing simple steps will save your life.

If the level of terrorist danger by color "red" is entered, then:

  • In the case of active actions of the security forces, the civilian population should not be curious, it is forbidden to approach, run around, as the security forces can take you for a bandit.
  • During an explosion or shooting, you must lie down on the ground, hide behind a curb, a car, etc. Be sure to cover your head with your hands.
  • If there are children near you, then they must be closed with your body.
  • If shooting or an explosion begins when you are at home, the best shelter is a bathroom or other enclosed space such as a pantry. Here, a person will be able to lie on the floor and will not suffer in case of a rebound.
  • If you are in a crowd, then do not be distracted, do not bend, do not pick up what you have dropped. Try to keep your feet tight. If the crowd began to stampede and panic, then a person needs to get rid of objects such as bags and packages.
  • If you are in a crowded room, then try to move towards the exit, including the emergency. Remember that they are provided in each building.
  • You are entitled to return to the abandoned premises, but only after obtaining permission from those responsible for security.
  • If the terrorists seized the vehicle you are in, then try not to draw their attention to your person. Inspect the interior and note for yourself the safest places for shelter.
  • You must try to distract from what is happening, try to calm down by all means that do not attract attention to you.
  • If there is a terrorist near you, you must hide all jewelry, communications, cameras, it is strictly forbidden to look into the eyes of terrorists and move around the cabin.
  • Do not respond to the provocative behavior of terrorists, women cover their legs and head.
  • When the security service has launched an assault operation, the hostages should lie between the seats and seats of the vehicle.
  • You can leave the vehicle only after the command of the head of the security service, as the object can be mined.

Actions of the authorities at a critical level

If the level of terrorist danger by the color “red” is introduced, then the forces and means for conducting the counter-terrorist operation are brought into a state of alert. Nearby medical facilities are switching to emergency mode, and security and patrolling of facilities that may be of interest to terrorists are intensifying. At the same time, temporary accommodation centers for victims and people from remote sites and facilities are opening. Urgent measures are being taken to save the lives of people, protect property that was left unattended, and ensure the smooth operation of rescue services. Special services are repairing and preparing vehicles for evacuation, medical facilities are preparing to receive victims, mobile psychological assistance centers are opening, where work will be carried out with the victims of the terrorist attack and their relatives.

And the last measure is increased control over vehicles that leave the administrative borders of the subject of Russia, where the level of the terrorist threat is set by the colors you see in the photo. A special enhanced search is carried out using equipment that helps to detect weapons and other explosive and dangerous substances.

what are terrorist threat levels


So, we have learned what the levels of the terrorist threat are. We know who introduces them, when and for how long.

Similar practice with the establishment of color levels of terrorist threats is conducted in many states. She recommended herself exclusively on the positive side. The system was first developed in America, after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack.If you want to know what the colors of the terrorist threat are called by colors, then the answer is simple - there is no special term for this capacious name.

Remember that the goal of the state is to preserve the life of a citizen and ensure their safety. Let's hope that our country will never have to use them again! Long live world peace!

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