
HR management (advanced training). HR management performance assessment

All leading companies pay special attention to the development of HR processes. The psychology of a modern specialist is such that he cannot work effectively "from under the stick", the times of dictatorship by the leadership are gradually becoming a thing of the past. Modern personnel management is based on dialogue with the staff, improving working conditions and the development of various non-financial incentive programs.

Who is a Management Specialist

HR specialists are also called HR managers, which can be literally translated as “human resources manager”. HR includes the implementation of such functions as: recruitment (selection of candidates for vacancies), HR management, development and implementation of processes of adaptation of employees and training, certification of employees, referral to advanced training and retraining, development of a system of employee motivation, horizontal and vertical movement inside the company, sometimes establishing communication between departments, calculating the budget for personnel, the formation of a personnel reserve, etc. Such specific functions of personnel specialists as the improvement of the psychological climate in the team, conflict resolution, and others are also singled out. In large corporations, the personnel department is quite extensive and can include several dozens of specialists of different levels. As a rule, each of them performs 2-3 functions of the above in the team.

HR management

What skills an HR specialist should have

Obviously, the compilation of a list of professional competencies and personal qualities of an ideal specialist in personnel management depends on what specific functions he will perform. For example, the HR clerk should ideally know the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, be friends with the computer and be careful, while a recruiter needs to have the skills of a sales person, because he “sells” a vacancy to a candidate, be able to establish contacts, know the methods of evaluating candidates.

But there are common features that applicants for positions in the HR sphere should have:

  1. Knowledge of the basics of psychology, effective communication, the ability to conduct a dialogue and convey your point of view.
  2. Knowledge of assessment and selection methods.
  3. Knowledge of business and the sphere in which the company operates.
  4. Stress resistance.
  5. Experience working with people (you can from another field).
  6. Initiative.
  7. Analytic skills.

If we talk about education, then in addition to graduates of a specialized field, graduates of pedagogical and psychological faculties are often considered as effective managers.

HR management performance assessment

Suppose you have hired a seemingly perfect candidate. He went on an internship, began to create his own organization’s personnel management system. Your company has already carried out team building, sent a couple of specialists for recertification and increased the staff of specialists of a certain category.

personnel management effectiveness assessment

How to understand that all these innovations were necessary and in the future will be useful? For this, there is an assessment of the effectiveness of personnel management. It can be implemented in different ways, but after it is carried out, it will become clear to the organization’s leadership whether the costs of HR projects are paying off, whether there are any weaknesses in the personnel policy of the company and how to change them.

What to do if your company does not have such a business process as personnel management? Further training of the eychars themselves can help correct the situation.

Alarm bells

There are a number of signs in the work of the team, which indicate that the personnel department is not coping with its responsibilities. It:

  1. High turnover. There are professions in which turnover is considered commonplace, sellers, telephone operators, waiters and others quickly leave their jobs. But if line specialists and middle managers do not stay longer in your company for more than 1-2 years, this clearly indicates the need to change the personnel policy.
  2. A high percentage of non-probationers. Certain difficulties at the initial stage of taking up a post are an everyday occurrence, but if a newcomer to your team completely does not understand his functionality and makes serious mistakes, the question arises: who hired him?
  3. Lack of in-depth knowledge among employees. The level of knowledge depends on both natural intelligence and education. Nevertheless, motivating employees to self-study and implement a corporate training system is HR's task. If the company has effectively built personnel management, staff development is ongoing.
  4. The lengthy process of closing internal vacancies of the company and a significant percentage of those who did not accept your job offer. If people do not seek to work with you, it means that your HR personnel clearly do not have the proper skills.

organization personnel management system

If the company is lame in personnel management, further training of HR-s themselves will correct the situation.

Assessment Methods

There are several ways to evaluate the organization’s personnel management system:

  • Outsourcing It is conducted by external companies. Specialists of the invited service calculate the staff turnover, assess their competence, check the documentation for compliance with labor legislation, evaluate all instructions, regulations and provisions.
  • Internal assessment. It can be conducted through a general survey and in person. The management should know the opinion of employees about the team, corporate culture, atmosphere in the company, it is also important to understand the opinion (albeit subjective) of the heads of departments on the effectiveness of the HR department.
  • Assessment of achievements. Personnel policy, like any other, implies the presence of specific goals. It is necessary to evaluate their implementation and the time spent on it. The result will be expressed in simple numbers.
  • ROI The system of accounting for real profits from any event or project. The formula seems simple: (profit - expenses) / expenses x 100% = ROI. However, the real profit from team building, for example, is rather difficult to calculate. The result of many HR projects is psychological in nature, which is difficult to convey in numbers.

By choosing one of the verification methods, you will understand how personnel management is organized in your business.

HR Specialist


Modern business is changing very quickly. Any specialist should be able to learn, constantly develop their existing skills and learn new ones. This is especially important for an HR specialist because he manages people and groups - constantly changing resources. Each new generation of specialists requires changes in personnel policy. To successfully cope with their tasks, the personnel manager must have a lot of knowledge. Consider three options for obtaining knowledge in the field of HR.

advanced training courses personnel management


Many humanitarian faculties train specialists in human capital management. Students in this area study psychology, management, economics and post. Nevertheless, many specialists in the field of HR consider higher education insufficient to work in this area. Firstly, because many classical management theories developed abroad are difficult to apply in the context of the Russian business model.Secondly, higher education provides a lot of theory, but practically does not teach real skills.

Courses, trainings and seminars

This option is usually chosen by those who already have higher education in another specialty, but decided to move into the sphere of management.

The usefulness of the courses depends on the teachers who teach there. There are very good schools for managers in Russian cities. The only question is to find “those very” really useful continuing education courses. HR management requires serious training.

Who usually chooses trainings and seminars? Those who have already mastered personnel management. He simply considered it necessary to improve his skills for his professional growth. The advantage of such training is that at such meetings there is an opportunity to share experience with colleagues who are really practicing specialists. Of course, the benefits of training are almost 100% dependent on the speaker.

modern personnel management


In working with people, it is almost impossible to derive universal impact methods and formulas for enterprise success. The HR manager should be able to navigate according to the situation, evaluating the specific team that he has to influence, come up with his own interaction schemes and original solutions. In this area, more than in others, success is associated with personal qualities and personal experience. The best HR specialists live in a constant process of self-education, analyze their everyday decisions and share experiences with others. The experience of a personal mentor is practically indispensable in mastering such a profession. All companies with a wide HR department independently train their HR managers.

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