
Ability to observe subordination - servility or norms of behavior in a team?

Despite a lot of talk about equal partnership, subordination must be present in the relationship between the boss and the subordinate.

The concept of subordination

The word "subordination" is understood to mean the system of subordination of younger members of the team to senior seniors. In fact, this is a set of rules of conduct for subordinates. Naturally, now is not the Middle Ages, and to observe subordination - this does not mean that you need to bow to the boss who has approached or kiss his hands. A healthy relationship with the boss does not imply servility, but simply respectful attitude to him.

observe subordination

The task of the head

How subordinates relate to their leader depends largely on the behavior of the boss himself. In order for employees to comply with subordination, it is necessary to notify them of the accepted standards of behavior in a particular enterprise and establish a framework that cannot be violated. If the norms are not defined, then employees feel discomfort, do not know how to perceive what the boss says - as an order, a joke or a request.

if the subordinate does not observe subordination

How should a leader behave?

In order for an employee to be able and willing to observe subordination, the manager himself must adhere to certain rules of conduct:

  • in case of failure to fulfill the task by subordinates, the boss must indicate to him a slip so that no one has the feeling that they have forgotten about the set goal;
  • communication should not be any insult, criticism refers to actions in relation to work;
  • it is unacceptable to give subordinates personal advice;
  • subordinates need to praise and appreciate their work.

And most importantly - no fear or panic, otherwise the authority will be lost forever.

The problem of non-observance of subordination is more often encountered in companies where nepotism flourishes. At such an enterprise there are many “friends”, relatives, and friends. This fact sooner or later becomes the public domain, as a result, employees who are “short-footed” with their superiors irritate other subordinates.

what does it mean to observe subordination

Employee Conduct Rules

When concluding a labor contract, an employee assumes certain responsibilities. They relate not only to professional activities. Former applicant accepts the rules of conduct in a particular company.

The slave should behave correctly in the work environment and try to carry only positive emotions. His career growth largely depends on this. You should not allow a categorical tone during the discussion of problems, especially since you do not need to bypass the immediate superiors and contact a higher leader. In some companies, this behavior is considered an administrative violation and is punishable. You cannot give monosyllabic answers or advice to management.

Naturally, it is very important for employees to know what it means to observe subordination in a particular enterprise. It is clear that the company should have its own corporate charter. However, such a document is also not a guarantee that subordinates will behave tolerantly towards their leader. Often the problem lies with the boss himself, and then senior management should raise the question differently, it may be easier to fire this person.

employee does not respect subordination

Possible consequences of non-compliance with subordination

As a rule, if the subordinate does not observe subordination, but this has happened once or in an emergency, then the leader is limited to the remark.A negligent employee can be reminded that non-compliance with the rules may result in liability.

In the future, it is possible to apply the sanctions provided for by the Labor Code, namely:

  • reprimand, both verbally and with inclusion in a private matter;
  • dismissal.

Tips for a novice leader

If at last the work was evaluated and the employee was promoted to become the boss in his own department, his first days as a manager would not be without euphoria. In addition to new tasks, the newly appointed person will face a responsible task for building communications, and he will also need to teach his colleagues to observe subordination. Now, for the boss, it’s important not personal effectiveness, but the effectiveness of the entire department.

It is clear that all people react hard to changes in the structure, there is some tension in the team. If the world cannot resolve the conflict, then a full or partial change of team may be necessary.

The main thing in this situation is to remain calm and try to explain to subordinates that everything remains as before and the entire department is a single team. You can not succumb to the attacks of "star" disease, arrogance is the path to collapse. At the same time, one does not need to try to become a friend to everyone; there are no boss friends — either a leader or a friend.

In no case do you need to deal with previous offenders. The decision on dismissal should be based on the value of professionalism of each subordinate. It is also not recommended to immediately carry out reforms in your structural unit. Instant innovations are usually seen as devaluing all previously done work. Learn to delegate authority, now you do not need to try to do everything yourself. And most importantly - complete control over emotions. Excessive emotionality will be regarded as impotence, as a result of which the employee does not observe subordination, due to the helplessness of his boss.

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